Thursday, January 6, 2022



By David Leonhardt
New York Times

Today is the first anniversary of the violent attack on the Capitol, by a mob of Donald Trump’s supporters who were trying to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election. The mob smashed windows and threatened the vice president and members of Congress. Seven people died as a result of the attack, including three police officers.

The Jan. 6 attack was part of a larger anti-democracy movement in the U.S. In the year since, the movement — which is closely aligned with the Republican Party — has changed some laws and ousted election officials, with the aim of overturning future results. The movement’s supporters justify these actions with lies about voter fraud.

Encouraged by Trump, other Republican politicians and conservative media stars, the anti-democratic movement is following a playbook used by authoritarians in other countries, both recently and historically. The movement is trying to use existing democratic laws — on vote counting and election certification, for example — to unravel democracy.

“We are in a terrible situation in which one of two major parties is no longer committed to playing by democratic rules,” Steven Levitsky — a political scientist and co-author of “How Democracies Die” with his Harvard colleague Daniel Ziblatt — told me. “No other established Western democracy faces such a threat today, not this acutely anyway.”

(Related: “I fear for our democracy,” former President Jimmy Carter writes in Times Opinion.)

The experience of other countries does offer some lessons about how to defeat anti-democratic movements. The most successful approach involves building coalitions of people who disagree, often vehemently, on many issues but who all believe in democracy.

So far, more than 700 people have been charged with crimes, and that number continues to steadily grow. The FBI has estimated that 2,000 people may have been involved in the attack that day. Law enforcement has arrested alleged rioters in nearly all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia. 

The defendants appear to be largely white, though not entirely. Federal prosecutors say far-right militia members decked out in tactical gear rioted next to a county commissioner, a New York City sanitation worker, and a two-time Olympic gold medalist.

In public comments and court documents, the Justice Department has roughly put the cases into three categories: those who conspired over days, weeks and even months to attack the Capitol; those who allegedly violently attacked police, often with the use of weapons; and the remainder who breached the building as part of the mob, but did not commit other crimes. 54 defendants have been charged with conspiracy. And 187 defendants have been charged with violence.

So far, 173 people have pleaded guilty to one or more charges stemming from the riot. Judges have handed down sentences to 74 people. 45% of those people who have been sentenced received prison time. The average prison sentence across all defendants who pleaded guilty is 115 days. One defendant had his charges dismissed.


Anonymous said...

Total bullshit. It was an ordinary protest that got out of hand. Democrats are like the soccer players who fake injuries for a foul. If Trump runs and wins, all participants will be pardoned. Will all the valley democrats apologize to Trump for impeaching him on false charges invented by a corrupt Hillary Clinton operative? Juan should be a good Mexican and commemorate the epiphany on January 6th.

Anonymous said...

Only Libtards like yourself Montoya feel this way; GASOLINE was $1.70 a gallon under Trump MORON. So Montoya, you think we are better off at $3.00 a gallon for gas?! Meat prices have DOUBLED AND TRIPLED under Dementia Joe the Potato Head. You are just another stupid Mexican Montoya.

Anonymous said...

ANNIVERSARY of the European cockroaches climbing the White House. Following orders from el pendejetes their idol TRUMPUTO. RACIST REPUBLICANS HILLBILLYS

Anonymous said...

Most of these Republican losers cried in court.

So tough.

Tough as K-Y Jelly.

Anonymous said...

Really something how this all got out of control.
Trump and his Jerks still claiming election fraud in 2020, but a clean win for these idiots in 2016. There was no election fraud there.
Loss of life with no accountability?
Trump and his army of Dick Brains need to be held responsible.
No one is above the law.

Anonymous said...

What does CARLOS CASCOS have to say about this Republican Insurrection?

Our county judge candidate says he is a Republican.

Anonymous said...

Instigated by Donald Trump. He, Cheeto, should pay in court. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you elect a person (Trump) with no political experience whatsoever and has a history of being corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Whites at play.

Anonymous said...

pinches racistas republicanos mentirosos y mamones todos. that includdes los cocos mamones que se creen gringos...

Anonymous said...

What if is true?
What if is proven?
Was the election stolen?

Would this ragtag bunch of ruffians be called Patriots.

We are Nation of Rebellion, we would not be a Sovereign Nation with the many rebellions in our history.

What if they were right?

Anonymous said...

Ex-Trumpers set to plot how to try and take down Trump

Those involved include Stephanie Grisham, Miles Taylor, Diego Lee Rot, Olivia Troye and Anthony Scaramucci.

Anonymous said...

How much more goddamn clear cut an issue can this be? Can we have some damned JUSTICE now please?

Anonymous said...

The people calling Joe Biden names, saying how great we had it with Trump, I just suggest you READ MEIN KAMPF, is that what you really want our country to become? Or is that what we really are as a country? Our grandparents fought against that so our own home grown have forgotten their sacrifice. When 45 took office, 44 had economy, gasoline under control (low), never got proper credit for it, 45 took gains that 44 had ACCOMPLISHED and said they were his (as always stealing from others), we have high prices, and relatively LOW gasoline prices (California is $7 dlls) because we are an oil producing state; GNP, supply and demand, right wing politicians have really put not pebbles but rocks on the path of those who really want to help the little guy . We have become a society of insults, of violence, of name calling and lets just look at all events after 44 left office to see WHO are the ones doing all those actions of negative, toxic control.

Anonymous said...

Stolen elections? Really? Georgia, find me 11k votes, who's the cheater? Dosen't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Totally corrupt.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the Russian Collusion? Democrats no longer talk about that. They stick to the January 6 story to have to avoid talking about all the damage Biden has done to our country.

Anonymous said...

Puros llorones llorar y llorar y llorar

Anonymous said...

Russian collusion? It was more than that. Trump totally bent over for Putin giving him EVERYTHING he wanted. Donald is Vlad's personal turd.

Anonymous said...

I can see things from your point of view but people most people here do not know about Mien Kampf. Sad to state "que la mayor is esta bien tapada y por gusto.

Anonymous said...

January 7, 2022 at 9:00 PM

Y tu muy guapo? idiota el tapon eres tu speak for yourself guey

Anonymous said...

Biden's biggest victory HE BEAT trumputo Hahahahahaaaa ha y bien y bonito kicked his cheetos ass

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pinches pale mulatos racist republicans and hillbillys hahahahahaha hahahaha ha

Anonymous said...

Pinches pale mestizos
