Wednesday, January 12, 2022




Anonymous said...

I am confused on why this needed to be posted? Why is the number shown? Is it a government number or a private number? The test was not a DNA test. I am not sure, how this was posted that you could use a SLAPP defense if you got sued over what was published.

Anonymous said...

Damn....sherriff fell to a badge bunny right out the gate. Is he aleady married? Its cheaper to keep her.....ROOKIE!

Anonymous said...

I heard that someone in Cameron County was trying to make it look like someone else got a woman pregnant too. I also heard that guy had a vasectomy. If the latter is true, then it was always pure slander… DNA tests matter. Is there any nexus to the government that can actually be proven?

Anonymous said...

I wonder who’s pregnant. Is it captain Rodriguez or is it Eddie Guerra.

Anonymous said...

Imagine running around like a flock of fool spreading chisme that can’t be supported. Imagine doing it to deflect from their own criminal acts? The picture of the RGV

Anonymous said...

Cojelon el vato!

Anonymous said...

Macho Love - cowards, losers and no-accounts.

Typical Brownsville Mexican, in other words.

Anonymous said...

Man up! Eric your wife will be fine. She can be the godmother and stepmother at the same time. This is what people in law enforcement do. Border patrol are rapists. That is no lie. Get girls pregnant and brag. Eric Garza and Jonathan Gracia brag all-day about there girlfriends. Another thing to brag about is child support. It gets better with time. 11 years, I pay 1498.00 a month for 3 to my x. So 20% for 1 you did good. And add 5% more for each child after that. So after divorce you will be paying 30%. Good job. And you are making changes alright, DIAPERS.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Gracia girlfriends are going public about little man Jonathan, he cannot reach the hole standing up. Sorry cuñado.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he'll divorce his wife and marry the girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Love is such a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

Alamo, wow child support for 22 years now if kid goes to college not 18 like in the past. it adds up sheriff, even if you are voted out you still got to pay.

Anonymous said...

Another bastard child. Welcome Little bastard….

Anonymous said...

8:17 am.
Yes he had a vasectomy, after he found out she was pregnant. DNA!

Anonymous said...

Poor girl. Keeping the baby ain't gonna make him change his mind and stay with you. When men say they don't want it they mean it! Some lessons are only learned the hard way.

Anonymous said...

Her name is Jessica Garcia from Weslacl

Anonymous said...

What a SOAB

Anonymous said...

Well now, let's welcome a new child to the world.

Anonymous said...

I bet Jonaton is all heartbroken

Anonymous said...

This is the same girl Garza was taking to clubs in Mcallen in the county vehicle...there is videos

Anonymous said...

They need to keep Capt Dumb 104 quiet! He keeps telling this guy's secrets

Anonymous said...

Screenshoting this in case the sheriff needs it to sue Juan Montoya

Anonymous said...

AB got caught with bundle of Marijuana near the river, there is a reason why he can't testify in fed court

Anonymous said...

Texas sheriff under investigation for routinely seizing cash from undocumented immigrants
WOW UNBELIEVABLE they all should be investigated including you know WHO!!!

Anonymous said...

Median household income: $36,342 (state: $64,034)

Poverty rate: 38.1% (state: 13.6%)

This border city — is connected by bridge to the Mexican city — has the highest poverty rate on this list, at nearly four in 10 people.

Poverty levels are strongest in Texas along its border with Mexico, says The Texas Tribune.the County, where it is located, also has a high concentration of child poverty, with 45.5% living below the line.

Only about 13% of adult population holds a bachelor’s degree, compared to the state rate of close to 31%.

Gracias pinche enano

Anonymous said...

The Texas Politics Project
County Poverty Rate
Cameron, TX 34.7
Hidalgo, TX 34.3
El Paso, TX 28.7
Bronx, NY 27.1

Higher is worst idiotas!

Anonymous said...

Pobre Sheriffe nada me sale bien

Anonymous said...

Who cares!

The ugly should not have sex. It only brings ugly babies.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Sheriffe!

Anonymous said...

What a shame. Back to the old administration. Useless like the Reyna's. And Javier wants to be a J.P. jajaja

Anonymous said...

You have to thank the Sucios Lucio for our poverty rate. The highest in the nation. They did zero for the valley. Sickness will follow them and there family.

Anonymous said...

UNPlanned Parenthood. Better slip a plan B pill in her food or drink.

Anonymous said...

jaja show the DNA test..

“Anonymous said...
8:17 am.
Yes he had a vasectomy, after he found out she was pregnant. DNA!

January 12, 2022 at 10:37 AM

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal so maybe the Sheriff could reach out to him for advice.

Anonymous said...

No glove no love!"she ain't talking to broke ni**er" lol

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Daddy!

Anonymous said...

You don't sue if it's true.
I take it back. You can sue but what's the use. Is he suing if it's true?
With all your legal knowledge do you happen to work for the District Attorney?

Anonymous said...

Si, first he's gay.. now he's a womanizer.. what is it? The money you're getting paid from Javier Reynas friend is that worth it?

Anonymous said...

Pinche Pendejo Sheriff! Next time fuk ese guey half coco transgender retard mutt! Ese jotito can't get pregnant! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

January 13, 2022 at 8:32 AM
Pinche hillbilly coco wanna be white trash can diver racist republican trump lover go back to your closet nobody called your ass MARICON.

Anonymous said...

Let’s throw a diaper party saca el jale from the evidence room!

Anonymous said...

What you Expect from CHIEF Felix Sauceda-Bernal an ex-Cheerleader, To be a great Chief??? Lmao!!!

Anonymous said...

No shit!!! I supported CHIEF Felix Sauceda and now I understand why absolutely none of the older Officers supported the guy... A complete loser and terrible Chief..

Anonymous said...

We told you...CHIEF Felix Sauceda-Bernal is truly the worst Chief ever!!!

Anonymous said...

CHIEF Felix Sauceda-Bernal has lost total control of the Police Department..

Anonymous said...

I agree the department is in Chaos with such a terrible CHIEF Felix Sauceda-Bernal who rather bake brownies for Men of other agencies than run his own department. Truly #worstchiefever..

Anonymous said...

Mama el chief joto

Anonymous said...

Have you seen his FB posts. We now reside in Garza County. Now, that is power.

Former RGV LEO said...

So, is Robert Gracia going to contribute $30K to be godfather?

Anonymous said...

@ January 13, 2022 at 12:54 PM

Ay hijo que pena lo que te ha pasado con tu nuevo jefe. Como padre y abuelo todo lo que puedo aconsejar  es atate los huevos y ponerte a trabajar. Las carreras bien pagadas como la tuya son difíciles de conseguir y tirando patadas de ahogado en un blog no hará que sea mejor. Estoy seguro de que si estuvieras quejándote de tu trabajo en el mundo real, te habrían despedido o te habrían pateado el fundio. La envidia es una enfermedad; espero que te mejores.

Anonymous said...

January 15, 2022 at 7:30 PM

English please this is not mexico pinche mojado...

Anonymous said...

El Nuevo Jefe de Policia Felix Sauceda es

Anonymous said...

CHIEF FELIX SAUCEDA-BERNAL places Officers that have been calling in sick on a special eight hour night shift with Tuesday and Wednesday off as punishment. Even if you have doctors excuses..even one officer who has special needs children and doctors excuses for everyday wa.s places on that special punishment shift!
And the BPOA doing nothing but taking it up the a**...

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal innovative leadership creates a punishment shift for Officers who have been calling in sick...way to go Chief Sauceda-Bernal your an idiot!

Anonymous said...

1:22 pm. Dumbass.
Here the translation. You suck, swallow, breathe and gargle at the same time. You are a cheap public toilet.

Anonymous said...

@ worstchief

Your hatred and inability to move on has allowed someone else to take grip of your life to the extent that it has consumed and defined you.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the wife knows, what an embarrassment for her. Shame on you Eric!!

Anonymous said...

@ January 17, 2022 at 6:37 PM

Hey pos ponganse a chambear putos. No where else do they pay you to be calling sick all the time y que no te den una calentada! Pinches chotas cry babies. Y el cop con child care issues sorry but not the only one in the world. His better half should help take care of the kids too. Se le pelo la wife con otro vato? How can it be the departments fault? No mamen.
