Monday, January 17, 2022


We have received the news that longtime Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio died this morning.
The sheriff, 87, was dealing with complications with cancer and had recently been treated for a fall that injured his head. Initial reports indicate that he suffered a cardiac event.

Lucio was born in San Benito, Texas where he and his wife, Nena made their home. They were the proud parents of four (4) daughters; and one (1) son. They were also the proud grandparents of eleven (11) grandchildren, six (6) boys and five (5) girls.

Before beginning his 15-year stint as a sheriff (and a combined 60 years as a lawman), he started his law enforcement career in Harlingen, Texas. He received a double major degree from Pan American University; a degree in Criminal Justice and a degree in Sociology. He was a graduate of the FBI Academy.

Up until beginning his term in January 2005 as sheriff, he served as Chief of Police for the City of Mercedes. He also served as Captain of Police for the City of Harlingen. He was a member of the National Sheriff’s Association and the Texas Sheriff’s Association. Aside from being a dedicated lawman, Sheriff Lucio was actively involved in professional and civic organizations.

After he left office, he and his chief deputy Gus Reyna were hired by Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez as deputy constables. Reyna was also recently hospitalized  with an unspecified illness.

Sheriff Lucio was first elected to a four year term in January of 1997. After a successful campaign, he was elected to serve a full four-year term in November 2004 and began his term on January 1, 2005. 

Lucio called his employees the “backbone” of running a respectful and professional department. His motto was always to be a “humble, public servant."

Condolences to his family and may peace be with him and them.


Anonymous said...

No one gets out of this alive, Montoya.

No one.

Who next?

Anonymous said...

Dedicated to his family. San Bene.

Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace

Anonymous said...

I thought it sucked being a Saints fan but just imagine being a Cowboys fan 🤣🤣

(Southmost, te llegan chingasos)

Anonymous said...

No need to say peace be with him; he's dead.


Anonymous said...

A kind, wonderful person. Definitely a role model for a lot of people. God Bless you Omar Lucio.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the guy in your photo looks like Ronnie Zamora, who also died the other day.

Anonymous said...

My heartfelt condolences to the Sheriff and his family. A public servant that served his community with honor and distinction. Godspeed Sheriff.

Carlos Cascos

Anonymous said...

Omar Lucio endorsed a Republican in the most recent sheriff's election.


Anonymous said...

Descanse en paz, RIP Sheriff Omar Lucio

Anonymous said...

He was a humble man. Always kind. He will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace, my friend.

Anonymous said...

9:59am. Dumbass.

Anonymous said...

True Democrat! No como los que están corriendo ahorita. Puros Dinos! RIP Sheriff Lucio! Que su dios lo tenga en la santa gloria!

Anonymous said...

@11:47 AM

Well, if he doesn't have peace with God going in, he's going down below.

Anonymous said...

New candidate for county judge:

Carlos Costco

ja ja ja ja


Anonymous said...

He was a sour grapes who lost an election. He was never sincere and believed blindedly what the Reynas would tell him even the lies. Reynas would speak of him horribly ofcourse behind his back. And now they want to use his passing for political gain. Always using others.. sad.

Anonymous said...

Rip sir…

Anonymous said...

Who cares about him enforcing a Republican? Seriously Erik you need to perhaps be half the human sheriff Lucio was. How about you concentrate on your fiasco of a life, and let the sheriff Rest In Peace. Looser. FYI shave! You look disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Sing it Freddy...Hey hey hey, another one bites the dust...Macho macho man, all I wanna be is a macho man!

Mike Rivas Jr said...

Great person to have worked for. For a lot of Yrs. Have some Respect people, We're are human and waiting our turn to Pass on. PLEASE:

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace, Sherriff.

Anonymous said...

87 years old that's a long life. It's good that he is resting.

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2022 at 10:35 AM

Soooooo you are happy with your choice.

Stay right where you are we need more sheeple just like you.


Anonymous said...

Sad news.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You were a great Sheriff and more importantly a good man..RIP 🙏 Sheriff your watch is over...god bless you..

Anonymous said...

12:30 pm. Dumbass.
You are smart. I am sure your mother told you, if you have nothing good to say, shut up or down. You gave your mother more problems, instead of happy times.

Anonymous said...

I met him at a time when most men retire. He was an avid hiker and met the PCT,AT, CDT, Pyrenees and French and Swiss Alps well into his 80’s. Never had a bad thing to say about anyone and always looked for the best in everyone. He made time to make sure everyone in the room was comfortable. He was everyone’s favorite uncle, compadre, surrogate father, and consummate friend.

He was my friend when my parents passed away and only a kind word and reassurance would suffice and he followed up to make sure we were not alone.

I’ve seen that same nature when he responded to a call in the middle of the night when a family’s mobile home was ablaze and it was his priority to make sure everything would be ok before he went home.

Omar Lucio is one of a kind. Thank you Lucio family for sharing your remarkable Patriarch.

I’ll miss you Sheriff…….

Anonymous said...

He was no hero... he only did his job and got paid for it. A man becomes iconic when he performs extraordinary deeds... he did none. No doubt, a nice person and may he rest in peace

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2022 at 5:53 AM

Y tu quien eres para insultar eres un mamon lambiscon hopefully you might NOT REST IN PEACE guey

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2022 at 12:30 PM

Shades of el baboso current wanna be chrife but NEVER will

Anonymous said...

Now he's got a front row view of las pendejadas que hace el nuevo y estupido cherife. Couldn't get any better. SIGELE PENDEJO CHERIFE con tus mamadas it will end very sooooooon.....

Anonymous said...

11: 47. Thx for the kind words... is that the same mouth you eat with... you some like or a highly educated person

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2022 at 5:53 AM y January 20, 2022 at 11:20 AM

When you die people will make comments similar to yours and that your family will appreciate pay back is a mother ******. IDIOTA!!

Anonymous said...

8:34 am. It sounds like you were one of Lucio’s puppets... he was no angel... he was a sinner like me and you

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2022 at 12:39 PM January 19, 2022 at 5:53 AM y January 20, 2022 at 11:20 AM

As an elected official, which I am not, he should act as a professional, which he did not. So I take it that you are an elected official and you agree to what he did. Animals act accordingly they have no human dignity so you and your buddy acted accordingly LIKE AN ANIMAL!

Anonymous said...

A lot of cherife mamones aqui. I wonder why? Its hard to find a good jot now a days. I would NEVER MAMAR for ANY job, but not all people are alike. BOLA DE MAMONES!!!
Your hour of commenting on this blog is up NOW GET BACK TO WORK MAMONES

Anonymous said...

8 27 am. You sound very angry... you need to attend anger management classes and take the Lucio family with you

Anonymous said...

He looks like a REAL SHERIFF OF TEXAS not a pip·squeak

Anonymous said...

8 24 am ... yes he looked the part .... but as a law enforcement officer he was worthless
