Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Funny for the day: Ruben O'Bell to be appointed to replace Eddie Lucio III as District 38 of the Texas House of Representatives.

Have you heard this? 

It seems that O'Bell, now Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. Chief of Staff, has been overheard  going around telling campaign workers that he will be appointed to replace Lucio III upon the state rep's announcement that he would not run for reelection. His father, Eddie Lucio Jr., also announced he would not run for reelection.

That would be news except for one thing, no one, not even the governor, is allowed to appoint anyone to serve the remaining of Lucio's unexpired term. Instead, the Texas Election Code calls for a special election to finish the term.

Sec. 203.002. VACANCY FILLED AT SPECIAL ELECTION. An unexpired term in office may be filled only by a special election in accordance with this chapter.

The Texas Tribune reported that: 
"State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, D-Brownsville, is stepping down early after already announcing he would not seek reelection.

Lucio sent a letter to Gov. Gregg Abbott dated Friday that said his resignation will be effective Jan. 31. That sets up a potential special election to finish his term, though whoever wins would only serve for a short time and would not be able to compete for a full term because the filing deadline has already passed for the November election.

Lucio announced in October he would be not be running for reelection, saying he was looking forward to starting "this next chapter in my life with a focus on family, friends, and business." 

His resignation letter did not provide a reason for his early exit, and he declined to comment further than the letter."

But with only two candidates in the Democratic primary and none on the Republican side, it is likely that whoever wins in March will be able to step in and finish the term and start their own on January 2022.

But we have the slight suspicion that it will not be O'Bell.


Anonymous said...

RATAS FOLLOW RATAS its that simple

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He can't reach to wipe his ass. Publicity. He just wants to collect a check. Go home with Lucio. Your useless just like your Lucio rep.

Anonymous said...

In the days of Kings, someone’s wealth was attributed to their size. If O’Bell lived in those days, he would be considered a millionaire.

Reuben for World Leader said...

Ruben knows where ALL the bodies are buried, so they may let him play important for a little while if he will sing for the Feds??
He’s a legend in his own mind!

Anonymous said...

Ruben O Bell is helping Luis Villarreal with his campaign for 37th. Ruben O Bell also is supporting Morgan La Mantia and supported Eric Garza for Sheriff. So is Ruben O Bell also supporting Jonathan Gracia for 38th?

Why doesn’t Ruben run instead of hiding behind candidates? He would rather work the dirt behind the scenes and pull another Sylvia Atkinson on somebody. Stay away from Ruben !

Anonymous said...

That is funny. Joke of the year. Thank God he is leaving early. He looks sick.

Anonymous said...

Pinché jotito at the podium. And nobody in the audience. Rumors have it, the wife is not happy.

Anonymous said...

Que lastima los finance reports Juan! Puro DINOs. Hay falsos profetas. Como decian en las calles del barrio, dime con quien te juntas y te dire quien eres!

Anonymous said...

Ruben "Buffetluvr" O'Bell can find the trough blind-folded just like his mentors the Sucio's.

Anonymous said...

The word "slight" and taco O-Bell should never be used in the same sentence.

Anonymous said...

DINO Lucio's, you don't seize to shock me with the moves you make and how often have you ever swung by the Southmost area? Maybe when you needed votes? This woman La Mantia probably never heard of Brownsville, much less Southmost. Lucio's at it again trying to make big bucks along the way. Brownsville get ready for a high profile political pachanga along with all the beer you can drink. Will police and DPS be waiting to arrest all DWI Cases? Nah !!
