Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

And this year's Mr. (or is it Ms.?) Amigo for 2022 is (drum roll...) Bianca Marroquin, a stage, film and television actress that became known for her role in the Esperanza del Corazón novela. 

The official announcement will be made at 12 p.m. Thursday at the Central Plaza located inside the ITEC Center of Texas Southmost College.

Born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Marroquin grew up in Matamoros and attended St. Joseph Academy in Brownsville and the Juan Burgos Dance Academy before returning to technical school in Monterrey where she majored in communications.

She then moved to New York where she played in various stage productions, until Televisa picked her up.

She had previously been considered to be Mr. Amigo for 2014, but the $40,000 she demanded was too much for the board of the Mr. Amigo Association, who turned instead to actor writer/producer Juan Osorio, another actor in the Televisa stable.
Sources say that this time she was willing to take $10,000, but that she has the final say in what events she will attend.

"All we know is that she won't attend all the days or events," said an insider. "She will not attend the full Charro Days schedule. That was another of her conditions to attend."

Marroquin also required that the formal invite not be made at Mexico City's Secretraria de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) and will be held in an as-of-yet undisclosed location to be announced later.

If her resume looks a bit underwhelming, it's still better than 2018's  Arturo Elias Ayub
whose claim to fame was that he had married one of Carlos Slim Helú's daughters. Slim is a Mexican telecoms magnate, investor and philanthropist, and Mexico's richest man.

Ayub also decided not to participate in the Charro Days parade and left before Charro Days was over to see the Mexican Tennis Open in Acapulco in his private jet. That open is held annually in late February at the Fairmont Acapulco Princess in Acapulco, Mexico.


Anonymous said...

Que, no encontraron una mas fea?

Tiene la boca de el boxeador Lupe Pintor!

Anonymous said...

Another let down by the Mr. Amigo Organization. They will never learn. If I was a “celebrity” I would not want to be dragged around to stupid events either.

Anonymous said...

President Joe Biden should nominate Kamala Harris as replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice Breyer.

Move her over and name a new Vice-President, someone younger who will help in 2024 - like Tom Brady.

Anonymous said...

Her chin looks like my dick.

Anonymous said...

I wanted Juan Montoya to be Mr. Amigo.... maybe next year...if we are alive.

Juan Montoya: establishes links between Mexico and the USA.

he is well known in both countries

He has many followers.
He is handsome.
He knows many people.
He is from Brownsville, but knows Matamoros and Mexico.

Perfect Candidate.

Anonymous said...

Puro leftovers that my dog won't even lick. Why oh Why is Mr. Amigo even still around? Everyone in that organization suck big time. Ever since Arturo Trevinio from Los Trevis was president of Mr. Amigo, Mr. Amigo has been going downhill. Arturo Trevinio and Yesenia Patinio ruined Mr. Amigo. Greedy Bastards.

Anonymous said...

Why bother bringing them, if they don't want to come or be here? And she used to live in Brownsville.

Mr. Amigo Assoc. is dead. They haven't brought anyone famous nor relevant in years.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is she going buy a bunch of bikes for the mojados, if not fuck it.

Anonymous said...

Might as well bring el negro de Brownsville. Yes, the guy that gets naked in the middle of the expressway and Ruben Torres. That guy is better known than this Hoe
from St. Joe!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bianca is one of the very few Browntown success stories. But that’s not saying much. I think it was Veronica Castro who was Mr Amigo a long while back in the 80’s. She hated Brownsville and the Mr. Amigo people so much that she locked herself in her jacuzzi suite at Ft. Brown and refused to come out. LoL. Mr. Amigo association and boring charro days should just go away.

Anonymous said...

January 26, 2022 at 1:39 PM

Idiota, tom brady is older than trumputo, guey

Anonymous said...

How uninformed can one person be to write such drivel? Do your research before belittling her accomplishments. Those ‘various stage productions in New York you reference….is an ignorant way to recognize a 20 year career on Broadway spanning leading roles in West Side Story, Chicago, and others. That woman won the HelenHayes Award and happens to be the first and only Mexican woman to ever lead a Broadway production. She’s an impressive and admirable woman from Matamoros / Brownsville to be celebrated, not dragged down by some uniformed writer. Shameful!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to see Tito dressed as a Charro wearing a tight shirt.

Anonymous said...

One of their board members couldn't keep their mouth shut. How can they even afford the Corolla office?
Ever since Arturo Trevino was President
The Mr. Amigo Association went to shit.

Anonymous said...

And who TF is this lady? Never heard from her in my entire life and that's cause I grew up watching novelas with my mom. This is fuckn ridiculous. Todavia se pone sus moños y nadie sabe quien chingados es. Ni ella es para tanto ni nosotros para tan poco. Still has the nerve to put restrictions on what events to attend. Vieja pedorra

Anonymous said...

Juan is handsome if Blimp is handsome.

Puro Mex, ese guey.

Hasta habla como mojarra!!!

Anonymous said...

She looks like a ‘Rican, Puertorican.

Anonymous said...

Lo que pasa, es que eres maricon.

Anonymous said...

Let's get Kamala Harris for Mrs. Amiga this year! So she can then say she visited the border🤣 Better yet, lets get mushy brain Biden as Mr.Amigo! So that all the illegals can come to the parades,and thank him for all the freebies the government has given them🤣

Anonymous said...

Esa ruca fea looks like a tranny como ese guey half coco transgender dumpster rat! No sean hermanas? Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

@ 3:01 PM Yep, SMALL!!! Jajajajajaja

Anonymous said...

Gone are the days when Vicente Fernandez, Jose Jose, Juan Gabriel were brought as Mr. Amigo. Gone are the days when a politician like Jorge Cardenas were Mr. Amigo, admired and respected on both sides of the border. When Brownsville politicians became greedy, Mcallen took the reigns and Charro Days went to the dogs. The last 2 or 3 local administrations have NO VISION but to their own; same goes to other entities such as the school district. I base my opinion not on personal likes or dislikes of individuals but on no cultural activities for the general public (and they want to build an arena), streets with potholes, lights not functioning, superintendent and board members of school district not being able to solve education problems, taxes rising, no show of improvements, our mayor promised too much and delivered NOTHING. Marroquin is a good actress, a good singer, but she is NO Paquita la del Barrio (del pueblo), she is no Belinda, Nodal, Julion Alvarez. I am not saying I like those people, what I am saying is that those people are better known to the generation X, milenials and even some older folks like me but maybe they are NOT interested in coming to a rundown town that had their best days 20 or 30 yrs ago.

Anonymous said...

That announcement looks like its a copy and paste job. How much did el pinche gringo charged Charro Ass another million?

Anonymous said...

@January 26, 2022 at 10:11 PM
Hold down Arturo Trevino Don't get mad Bro.......

Anonymous said...

You pay the person selected to be Mr. Amigo?? First, what is the purpose of this Mr. Amigo title? Is it to recognize someone that has done things beneficial to Brownsville and thus are being recognized with the title? Or is it just some vacuous meaningless pomp and circumstance way to being someone famous to headline Charro Days? Utterly ridiculous. No vision. No focus. No mission. No purpose. This is a joke.

Anonymous said...

@January 28, 2022 at 10:30 AM
Seriously? Do you think Arturo Trevino can write this?
How uninformed can one person be to write such drivel? Do your research before belittling her accomplishments. Those ‘various stage productions in New York you reference….is an ignorant way to recognize a 20 year career on Broadway spanning leading roles in West Side Story, Chicago, and others. That woman won the HelenHayes Award and happens to be the first and only Mexican woman to ever lead a Broadway production. She’s an impressive and admirable woman from Matamoros / Brownsville to be celebrated, not dragged down by some uniformed writer. Shameful!!!
Arturo doesn't even know his name!! Lol

Anonymous said...

She attended Joseph Academy at NO COST while me and you paid for it via taxes. She’s a great example of a MEXICAN COCKROACH sucking off American taxpayers! And of course the Rectum of Texas, Brownsville, embraces this insect.

Anonymous said...

Creepy pedo Joe Biden wants to know the time and date of the Charro's Day children parade! It's the only way this pinche vegetable will visit the border! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lady , don't pretend you're doing us a favor, you already got paid up front. You wouldn't have come to Brownsville if you didn't get some mula.
