Tuesday, January 25, 2022


New York Times


Anonymous said...

That's important enough to push sensible moderate Democrats to vote Republican. Arrogant Democrats who tell parents that they have no say in their children's education will give Republicans a victory in November.

Anonymous said...

“Distant -Learning” is a myth and a lie in the RGV. For example, half the student population (50%) in Houston won’t even turn on the fucking computer in the morning that was GIVEN TO THEM! Furthermore, there is not one elementary student on the planet that has the SELF-DISCIPLINE to work without supervision. In addition, most of the parents in the RGV can’t even do 8th grade Math or Language. We are witnessing the coming generation of MORONS. We are witnessing the slow death of brick and mortar public schools.

Anonymous said...

SCARY! We're gonna get old, and this generation of MORONS are gonna or supposed to take care of us. SCARY!!!


Anonymous said...

So dems support virtual learning (65%), but worry about its negative effects (72%).

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2022 at 10:46 AM
racist republicans and red-ass at that will never win unless you want putin to run this country think about it trump/putin ticket

Anonymous said...

On November 12, 1954, Ellis Island, the gateway to America, shuts it doors after processing more than 12 million immigrants since opening in 1892. Not all immigrants who sailed into New York had to go through Ellis Island
The Rio Grand Rio of cockroach european whites. 40% of the population now had relatives that cross the ocean to Ellis Island.
A majority of them crossing over were released from cockroach european prisons. The majority were sent here and others were sent to Australia.
