Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Visitation will be held on Wednesday, January 19, 2022, from 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm at Trinity Funeral Chapel and will continue at the Harlingen Convention Center, 701 Harlingen Heights Dr., from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm with a prayer service of the Holy Rosary to begin at 7:00 pm.

Funeral Mass will be held on Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 11:00 am at St. Anthony Catholic Church. Interment will follow at Mont Meta Memorial Park Cemetery in San Benito, Texas.

Arrangements are under the direction of Trinity at Harrison Funeral Home, 1002 East Harrison Ave. Harlingen, TX 78550.


Anonymous said...

May he go where the Lord wants him to go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Word comes that Republican Donald Trump can't sleep at night. He is said to be over-anxious at the prospect of being challenged for the racist party's 2024 presidential nomination.

"He's an absolute wreck," said an insider. "He could snap at any moment. It is that sensitive." Trump cannot bring himself to believe taht he will be challenged.

That challenger, it seems, is equally-nuts Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is also said to be seeing a fortune teller in Miami and having his tea leaves read on a nightly basis. Both see ghosts in their brief sleep, DeSantis a full believer because he says a mind reader told him his wife had cancer.

She does.

Anonymous said...

Florida GOP Gov Ron DeSantis Wants to Ban Making White People Feel ‘Discomfort’ About Racism

The “Individual Freedom” bill would ban making people feel “discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race.”

Ha ha ha aha ha ha.



Anonymous said...

You die because your time is up, and God knows you have nothing else to offer humanity. Accept it in the same way you accept the end of a rollercoaster ride at Six flags Over Texas.

(Eh, Apa, se acabo el ride.)

Anonymous said...

Do they shave you at the funeral home?

Anonymous said...

Does he get to take all the money he stole from jail commissary and shady deals over the years?? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

You will be next to find out.

Anonymous said...

What in the f@@@k is wrong with you people? For the sale of the mother who gave birth to you! Stop this nonsense. Have some respect. You people live in your own hell!

Anonymous said...

@11:15 PM

At death, a Man gets a send-off. If he lived a controversial life, he will get praise and damnation. Omar Lucio will account to St. Peter for his doings, but, down here, a criticism, ass-kicking, insult or wanton disrespect is what we mortals are free to offer.

Wait til you die.

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Cold day for a burial.

But perhaps fitting in this case.

Anonymous said...

Se fue con Vicente WOW RIP my friend....

Anonymous said...

Requiescat in pace, Bato!

(Latin, putos)

Anonymous said...

At the Pearly Gates, Omar Lucio was asked about his endorsement of Republican John Chambers for sheriff.


Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace Sheriff Lucio.

To the rest of you,

it's not up to us to judge. Whether you liked him or not, show some decency and respect for the nonliving.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely classless move by the current sheriff by giving a directive to the color guard to NOT give the folded flag to Lucio’s widow. The family opted not now have the current sheriff hand them the flag and that was a choice that should’ve been honored by Garza. To withhold the flag that rightfully belonged to Lucio, who did his time and out in the work was wrong on so many levels. Rest In Peace Sheriff Lucio and May God bring solace to your family during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Electing a secretary for a change in the sheriff's office shows that all you need is money not knowledge or experience

Anonymous said...

Garza you're a POS! Everyone should know that he kept the folded flag that belongs to the Lucio's family

Anonymous said...

Eric needs to be investigated for ordering deputies to keep the flag because the family denied him access to the funeral that shows the low class garza is

Anonymous said...

Why didnt the family get the folded flag?

Anonymous said...

Was Lucio a veteran... ? If he was ... the flag should have been his, if not, no.

Anonymous said...

When you become a public figure... 50% of the people like you and the rest hate you. That’s universal. Lucio was no angel

Anonymous said...

Nelson control your boy its now time to do so...

Anonymous said...

Is the flag property of the county? If so he stole it INVESTIGATE

Anonymous said...

Is the flag property of the county? If so he stole it INVESTIGATE

Anonymous said...

He looks like a REAL SHERIFF OF TEXAS not a pip·squeak with a group of pip-squeakers mamones

Anonymous said...

A real sheriff that pissed in his pants

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2022 at 11:09 AM

paper pushers and house mouses pee in their pants everytime they hear a fart. FART PEE, FART PEEE, FART PEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

So he wears white ear plugs so he won't hear farts and won't piss on his pants? just askin'...
