Monday, January 10, 2022



Anonymous said...

Turkeys - Appropriate for Browntown.

(Milagro que no se los jamban. Turkey tacos, bro)


Anonymous said...

Well Montoya now instead of taking care of the wildlife you just told them where they are. I hope in a month you can take pictures of those turkey still alive. You just can't leave well enough alone.

Anonymous said...

So rural. Brownsville's real reason for living.

Bola de......

Anonymous said...

Un-American Republicans -

Congressman Jim Jordan refuses to cooperate with 6 January committee. The Ohio Republican, claiming an ‘outrageous abuse’ of authority, is the second member of Congress to resist the investigation.

(He knows he's shitting bricks, like most Republicans in Congress. Fuck him, Fuck him down.)

Mike Oxlong said...

In a speech to the House of Commons, Winston Churchill slightly changed an older quote by saying, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Around 400 B.C., the Greek general Thucydides, who is credited as being the father of political realism, said, “In a Democracy, someone who fails to get elected to office can always console himself with the thought that there was something not quite fair about it.”

I guess we are all doomed to repeat history. I feel much better after giving up all hope.

- Mike Oxlong

Sam Manatt said...

Those Turckeys are the result of Las Huellas capture and release program over the years in Cameron Country.
Sam Manatt
Las Huellas South Texas

Anonymous said...

Watch! LOL! Any minute now we'll get a stupid comment from the Republican Hater & Racist (against people he calls Hillbillies). Stupid comments that will have nothing to do with TURKEYS.


Anonymous said...

Soon to be eaten at the flea market. $1.50 a drumstick.

sin duda, ese.

Anonymous said...

Missing are the 🦃 from city hall. Tray, noel, Helen the helper in heat.

Anonymous said...

They'll be stolen and hidden in Las Prietas backyards until next Thanksgiving.

(do not feed them Tex-Mex.)

Anonymous said...

And in New York -

A Queens man has been arrested for making numerous threats to kill Donald Trump, federal investigators said Monday.

“I do not want to hurt anyone, but I will stand up to fascism,” said the 72-year-old Rockaway Beach resident, Thomas Welnicki, during a voluntary July 2020 interview with law enforcement.

When Welnicki was interviewed by the United States Capitol Police he told them that if Trump lost the election but refused to leave office Welnicki would “acquire weapons” and “take him down,” according to a criminal complaint unsealed in Brooklyn Federal Court Monday.

The complaint does not name Trump, referring to him instead as “Individual 1,” but a law enforcement source confirmed the target was the former president.

“I really hope God takes [Individual 1] out,” Welnicki also said, according to the complaint.

On Jan. 4, 2021, Welnicki called the Secret Service’s Long Island Branch and left voicemails saying he would kill Trump as well as 12 other people who supported the former president, including congresspeople and senators, the complaint says.

Anonymous said...

No se desesperen!

Hoy el pavo, tomorrow el pavo real.

Anonymous said...

Pig In A Blanket:

In a medical first, doctors transplanted a pig heart into a patient in a last-ditch effort to save his life and a Maryland hospital said Monday that he’s doing well three days after the highly experimental surgery.

While it’s too soon to know if the operation really will work, it marks a step in the decades-long quest to one day use animal organs for life-saving transplants. Doctors at the University of Maryland Medical Center say the transplant showed that a heart from a genetically modified animal can function in the human body without immediate rejection.

The patient, David Bennett, 57, knew there was no guarantee the experiment would work but he was dying, ineligible for a human heart transplant and had no other option, his son told The Associated Press.

“It was either die or do this transplant. I want to live. I know it’s a shot in the dark, but it’s my last choice,” Bennett said a day before the surgery, according to a statement provided by the University of Maryland School of Medicine.


Anonymous said...

Bobby Wightman-Cervantes has been named the Worst Blogger of 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 by a Brownsville/Matamoros media consortium. The award will be presented by a group of yapping turkeys now gathering in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Shelley Luther, anti-lockdown activist and GOP candidate, said Chinese students should be banned from Texas universities

Blondie Luther became nationally known at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 when she refused to shut down her Dallas salon in defiance of emergency orders. She was sentenced to a week in jail but was released after only a few days.

Anonymous said...

puré de patatas.

Anonymous said...

A federal judge in Washington, DC, is questioning former President Donald Trump's actions during his speech on January 6, 2021, as he considers for the first time whether Trump is immune from liability related to his supporters attacking the US Capitol.

During a court hearing Monday, Judge Amit Mehta pointed out repeatedly that Trump on January 6 asked the crowd to march to the Capitol, but that he didn't speak up for two hours asking people to stop the violence.

"The words are hard to walk back," Mehta said. "You have an almost two-hour window where the President does not say, 'Stop, get out of the Capitol. This is not what I wanted you to do.'"

"What do I do about the fact the President didn't denounce the conduct immediately ... and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?" the judge asked. "Isn't that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?"

Anonymous said...

Yes you can now see a dark brown one at 600 E. Jackson at the Brownsville Police Department. Officers have named her Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal.

Anonymous said...

Yes you can now see a dark brown one at 600 E. Jackson at the Brownsville Police Department. Officers have named her Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal.

Anonymous said...

Chipotle now selling plant-based chorizo.

No, pero como?

No, eso no.

Anonymous said...

Dude, where exactly is Urban Brownsville? El Callejon behind Elizabeth Street?

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Must be city hall

Anonymous said...

Pos de hambre no nos moremos
🦃 that's for dinner.

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2022 at 12:08 PM

Only hillbillys have names like yours, ni-modo guey be thankful its not Huntdapecker or hilbilco Wanabwhit.

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2022 at 3:30 PM
Is that the gringo that sits at washington park going oink oink all say

Anonymous said...

That’s what’s for el día de la candelaria! Pavo para el pueblo

Anonymous said...

Mike Oxlong = My Cock's Long!

(pendejos, brutos, maleducados)

Anonymous said...

quit dreaming otro enano at 4:38pm IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2022 at 1:00 PM

The red-ass racist republican just can't figure out how to respond to the topic at hand, typical baboso with the new transplant he will be pigging out at your local trash bin, pinche trash bin diver PENDEJO!
