Sunday, February 13, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

In 2015, Planned Parenthood of South Texas was turning 76, and so was Brownsville resident Gene Novogrodsky.

To mark the two occasions, Novogrodsky embarked on a 300-mile bike ride from Brownsville to San Antonio. The ride, which he called the "Spirit of 76," raised more than $10,000 in donations for the Planned Parenthood clinics in Brownsville and Harlingen, two underserved areas in the Rio Grande Valley.

Novogrodsky, a longtime civil rights advocate and instructor at the local college and university, told a reporter from the was riding to raise awareness of dwindling women's healthcare access in Texas. His wife, Ruth, worked at the Brownsville Planned Parenthood health center.

"I don't feel that this is heroic," Novogrodsky told The Huffington Post. "I'd rather be doing something else. I can't believe we're talking about women's reproductive rights in 2015 in Texas."

Novogrodsky said that the 300-mile bike ride represented the distance that some women now have to travel to get to the nearest abortion clinic.

He said the fight was personal for him. "I have daughters, I have a wife," he said. "These issues are important to me because I care about the health and well-being of my family." 
(That's Gene with with his life mate Ruth at the Farmers' Market in Brownsville.)

And locally, you could sen Gene – a bicycle enthusiast – glide though every part of town, whether it was along the expressway frontage roads in north Brownsville, or chatting it up with the homeless and poor in the city's inner core.

No subject was too esoteric: Imperialism, the plight of the immigrant, the dying art of civility toward each other. He didn't impose his views on the other, but rather instructed and accommodated their views toward peaceful  dialogue.

Novogrodsky was a founder of the Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center Writers Forum in San Benito and part-time English instructor for several University of Texas-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College programs.

A published writer and poet, Gene was also a prolific contributor to the letters section of the Brownsville Herald, and in fact, there was a letter published just this Friday chastising local subdivision developer and heir of the Hudson stores empire Bill Hudson for downplaying the January 6 insurrection. 

"The combination almost worked," Gene said about the Trump-planned insurrection. "Next time it might, minus a mob, voter suppression only doing the evil trick. Careful with words, Mr. Hudson."

We received news of his passing Saturday and now we have no words to express our sorrow at the passing of this defender of human rights and champion of the little man everywhere.

Our condolences to his wife Ruth and we pray that peace is with him, with her, and his friends and family. He was a good one and we're the poorer that he is no longer with us. 

Writer Stares

“Why are you staring, no emotion?”
I think.

I want to write about:
Thick beet green leaves.
Baseball-size avocados falling to dry ground,
She bending to gather them.
The blood red and buttery white sunsets over northern Tamaulipas.

But these durable natural joys slip past,
And I blurt:
“Can’t get the horrible Texas Legislature’s attacks on women’s health
Out of mind.
Fucking god-damn white men, mostly old, some young.”

There, I explained my stony face.


Anonymous said...

The rich ones thumb their noses

Anonymous said...

Keep censoring comments that you don’t agree with asshole. I am about to stop reading your shit. You can’t handle the truth pussy?

Anonymous said...

Sad news. He was going to present a book at the Southmost Library this month.

Anonymous said...

February 13, 2022 at 9:52 PM

One out of a million who cares...

open your own blog no seas pendejo guey

Anonymous said...

Mr. Novogrosky or Mr. Novo as we knew him at Faulk Intermediate was a very
courteous and intelligent man who told it like it was. He did not hide from his sensible thoughts and believed in himself. I will miss seeing him around at all activities related to the community riding his famous-mobile, his bike.
He is now riding around in his bike in full gear in Heaven. Rest in peace, Mr. Novo!

Anonymous said...

Feb14 8:18am LoL can’t speak English y tampoco puede hablar espa帽ol! Typical Browntown Mojado! Sorry you can’t make it past the check point to see the real world!

Anonymous said...

馃榿loud mouth butthead

Anonymous said...

February 14, 2022 at 12:40 PM

One of the rare ones, still have a human tail, your coccyx rejected it so now your true meaning of your life, or Your life purpose, is to go around reading and correcting misspells in blogs.

So the check point (didn't mention where) is now giving a spelling check in ingles y espa帽o to continue? So what is a browntown mojado? If I am one as you print so what, I am proud to be a BROWNTOWN MOJADO. Just so you know I was writing not speaking.

Writing and talking are two skills under human communication. Writing is a skill under written communication while talking is under speech or oral communication. Speech uses tone groups, and a tone group can convey only one idea. Writing uses sentences, and a sentence can contain several ideas. A fundamental difference between casual speech and writing is that speech is spontaneous whereas writing is planned. Repetition is usually found in speech.

Escribir y hablar son dos habilidades bajo la comunicaci贸n humana. Escribir es una habilidad bajo la comunicaci贸n escrita, mientras que hablar est谩 bajo el habla o la comunicaci贸n oral.El habla utiliza grupos de tonos y un tono grupos, y un grupo de tono puede transmitir una sola idea.La escritura usa oraciones, y una oraci贸n puede contener varias ideas.Una diferencia fundamental entre el habla casual y la escritura es que el habla es espont谩nea. mientras que la escritura est谩 planificada. La repetici贸n generalmente se encuentra en el habla.

YOU ARE STILL A TAIL-LESS IDIOTA BUT WITH A TAIL. Us it once in a while pendejo.

guy said...

never knew who he was but i remember seeing him around the library on central blvd usually during the summer


Anonymous said...

Gene Novogrodsky was a true measure of a man. Intelligent, while not pretentious. Compassionate and thoughtful. An unwavering activist for women's rights. Brownsville lost a great asset of our community.

Those of us who knew him personally are heartbroken. You will be dearly missed Gene. May the wind be at your back my friend.

Anonymous said...

The man treated his wife like crap.. Lisa Mitchell-Bennett tried to raise money for medical expenses they could have sold their lake front summer house in Maine instead of asking the public for help
