Friday, February 25, 2022


By Gus Bova
Texas Observer

Bekah Hinojosa was still in her pajamas Wednesday morning when she heard a knock on the door. Probably just FedEx, she thought, though the knock did seem a bit loud. When she peeked through her peephole, she saw a swarm of men. 

“Who is it?” she inquired. 

They were Brownsville police officers, she soon realized, there to initiate what would become a traumatic 24 hours for Hinojosa that would end in her border city’s mayor posting her mugshot and employment status on social media—all for the alleged crime of a little protest graffiti.

Hinojosa, a local environmental activist with the Sierra Club and Another Gulf Is Possible, says she cracked the door open and “they just pushed themselves into my apartment … grabbed me and handcuffed me.” 

She pleaded for the chance to change clothes – she was wearing a thin shirt and pants, no bra – but the officers refused, she said, even threatening to charge her with resisting arrest. There were around four officers total, she believes. She was still barefoot as they led her out to the car to take her to the police station downtown.

The charge that precipitated this? A Class B misdemeanor for allegedly spray-painting the words “gentrified” and “Stop SpaceX” below a new mural on the side of a city-owned historic theater downtown.

SpaceX, the $100 billion corporation founded by Elon Musk, has built a controversial rocket launch site by a beach east of Brownsville, a 94 percent Hispanic city with a 29 percent poverty rate. The prospect of high-paying jobs and Musk’s promotion online of the area have helped fuel a vertiginous rise in home prices since 2020. The mural– an array of geometric shapes plus the phrase “BTX”– was paid for by the Musk Foundation and painted by a Los Angeles artist; some locals, including Hinojosa, view the mural as a symbol of outsiders gentrifying the area.

“There’s been public outcry about this mural for months,” said Hinojosa, who – under the advice of her attorney – did not answer questions about whether she created the graffiti. “A lot of people are frustrated that the city brought in this artist that’s not even from here to paint an uninspiring mural that just feels like rebranding to cater to … SpaceX employees and SpaceX tourists.”

On Wednesday, when Hinojosa arrived at the police station, she said she was placed in a jail cell and her glasses were taken. 

“I have really bad vision without my glasses, like I need them to brush my teeth,” she said. She was interviewed by a detective, who she said told her the police “know she’s involved in organizations” and asked how her employer would react to her arrest.

Hinojosa, who said she has no prior criminal record, spent the next 24 hours or so in the cell making periodic calls to family—all in her pajamas, getting headaches from straining to see without her glasses. “There was no clock in there; I never knew what time it was,” she said. “When it was finally nighttime they never dimmed the lights or anything. It was just bright fluorescent lights and I was too cold to sleep.”

On Thursday, Hinojosa was released on a personal recognizance bond, but the experience lingers with her. “Now I’m feeling post-traumatic stress from this,” she said. “I’m having trouble sleeping because I’ll be asleep and I’ll hear my neighbor outside and it’s like, ‘Oh no, what if someone’s going to knock again, what if they’re back?’”

Around the same time Hinojosa was released, Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez – a major booster of both SpaceX and Musk – made a public post on his official Facebook page. He included Hinojosa’s full name, her mugshot, and a picture of the graffiti, noting that city cameras had captured the graffiti act. He added: “Ms. Hinojosa has been quoted in several anti-SpaceX articles and lists herself as a ‘Gulf Coast Campaign Representative’ for the Sierra Club on LinkedIn.” Mugshots of arrests in Brownsville are easy to obtain, as the police department maintains a Blogspot site.

Backlash on Facebook was swift. “You don’t make posts like this for every person that gets arrested so this seems personal and really unprofessional,” said Emma Guevara, a local progressive activist. 

“Drop the charges,” added former state House candidate Arturo Alonzo. “We should charge the artist,” Alonzo said, “por el pinche mural sin historia, sin cultura, y el trabajo todo chafa y mal hecho.” (“ … for the damn mural without history, without culture, and the job all shoddy and poorly done.”)

The Observer can find no similar Facebook post by Mendez about a misdemeanor arrest in the city. The mayor later edited the post  to remove the references to Hinojosa’s media quotes and employment. Mendez did not respond to requests for comment by press time. 

The Brownsville Police Department declined to comment on the “open case” and advised the Observer to make a public information request, which is pending.

“This is an extreme, targeted attack on Bekah,” said Mike Siegel, a former Austin congressional candidate and attorney who is defending Hinojosa in the case.

“I assume that this is extremely out of the ordinary for Brownsville police to go to someone’s home in force and make an arrest on a misdemeanor graffiti charge without even an eyewitness report,” Siegel said. “This is just obscene and the fact that the mayor then immediately took it upon himself to go on social media to attack her, to attempt to harm her employment prospects … basically, the mayor admits that he’s retaliating against Bekah based on her advocacy against SpaceX.”

Under Texas law, Siegel noted, police are free to simply issue a citation for certain Class B misdemeanors, including graffiti. 

No arrest was required. Siegel said he’ll be seeking all records of the city’s communication with the police about the graffiti and also the reported camera footage. 

He believes Hinojosa’s charge should be dismissed “and frankly, the mayor should apologize for the way he’s abused his public office to attack a committed, active Brownsville resident.”

On Friday morning, Hinojosa drove by the downtown mural and snapped a picture with her phone: The graffiti was already gone.


Anonymous said...

As the saying goes, whoring is whoring. Politicians will rally around themselves and their pals.

Brownsville has willingly and gladly bent over for SpaceX.

The act is not done yet, and Mayor Mendez is still loving it.

Anonymous said...

Juan, you should always name the cops and find a place in the story for the police chief's name in cases where women are strong-armed like this.

Sad is too-kind a word.

Anonymous said...

LAWSUIT LAWSUIT LAWSU, "PERSONAL CAPACITY" we taxpaying property owners and voters, WILL NOT PAY IF HE LOSES THE LAWSUIT. que salga la feria de sus nalgas and
and he'll leave richer and that's what he wanted!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mendez is acting more and more liked a pleased pussy.

(how often does he thank Elon Musk?)

Trey Mendez is anti-Brownsville.

sin duda, apa.

Anonymous said...

He'll be in jail soon, wait and listen.

Anonymous said...

Que relajo, Brownsville. Ciudad del cagapalo.

Anonymous said...

Bigger crimes, bigger scams, bigger abuse in this town…..and this is what bothers him most?

Anonymous said...

What!?!?! Brownsville has a mayor!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Bekah is Brownsville's George Floyd, bro.

police brutality.

Anonymous said...

"Vladimir Putin has this deep appeal to the modern Republican Party because he believes in power, he believes in wealth, he believes in control," former GOP strategist Rick Wilson warned recently in a conversation with me on "Salon Talks." Wilson added bluntly, the Republicans "have become very friendly to dictatorship, to authoritarianism…people like Putin."

Vote NO on all local Republicans!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Stop crying.

Anonymous said...

Pinche coco mamon

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! Sucking Musk, chorizo! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Housing is out of control in pricing. The people are trying to cash in the over price junk Housing market. Contractors are making over 130 percent over cost of substandard homes they are building in Brownsville. A 3/2/2 house for $298 thousand dollars using the same plans is a joke. Homes in the downtown area that are literally falling apart from rot and termites are selling for 200 plus thousand of dollars. But more bars are coming for downtown. Our commissioners and unknown mayor don't care. The new bicycle and hike trail in west Brownsville is big waste of money for the elitist that demand these bike projects for tourists to come to ride their 1,000 dollars bikes. Compare to the local people of Brownsville riding no bike but waiting for a bus shelter for protection from the sun's heat. Change the welcome to Brownsville sign to welcome to stupid town.

Anonymous said...

The mayor may have included her professional associations in an attempt to cause problems for her but, as a big SpaceX fanboy, he was probably hoping to damn the organizations that question SpaceX for their association with her. Turns out the mayor isn't only small in stature.

Anonymous said...

Wow, very petty to stoop so low, why don't you do that to all the people who violate the law, Mayor Trey Mendez?

Anonymous said...

The Musk Gestapo at work.

Anonymous said...

I just want to see Tito sucking Democrat culo!

Anonymous said...

And our streets filled with potholes while downtown streets where the Mayor and close friends have businesses got repaved. What a double standard the city has. I have been calling the city help line for over a month to repair some potholes in our streets to no avail. What a disgrace of elected officials we have,let's not reelect anyone who may try to run for office again. They surely need to be voted out.

Anonymous said...

Mayor MendeX was way out of line on that post. He may have tainted the prosecution of the case. Another MendeX / Bernal blunder. A citation would have been all that was necessary, or a call to turn herself in. Bow to your Maaasta Mayor MendeX

Anonymous said...

LOL! Get the fuck out of here Bekah, Seigel and the half ass reporter! Guilty or innocent, the reporter needs to take lessons from Bobby La Loca Cervantes. La Loblca would've dug deep and reached out to the White House and all the angels and saints to get the video before posting what sounds like a one sided story. Don't take me wrong, i don't like the stupid pink wall either. Y la otra pendeja! PTSD? No mames you spent one night in the city hotel like many of us have before. Clock, lights, cold? Ah chingado maybe the city police should look into making it a 4 star hotel with slipers, massages y todo el pedo! Get the fuck out of here bekah! If you did the crime, take the consequences as they come. You wouldn't like someone messing up your shit no matter what it costs or if others like it. If you didn't do it, well let whatever evidence the cops have clear your name with the help of your hotshot liberal lawyer.

Anonymous said...

February 25, 2022 at 1:18 PM



Anonymous said...

Petty crime, we will see that it continues.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

DE A DONDE SACA trey SE LLAMA juan, juan, juan, pinche mamon coco/gringo you kiss white ass pinche mamon juan...


Former RGV LEO said...

After reading the violin article, I have come to the deduction that this Bekhah who is trying to get the public to defend what she appears to be guilty of? As for the arrest, there had to be sufficient evidence and probable cause for warrant? Now, we're you mistreated? That' your opinion and for some shark to decide if you get a check or not? Obviously, the officers involved don't have any common sense to either allow you to change or take a change of clothes BUT there is nothing in the law to say they have too!
So, to this Bekhah. If you did it, then own up to it? Or, let the shark defend you in a court of law!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal was ordered by his lover El Rata Bernal to spare no expense to find the criminal who graffiti the wall of Musk!
Great leadership by El Culero Sauceda and El Rata Bernal...they will turn around Brownsville...LMAO
