Monday, March 28, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

He hadn't believed his friends who said they had stayed away from downtown Brownsville because they didn't feel safe, what with all those crackheads and homeless roaming the dark side streets and alleys.

"C'mon," Joe (not his real name) would say. "There's a half million in surveillance cameras and a police substation on Adams right across the street from the clubs. What's there to fear? The mayor's pizza joint is a just half a block away."

They hadn't seemed convinced and declined to accompany him and his girlfriend to watch the karaoke fans belt out rock mexicano tunes and a few modern rock and country tunes. The mayor's pizza place with its restricted parking spaces in front for delivery and pick-up orders was visible from the bar entrance. A few street people sat in the doorways of some vacant stores facing Market Square. They seemed harmless enough.

He parked at the corner of Adams and the side street (11th). His truck could be seen from Adams and the blue light indicated the camera of the surveillance system was operating. The police substation was no more than 50 to 60 feet across the street from the corner. Other couples started arriving and they went in.

He and his girlfriend had just settled down to watch the singers and ordered a drink and a beer chaser when a man came in from the sidewalk asking who owned the gray truck parked outside.

Joe said he did and asked why.

"Someone broke the side window to it and of a black little car in front of it," said the man who turned out to own the car in front, an older model compact.

Joe felt sick and walked to the corner and around. 

Sure enough, glass littered the sidewalk next to the passenger side of both vehicles. Someone had rifled through the truck cab and scooped up everything in the glove compartment and console. Insurance, car manual and maintenance papers and old registration forms were gone. So were other trivial items. In the back (it was a four-door), a small hydraulic jack and a four-way lug  wrench were missing as was a towing nylon strap. All told, the value of the items couldn't have reached $40.

His fellow victim said that the burglars had taken nothing of value from his car.

He was cleaning some of the glass from the passenger seat when two policemen arrived in a black and white and asked him if the truck was his vehicle.

"Yes, sir," Joe replied, 

"Step away from the vehicle, sir," said one of the two policemen. Apparently he thought it was a crime scene. Or something.

Joe looked at the officer and stood on the sidewalk. The other looked in and asked him to tell him what he saw missing. He did.

"They didn't take very much then," one said.

"You smell of alcohol," said the other. "You're not driving this car like that."

Joe realized there would be no point in arguing with the policeman just as his girlfriend came on the scene asking what had happened. 

"Are you with him?," one asked her. 

"Yes, I am," she replied. "Why?"

"He's been drinking and he can't drive," replied one.

She was about to say that they had just gotten to the bar, but Joe gave her the keys and squeezed her hand signaling for her not to argue. She stopped and stood beside him.

"Alright, I have the keys," she said. "I'll drive."

The officer gave Joe and the other car owner a card with his name and case numbers and both left.

Discouraged by the turn of events, he finished removing as much of the shattered glass and she drove away from the downtown area. He knew that it would be some time before they would return to the city's downtown area, and that if they did, it wouldn't be in their vehicle.


Anonymous said...

This is on Ben Neece, the photo-addled mastermind behind that huge expenditure!

I say take them down and sell them at the Hiway 77 Flea Market. Let's get some of that money back!

Defeated city commissioner Neece doesnt giveafuck anymore, does he?

Anonymous said...

I may look like I'm paying attention, but I'm really just thinking about tacos, your chicken al pastor tacos. The only bad taco is the one you didn't eat. Happy hungry!

Cheers, Domingo Arteaga

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez not doing anything. He doesn't want the job.

Anonymous said...

“You can put lipstick on a pig”...and Browntown is still one big fucking barrio on the border. That should be the new mantra for this human cesspool of a town, Barrio on the Border.

Anonymous said...

ja ja ja ja ja

buena, Montoya. eres un pavo real.

Anonymous said...

The thief stealing Downtown es ese guey transgender dumpster rat who is stealing cars so he can get a fake pussy operation! Hahahahahaha!
Breaking News! Pfizer recalls 3 blood pressure medications over risk of CANCER! All you pinche government vaccine lab rats will soon be getting anal cancer por pendejos! Especially ese guey transgender dumpster rat who loves sucking Trump's chorizo! Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

No Mames Montoya! You should get arrested yourself for making up such a novela.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has big dreams for downtown. Who is the commissioner for downtown? Roy De Los Santos

Anonymous said...

Neece is innocent. We need his guitar playing downtown. D0 not jail Ben Neece. Montoya has been known to lie.


Anonymous said...

Years ago, Mr. Montoya, my husband went to the LOPEZ on Southmost and parked in an actual parking space. In broad daylight (around 2 pm), he comes out of the store and a "crack head" was trying to open his car so my husband asked him what he was doing or what he was trying to do? The guy told him he had left the keys inside and was trying to open his car. My husband said you can't be trying to open your car because that is MY CAR and I have the keys. Since my husband was a 6-1 ft tall man, he pushed the guy against the car, he fell to the floor, got up and started running. This was before there were security cameras everywhere. The only thing a security camera does is identify the predator, have an actual video or picture of the action, but it has NEVER stopped anyone from committing an illegal act.
It's not a Brownsville thing, it's an over the world thing. Is it right? Of course not, but it is not something that just happens here, it happens in a ranch, in a mid size city or in a major city. Sign of the times. Long GONE are the days when you open your door to those that you know well, much less to those that are just waiting for a second to commit a crime.

Anonymous said...

Por pendejos. Quien los trae alla?

Todo mundo sabe que el downtown es un centro de crimen!

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Juan, Hurricane season is almost here! What are the city and county doing to prepare? Necesitan dar bolsas de arena desde ahorita, destapar los canales, y Las alcantarillas! Que hagan todo eso de perdido una vez al mes durante la temporada de huracanes! Actúen ahorita antes que sea muy tarde! Que usen el dinero que les dio el gobierno para hacer esto! Mas vale prevenir que lamentar! Haz una historia sobre eso Juan! El pueblo, unido, jamas será vencido!

Anonymous said...

I just cannot figure it out? The high power cameras are on full blast from 8 to 5 p.m. I just can't figure it out how the cimmials are doing it? If must be a super Mexican from the Barrios of Brownsville who can read and write? Maybe if the cops would just keep their eyes open than the cameras would work.

Anonymous said...

Russians arrive at Mexican border -

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Money is missing.

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (ValleyCentral) — On Monday, a cyber security firm reported a Russian ransomware gang hacked the Brownsville Public Utility Board (BPUB). Ransomware is a type of virus

Anonymous said...

Give it some time and see if they catch those pendejos. By the way MendeX, Bernal and Sauceda closed the downtown station. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Cameras don't stop crime, cameras record a crime while it's happening pendejos!!! There a cameras in banks, does that stop a banker robber? There are cameras in millions of stores, does that stop shoplifting? NO PENDEJOS!!! So what's your point, besides sounding disgruntled and plain stupid thinking cameras stop crimes?

Anonymous said...

Downtown McAllen feels so much safer than Downtown Brownsville… no criminals besides all the drunk and drugged up club goers from 17th street… Brownsville wishes it could be like McAllen in every aspect…

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to go to downtown Browntown. Overpriced drinks, food and unsafe. Head to McAllen for better food, service and more choices of things to do. McAllen is a real city run by professionals.

Anonymous said...

All those cameras yet no one watches. The desk jockies at BPD all have at least 3 monitors on their desks, but would rather stare at their Facebook page, stock market investments, or Outlook inbox page.

Anonymous said...

Time for cops to walk the beat like in the old days.

Anonymous said...

Southwest adds new fare class with benefits
Their new logo WANNA GET AWAY
which they did but from brownsville tx
and the airport director making 1000's a year? more like 200,00 a year.
WHAT FOR? Nothing, oh leasing dilapidated builings.

Anonymous said...

Russians have been in Mexico for a long time already.

Anonymous said...

(That should be the new mantra for this human cesspool of a town, Barrio on the Border.)

And not even Matamoros has worse potholes than we do.

Anonymous said...

call rep neto gamez!

Anonymous said...

I had my F-150 broken into at saint joe. 10 other break-ins later they got a security officer. That was the good old days. Now what can you expect in cartel infested Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk says he "supposedly" has COVID again, but few symptoms.
Was it charro days, check los enanos do they have the virus? He may never come back here again...
bye, bye

Anonymous said...

Where is poor Appalachia?
The Appalachian region stretches over 10 states, from New York to Alabama. While the entire region has lagged economically, the central Appalachian region, encompassing Eastern Kentucky and parts of Tennessee and West Virginia, has consistently demonstrated the worst economic performance.
What isn't mentioned here is that most if not all are on welfare and food stamps. The heaven for gimme gimme programs flouristh here.

Anonymous said...

(Time for cops to walk the beat like in the old days.)

99.9% of the time, those assholes are all at a Whataburger, taking advantage of whatever freebies they can get away with.

Anonymous said...

How any cops were outside Sombrerofest or any Charro days festivities and ask if people had been drinking before they got in their car's? Selective fines?

Anonymous said...

March 31, 2022 at 8:31 AM
Cops don't walk anymore, JUANETES, flat feel, patas de gallino y duck footed tas why. OOOOOOh y panzones!!!!
