Thursday, March 3, 2022


By Andriy Yermak
Mr. Yermak is head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine.
New York Times

KYIV, Ukraine — In launching a war on our country, President Vladimir Putin claimed Russia would “de-Nazify” and free Ukraine. But Ukraine — a nation that lost as many as eight million lives in World War II, a country that has a Jewish president — does not need to be freed from the liberated path it has chosen.

Not since the end of World War II has Europe seen violence and naked territorial ambition at such a scale.

I am writing this appeal from a bunker in the capital, with President Volodymyr Zelensky by my side. For a week, Russian bombs have fallen overhead. Despite the constant barrage of Russian fire, we stand firm and united in our resolve to defeat the invaders. We will fight to the last breath to protect our country.

But make no mistake: Other autocrats are watching, taking lessons. They can create a coalition of bad will — just look at how once-peaceful Belarus is now serving as a staging ground for Russian troops.

Listen to what Mr. Putin is saying. For years, the West listened to Mr. Putin but didn’t hear him; it is just now waking up to the existential challenge he poses to the world order. Ukraine has never underestimated his intentions — not since Russian aggression against our country began in earnest in 2014 — nor his willingness to achieve domination by any means necessary.

That’s because we know this war is not just about Ukraine. The Kremlin wants to create a new Russian empire.
We Ukrainians have proved that we are able to effectively repel the invasion force alone. We have used the weapons the West has provided. We are thankful to our American and European friends, to democracies worldwide including Australia and Japan, for their quick decisions to help us, for their sanctions against the Russian economy, for the armaments and equipment to deter the aggressor.

But it’s not enough. We need more — and, please, stop telling us military aid is on the way. Nothing less than our freedom — and yours — is at stake.

In President Zelensky’s call with President Biden on Tuesday, he again appealed for more security, military and humanitarian assistance.

Since 2014, the West’s critical security assistance helped to transform a Ukrainian military that is now capable of mounting a defense and inflicting large-scale casualties against the Russian invaders. Ukraine is not asking for its allies to put boots on the ground. But we need the West to back us up in order to keep defending our families and our land. We need to show Russia — in painful terms — the mistake it has made.

The Russians underestimated our resolve and we’ve held them off for now. But as we speak, a 40-mile-long convoy of Russian troops and equipment is closing in on Kyiv.

We need antitank and antiaircraft weapons and other ammunition delivered to our brave soldiers right now.

We are calling on the West to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. We recognize that this would be a serious escalation in the war and that it could bring NATO into direct conflict with Russia. But we firmly believe that Russia won’t stop at just Ukraine, which would potentially drag NATO into this conflict anyway. A no-fly zone would at least give Mr. Putin some pause.
We also ask the West to increase the nonmilitary costs on Russia. We welcome the coordinated measures thus far, but we need more. Every Russian bank — not just a select few — must be cut off from the SWIFT banking system, and every Russian oligarch must be sanctioned. We are also calling for a full embargo on Russian oil and all Russian exports to the United States and Europe. These measures would not be without cost to the world economy, but the alternative is far worse.

The international community should consider expelling Russia from the United Nations or, at the very least, excluding it from the Security Council, where it has a veto...

We have been able to withstand intense fighting in recent days despite the vicious brutality of the Russian aggressors, and we will continue to fight — even if Russia becomes an occupying force in Ukraine. We are united around the Ukrainian flag, the symbol of our identity, our resolve and our will, but our state’s future and survival largely depend on the West.

This war could be a prologue to a greater European or even global massacre. As President Zelensky wrote on Twitter after a strike hit near Ukraine’s sacred memorial to Jews massacred in World War II, “what is the point of saying ‘never again’ for 80 years, if the world stays silent?”

Standing with us today and helping us is the only way to achieve peace for all and ensure that history does not repeat itself — so that our future does not echo Europe’s darkest time.


Anonymous said...

No Mexican in Brownsville has Zelensky's balls!


Anonymous said...

PUTIN is an evil person. He needs to stop killing innocent people, the poor and the children.

He is hurting the world during a pandemic and during Lent but GOD will destroy him.

Anonymous said...

Take Pat Robertson along with Putin
How can he even think that Putin is compelled by God to do what he is doing
Talk about one mixed up Mother Fucker

Anonymous said...

(He is hurting the world during a pandemic and during Lent but GOD will destroy him.)


Anonymous said...

Dementia Joe the Potato Head is too spineless to help the Ukrainians....actually Putin has plenty of dirt on Joe and his cokehead son. Potato Head is covering his own ass as innocent people die. Impeachment is coming in November Joe!

Anonymous said...

@11:47 AM

Get your head out of your ass, loco!

Democrat Joe Biden is on the job, not beating-off in Mar-A-Charco, like Cheeto. Ukraine is getting big help from USA. Dare to surf for real news, asshole. Next time, plug your fucking finger in the electricity socket, you useless shit-for-brains.

Trump in prison! Trump in prison!! Trump in prison!!!

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2022 at 11:47 AM, March 3, 2022 at 8:05 AM,

Trump, going to jail along with all his family of RATAS. Recruiters are coming, are you going to be the first in line? I don't think so, pinche gringo/coco mamon. Start packing and head to canada or meskco. Yellow bellies, gringos cocos and that's not talking about the stupid moronic hillbillys, huevones y lambiscones. Can't read or write but voted for el pendejes racist republican RATAS.

Anonymous said...

White on White killing each other fact c/s. In cockroach europe. BABOSOS.

Anonymous said...

Sleepy Joe and his daddy Obama have refused lethal aid to Ukraine since he is ready to do it, too late uncle joe, as usual.shame to all of you that voted for this idiot.

Stand by for the ruthless killing of Ukrainians and take o er of the the meantime your president is financing the Russians by buying their oil

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2022 at 11:47 AM, March 3, 2022 at 11:47 AM : MAMONES

You skipped the Vietnam war, the Afghanistan war and now you are going to skip this coming war, pinche mediosos, traidores, pinches cocos/gringos...
Time to go to canada or mejico yellow belliesn racist republicans

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2022 at 11:47 AM

red-ass racist republican, trump lost, get over it, your mamon perdio Hahahahaha

He'll be in prison by the end of summer IDIOTA!

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2022 at 8:05 AM

Starting with yourself pinche yellow belly gringo/coco..

Anonymous said...

The only place trump is going is the white house not the jail house and with the help of honorable and conservative Hispanics not the low class foul mouthed ones in this b!og

Anonymous said...

March 3, 2022 at 8:05 AM
No gringo either nor any mojados. When ther's a war mojados don't come here and gringos head to Canada puros miedosos y yellow bellys fact c/
and forget the hillbillys se la pasan buscando freebies, ambriendos jotos

Anonymous said...

March 5, 2022 at 9:12 AM

HAhahahahahaha pendejo you calling your self foul mouthed, you mean ratas racist republicans the most corrupt and elected officials are honorable and conservatives hahahaha jajajajaja. IDIOTA
