Saturday, March 12, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Danny Alvarado's Kraken Bar in downtown Brownsville got a  touch of international rock Friday with the performance of the Phantom Rockers now living in San Antonio.
The Phantom Rockers started in 1988 in the U.K. after stand-up bass player Mark Burke left The Krewmen, one of the most popular psychobilly bands in Europe. 

Burke said that in 1993 they became the first band, along with the Meteors, to bring psychobilly to the U.S. Since then they have traveled all over the world, playing numerous U.S. and European tours as well as Mexico, Japan and Korea. 

In addition to the Meteors, the Rockers have shared the stage with many influential bands including The Guana Batz, Anti-Nowhere League, The Dead Milkmen, The Specials and shared the stage with old time rockers like Foghat, Iron Maiden, and Deep Purple.

Next door to the Kraken, a full house listened to a DJ at the Double Trouble, another rock-oriented bar owned by Rodrigo Quintero.

Burke – a former Royal Marine – now lives in San Antonio and said he had considered volunteering in the Ukraine after the Russian invasion, but decided against it because Europe and the U.S. had ignored Winston Churchill's warnings to be vigilant of Russia's intentions to preserve their empire.

"What we need right now is another Churchill," he said above the din. At right he is pictured with a fan who said she loved his Manchester accent.

"I'm thinking of moving to San Antonio," she said.


Anonymous said...

We got lots of accents here in the RGV..

Anonymous said...

Good point, Burke. Why get yourself killed when politicians let it all get to this point while doing nothing but reaping billions from the international oil economy?

Anonymous said...

Accent? Does not sell.

Anonymous said...

At least they are doing what they promised to do, when funding from the city was given....GOOD that's what is needed to become another austin show off.
WAIT, name the street from adams to "WANNBE AUSTIN 6TH ST".



Anonymous said...

March 12, 2022 at 7:58 AM
So true mainly from cockroach europe yikes!

Anonymous said...

No comparison to 6th st.
No restaurant in Brownsville after 6pm. Has no restaurant s. Other then your causal dining chain restaurants. Where the food is precooked and in plastic wrap, boiled in water or steam cooker to reheat. Tony Roma's boils his ribs in pressure cooker then 3 minutes on the grill for grill marks. Just terrible.

Anonymous said...

Burke, go and be the next Churchill. Lame excuse.

Anonymous said...

Mexico City at the turn of the century used Spaniard to sweep the downtown streets. Here you can use the homeless gringos/mojado/cocos to do the same. Pay them with bagels. Gringos and cocos go crazy for bagels, mojados don't know what the shit is a bagel. PENDEJOS

Anonymous said...

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA) | Free Legal Services

Legal aid don't help citizens only illegals. They won't even open the doors didn' the president said no more masks? The people there don't pay attention to the president but its because they don't want to work.
Will be evicted and will join the homeless under the bridge thanks to legal aid's non-help
