Wednesday, March 2, 2022


March 2, 2022

Re: Lifting of Mask Mandate

Dear Brownsville ISD Community:Brownsville ISD continues to take precautionary and necessary measures for the health, safety, and well-being of our students, faculty and staff.

Effective Monday, March 7, 2022, face masks will be OPTIONAL. After careful consideration and due to the decrease of COVID-19 cases, the district is prepared to move forward and face masks will be ENCOURAGED.

However, the district will continue follow our Safety Protocol outlined in our Reopening Plan to provide the safest environment for al students, faculty, staff, and visitors, which include:

* Face masks are ENCOURAGED

*Ensure six feet of social distancing as much as possible

* Handwashing and sanitizing protocols

* For individuals who are not fully vaccinated or have a compromised immune system, wearing a face mask and social distancing is highly recommended; and 

*For individuals who test positive, you are required to quarantine for five (5) days and wear a mask for an additional five (5) days; refer to COVID-19 Flow Chart.

Safety continues to be our number one priority. We continue to encourage everyone to get the COVID-19 vaccines and booster shot. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these difficult times. Continue to check our district website and social media for any updates.

We continue to look forward to a great school year. Together we make Brownsville ISD The Best Choice!


Anonymous said...

Brownsville did not look as ugly when everybody wore a mask.


Anonymous said...

Marchteenth. The day BISD found out about Abbott lifting the mask mandates months later.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rudderless BISD. nada cambia. nada.

Anonymous said...

abuela con beneficios.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but Backward ass people in Browntown LoL.

Anonymous said...

It's because the superintendent sits in his nice big office away from all the kids and their germs. You have any idea how many teachers are out very sick from covid right now? But his sidekick Longoria is all for it because she's selfish. Nothing changes. Nothing.

Anonymous said...

parents need to protect their kids.
Schools need to keep all areas clean.
Teachers have to protect retire with all benefits when they are ready not beccause of a virus.

Keep up the not trust the people that want you to die young.

Anonymous said...

Enough with being afraid. Please, get back to work everyone.

Anonymous said...

Rene Gutierrez and Minerva Pena do not care or empathize with BISD staff and children . Covid is a hoax according to them . It’s just a cold. All he thinks about is where he’s going to stick his flaccid penis next. Why does the Special Ed director who has no experience spend most of her day at the main office? Why did her sister become principal at Perkins? Follow the dots. Drunk most of the day . Frank Sauceda was sober compared to this idiot. Gutierrez needs to go and TEA needs to get rid of all the do nothings , starting with Adriana Lippa and all of the inept people she has working for her. It’s time that the Special Ed students get what they deserve and more .

Anonymous said...

March 2, 2022 at 10:00 AM

Gringos don't help either they don't need face masks to look ugly! pinche gringo/coco.

Anonymous said...

You can wipe your ass with those face diapers for as much protection against a virus they give you.

Oh and if you do decide to use your facemask as a diaper or to wipe your ass don't throw on the floor behind the toilet like you do.

Anonymous said...

@12:42 pm
Just wondering how do you know that Gutierrez's "penis is flacid?" Maybe he is a gifted Mexican Native American.

Anonymous said...

No means yes and yes means no. Or it Can be caused by Sarcasm-Blind, Nonverbal Miscommunication, Poor Communication Kills, or Cassandra Truth. Often part of a Kafka Komedy. Once for Yes, Twice for No for instances where "No" means "Yes, yes". In the case of a Confusing Multiple Negative, two "Nos" taken as a "Yes" are not misinterpreted.

This may have originated with Sigmund Freud, who claimed that a patient who says "no" is simply in denial, and the more vehemently they say "no", the more likely the real answer is "yes". (Most of Freud's clients were women, the silly little creatures.)

So wearing a mask out side, yes, wearing a mask inside, no, or is it the other way. I get confuse is inside a car, toilet, a pool, bedroom is considered inside or outside? I asked because most of the time you are alone, in these places, except in the bedroom.

Anonymous said...

March 2, 2022 at 3:02 PM,

Nothing but Backward ass people in Browntown LoL.

Your home town, the mountains is worst.
