Friday, March 18, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – The Cameron County Democratic Party will hold its once-every two years convention this Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 10:00 AM at the ITEC Center at Texas Southmost College, 301 Mexico Boulevard.

Any registered voter in Cameron County who has not participated in the primary of another party is eligible to participate in the County Convention. On-site registration will begin at 9:00 AM.

During the convention, delegates will be elected to represent Cameron County at the Texas Democratic Convention, where Beto O’Rourke and other candidates will formally accept the nomination to represent the party in the November election. Additionally, resolutions and platform planks passed at the county convention will be sent to the state convention for consideration.

This year, the Cameron County Democratic Party will be featuring women leaders, with presentations planned from candidates for Texas Senate, District 27– both women –and newly elected District 38 Representative Erin Gamez. Additional speeches by other elected officials and candidates are planned, as well as a special recognition of the retirement of Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.

Commenting on the convention, County Chair Jared Hockema stated: “We are happy to hold our convention again after being paused due to the pandemic. This is the first of many exciting events that we are planning for the coming months. The convention is a time for us to come together as a party and get ready to win again in November!”


Anonymous said...

Ireland’s 1845 Potato Blight is often credited with launching the second wave of Irish immigration to America. The fungus which decimated potato crops created a devastating famine. Starvation plagued Ireland and within five years, a million Irish were dead while half a million had arrived in America.

Apparently estos pendejos were not agriculture friendly.

The first wave was even larger than the second wave...
go figure.

Anonymous said...

It's Bobby O'Rourke. Get it right Juan. A prime example of white privilege is the Dems. candidate for Texas Governor. Here's a secret Cameron County...Bobby isn't Hispanic...and he makes you look as ignorant as blacks.

Anonymous said...

It appears the area Mexicans are now being rousted like flamed ants off an anthill. Why else would they be courted by devious Republicans? Do they think Mexicans can be buffaloed? The Rio Grande Valley is the RGV because of Democrats. Let it stay as is.

Republicans are evil and anti-Americans.

Anonymous said...

KOVO: Keep Our Valley Ours

Vote NO on all local Republicans. they are traitors to our culture!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump's former chief-of-staff probed for voter fraud -

State investigators in North Carolina are looking into the voter registration of Mark Meadows, the former Republican congressman and White House chief of staff who pushed baseless claims of voter fraud to try to overturn the 2020 election results.

The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation confirmed to CNN Thursday that its Special Investigations Unit is investigating allegations that Meadows registered to vote in 2020 at a home where he never resided. The investigation is being carried out in conjunction with the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

(jail him!)

Anonymous said...

I lived in my car for about a year just to save on rent. Its amazing how quick your money stacks up when youre not tossing half of it down the rent hole.

btw, I am a Republican. yes I am!

Anonymous said...

How are republicans traitors to Hispanic culture?

Believe in protecting life, anti abortion? Not Hispanic value?

Believe in family and religious values? Not Hispanic ic?

Believes in the USA and is pro law enforcement?

Believes in free market and hard work?

I can go on, its the de.o rato. Sheep that are against Hispanic values.

Lets hear the obscene low class insults now, instead of respectful debate

Anonymous said...

More like CCCP...

Anonymous said...

Yo no se, pero me llega que me debo de enfocar en pussy y no a la politica.

Anonymous said...

@12:00 PM The Rio Grande Delta HAS NO CULTURE! Do you even know the component parts of a culture!?! I doubt it! A culture includes: food, customs, and language. The locals can’t speak proper English OR Spanish and their only custom is drinking beer and eating fajitas bought with welfare. Selling food stamps is a common practice. That must be your culture pendejo!

Anonymous said...


Erin kickboxer if you say a positive note about Lucio, you would be lying.
next election.

Eddie Lucio is a draft dodger and is leaving it out of his biography.
Give lucio the award for keeping the valley poor and in shambles.

Anonymous said...

Erin Gamez, Congratulations on becoming a District 38 Representative,
for being an Attorney and being beautiful inside and out!
Always enjoy all the blessing that have been bestowed upon you and yours. Sending Prayers for an awesome term in Austin Texas.

Anonymous said...

Juan que dice Mayra Flores? Según imigro legalmente pero que importa. Que insinúa? También no pone mucho detalles en su página de internet. Que va a hacer para el pueblo? Haz preguntas Juan!

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2022 at 2:56 PM

That's what the racist republicans want stupid hillbillys and only to vote.

Anonymous said...


A Brownsville man says he's been dealing with illegal dumping near his home for years.

The city, however, says cleaning it up is complicated.

Anonymous said...

A piece of history: SN8 wing flap being placed at airport.

You mean a piece of shit that belongs at at the garbage dump. He just doesn't want to pay for the fee to dump his shit, ooooooooooh but everybody else has to pay a garbage fee to dump their shit, except Mr. Billionaire.

Now for that, the do nothing airport director gets a salary increase, he now makes 350k a year.

FOR WHAT? to bring in garbage.

He's paid to bring passengers, not garbage!

FIRE ALL OF THEM and do not re-elect any of the city commissioners.

So what is the tail's number ASS-1.

Anonymous said...

Utility Bills Piled Up During the Pandemic. Will Shut-Offs Follow?

Seems like priorities of the federal government is to do too little to solve this country's problems. As usual the citizens come last. Republicans and Democrats have always done this. When will it stop?

Anonymous said...

Red wave is coming whether you like it or not, DemocRATS had their chance and only filled their pockets, just ask eddie lucio and rene oliviera two examples. voters are tired of gilberto hinojete and his cronies change is coming in November for this region.

Anonymous said...

Keep the Valley stupid...said many Democrats.

Anonymous said...

With all that incendiary comments against hispanics do you babosos think any hispanic will vote racist repubican? I don't think so. Ooooooooh but a coco might vote racist republican the ones with gringo names.

The true hispanic will read thru all the garbage the racist republicans are posting here and every where. Continue with your SHIT cause that's what your are "PIECES OF SHITS".


Anonymous said...

Why are you racist republicans here? You all should be fighting with your russian buddies, they are being ass whipped. Pinches yellow bellies.

Anonymous said...

White/coco racist republicans the whites can go help russia and the cocos can vote democrat. me worried, don't think so...

Anonymous said...

Laura Cisneros shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Here, its the opposite if a meskin is named Beto he will use a gringo name like Bob or Bobby. That is common among cocos wanna be white. fact

Anonymous said...

Cocos is reversed stupidity

Anonymous said...

10:17 Spoken like the true COWARD you might also consider taking a basic English class in writing...your current level of written communication is between 5th and 6th grade PUTO!

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2022 at 7:06 PM

The appalachian mountains is the cesspool of the nation and will include russia soooooon....

Anonymous said...

Jilberto hino hasn't spoken spanish in 20 years. fact c/s
