Wednesday, March 23, 2022


By Juan Montoya

During the March 3, 2022, Brownsville Independent School District board meeting, member Drue Brown – reacting to what she said were questions about the district continuing making payments to her husband and son for two years after she became a trustee –  said  that she believed their employment and payments after she became a board member in 2018 were "legal and proper."

Allowed to read a prepared statement after the last item on the board agenda and before the announcements at the end of Tuesday's board meeting, Brown said that during the last two years until February 2020, district financial printouts showed that her husband Dave had been paid $200 for broadcasting swim meets at the Margaret Clark Aquatic Center and son Jeff another $700 for "rendering services" as a swim meet official.

She did not indicate whether the money would be returned.

She said that her husband Dave Brown had started broadcasting the swim meets at the aquatic center since 2009 when her son Jeff was in the Hanna High School varsity swim team and that both continued working and getting paid until February 2020.

She said she had "self-disclosed" the alleged Conflict Of Interest (COI) violations on August 2020 and that she had also filed the appropriate CIS disclosure forms with the district. She also said that she had contacted board counsel O'Hanlon, Demerath & Castillo on the matter.

She said that they had worked or gotten paid by the district in the last two years, but that she was making the statement today after she heard that the issue was being brought up "in the last few days."

Although she did not mention who had questioned the propriety of a board member's family doing business with the district, this blog filed an information request February 22 on payments made to her husband Dave and another request that included information on BISD payments to her son Jeff on March 1.

This blog has just received the response that had to be made available after 10 working days.

Now that the BISD has responded to the Rrun-Rrun's information request, it appears that both her husband and son received much more than the $200 and $700 figures she quoted dating back to 2009, nine years after she became the Public Information officer under former Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas. 

BISD finance records indicate that Dave Brown – her husband and a former sports broadcaster – started receiving the first of 23 checks back in April 24, 2009,  and received the last one February 13, 2020. The total of all checks was $1,790. His employment consisted of narrating swim meets at the Margaret Clark Aquatic Center.

Jeff Brown – her son and now a member of the U.S. Coast Guard – started receiving the fist of 10 BISD checks back in January 2019 and the last in February 13, 2020 that eventually totaled $1,040.

Could Brown's personal 30-year relationship and influence with the former superintendent and the administration have had any impact on them being chosen to provide that service? Nah, you think?

And although she was as trustee since 2018 and employment of immediate family members goes against the district's nepotism policies, both men's employment ended on February 13, 2020, two years after she took the oath of office, she claimed that she believed that her husband and her son's employment and payments were "proper and legal" and that their employment had been "grandfathered in" because it was a continuation of their previous services. 

This is disingenuous at best. Brown has worked for the BISD all her professional life and retired from the BISD after holding the position of Public Information Officer since 1992 in the first Zendejas administration. Brown held the PIO position for 25 years before her retirement in June 2017. She ran for the board the next year and was elected.

Zendejas appointed Brown to the position after snagging her from her post as Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) director, a position that encompasses all data requested and received by the Texas Education Agency about public education, including student demographic and academic performance, personnel, financial, and organizational information.

You'd think that after seeing numerous cases involving COI cases during the three decades of serving as the PIO at the BISD she'd have some idea that close relatives of board members could not be employed by the district. 

But Brown said that if anything had been done wrong she would take full responsibility for the "oversight."

"At no time was it called to my attention that (having them serve the district) was unacceptable," she told the board. "I apologize for being a distraction and distress (to the board)...At no time was it disclosed to me that their services were not allowed. However, when it was brought to my attention in the last few days that (it) was not acceptable, I immediately contacted our board legal counsel for his opinion. I know now that my husband and son should not have served..." 

Brown said she will be handing her prepared statement to the board secretary for inclusion in the record  and thanked President Eddie Garcia and the board members for allowing her the time to make her statement on the issues.

But it's not over. 

Garcia directed the board secretary that a copy of the statement also be given to attorneys O'Hanlon, Demerath & Castillo and that the board attorneys issue and opinion and advice the board on how to proceed on the issue.

The board is still awaiting the report from the board attorneys.


Anonymous said...

You posted this (or one like it) 10 days ago. What's changed?


Im okay with hiring her hubby, who was not a loser. He knows his business, which cannot be said of all BISD vendors.

Get a better story, bro.

Anonymous said...

This is such small potatoes - 23 checks for $1,700?

He did a job before she became a trustee. Seems like a nice rate for a first-rate broadcaster. BISD should thank him. What press release has Montoya written for BISD?

What similar job has any other vendor done for that cheap rate?

This is why Brownsville is the cesspool of Texas. It envies everyfuckinthing!


Anonymous said...

Drue its very simple, you dont need an opinion from the BISD attorneys, just pay back the money & RESIGN. Simple Math.

Anonymous said...

Otro episodio de El Sube Y Baja...

Anonymous said...

Where's the DA he can get a feather on his sombrero for busting a gringo/a, but refuses to do anything. Another coco. At least refer it to the feds ooooops they also don't like to bust gringos/a.

Just like the tax office charging 30% down payment so you can pay your back taxes on a contract.
YOU ARE NOT, NOT, BUYING A CAR YOU ARE TRYING TO PAY YOUR TAXES. I guess being the poorest city in the USA does not matter to all this IDIOTAS..........

Anonymous said...

You are just going after her becomes she is white and you are a racist piece of shit with no talent.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Brown, "why would anyone call attention to this set-up corruption OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST"? This is absolutely allowed behavior in Cameron County. Start by checking out the SAENZS, HINOJOSAS, GARZAS, VELAS, LUCIOS, CANOS and the list just goes on as precedents of such corruption. The question is Mrs. Brown worked for 25 years as PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER for BISD since 1992, almost 30 years later, yet she herself was NOT AWARE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST ISSUES? I Mrs. Brown as citizen of Cameron County apologize for your stagnant behavior, because that is all you did was to cover-up behavior, sit there and allow corrupt nepotism. Life is a bitch when you get caught. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Somos malvados.

Somos envidiosos.

Somos celosos.

Somos nada.........

Anonymous said...

Oh but Minnie's daughter in law couldn't hold a job at bisd

Anonymous said...

i don't see a problem. They were performing professional services for which they were qualified.

why didn't you think to go broadcast those swim meets, Montoya?

(because you were NOT QUALIFIED)

- next wacko posting.

Anonymous said...

A new version of Trump University is coming to Brownsville to compete with TSC.

Goodbye, TSC.

Former RGV LEO said...

Again Montoya, were these positions on any agenda within BISD? You write a detailed story but you don't mention about agendas or votes? I would think that this would make it a COI? How many other BISD employees are related to any trustees or other BISD administrators, etc... Based on your story, are there other members of family announcing any games, helping out and referees or umpires, etc.... that are getting paid and might be a COI? Do it right!

Anonymous said...

Beware of Russia messing with our electrical grid. You prepare or you suffer!

Do Mexicans here understand this?

poor bastards. they will only hightail it pronto to Matamoros and the rest of Mexico.

Anonymous said...

A nice 2-bedroom apartment in New York (Manhattan) is now renting for $5,275 a month.

Would you go for it, you in Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

Don't see a problem there. Maybe if they had started when she became a trustee, but they were there way before that. You're being an asshole, Juan - and too much of that lately.

Anonymous said...

I’m a teacher and have seen food insecurity far too often with students I’ve taught. I keep snacks in my class for my students. There were kids that would come to school late and hungry. I’d hide a granola bar in their desk or cubby each day so they could start the school day with at least something. I know some students take advantage of the snacks because I now just have them out on a shelf, but I also know there are those who depend on it. I want to do more. I’ve never experienced poverty to this extent, but I do know how it feels to have to choose between food or diapers when I was a single mom.

These kids deserve so much more.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty cool to be alive at this point in American history because it's like the fall of the Roman Empire but with Wifi.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind that shit, Mongo -

The people in Brownsville were ready for the Coronavirus pandemic way before it even happened. They know how to play victim.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville: one step forward, five steps back.

si no son malas jugadas, son lomas de envidia........


Anonymous said...

I have been to Third-world countries and a lot of them are cleaner than Brownsville. Let's start the clean-up there.

Anonymous said...

What? Really? This is NOT a story.

I dont like Drue, but getting people to work athletic events for very little pay—-who are actually good at it—-is hard to do.

I say thank you fro them for doing the job all those years and earning very little.

Why don’t you cover Lopez voting on her dads contract—-that’s money worth getting upset over …

This is a joke and waste of words.

Anonymous said...

Did Lopez vote for her dad’s company? Or not?

If so shouldn’t that be sent for REVIEW too?

Or they only picking on the white girl?

Time to vote in Ortiz and Caballero

Anonymous said...

You say close members of the family of board members cannot be employees by the district? Really? What about eddie garcia wife? She is a school teacher. What about prisci roca tipton sister, brother, nieces and nephews who all work for the district. Do all of them have to quit their jobs. Are you going to look into those Juan?

Anonymous said...

The City Commission of Brownsville maintains the independent ability to set its electric, water and wastewater rates, which Fitch views favorably. Electric rates remain competitive, as evidenced by residential rates that represent approximately 92%of the state average.

Anonymous said...

Fitch assesses BPUB's service area characteristics at midrange, reflecting stable customer growth across each of the utility systems but historically weaker economic metrics. The most recent median household income and unemployment levels for the city represent 61% and 132% of the national averages, respectively.

Anonymous said...

BPUB's financial profile remained very healthy in fiscal 2020. Leverage was 5.4x in fiscal 2020, up slightly

Anonymous said...

Debt Profile
BPUB's debt profile is, The $334.8 million outstanding long-term debt as of Sept. 30, 2020

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Public Utilities Board (TX) (BPUB):

--Approximately $213.1 million utility system revenue bonds, series 2005A, 2008, 2013A, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2020A

Anonymous said...

The BPUB bonds are payable from net revenues of the utility's combined utilities system, which includes electric, water and wastewater services. BPUB has junior-lien bonds outstanding that are payable from net revenues of the combined system after satisfying senior-lien debt service.

Anonymous said...

Double dipping.. nice.. at least trey is not the only scammer..

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 10:04 AM

start a north wing (at the prison) just for BISD

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 10:04 AM
Don't like it start, your own blog, if you can idiota

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 10:46 AM

OOOOOH I forgot she's white gringa (probably a hillbilly) they are ALL excempt from prosecution regardless of the crime. Sent everybody else to jail except da whites/gringos and you cocos are next to be prosecuted wheater you know a few white gringos or not
JUST REMEMBER YOU ARE MESKIN (read the comments here about you meskings most or all are from gringos/cocos) they don't like you pinches COCOS,MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 10:37 AM
pinche mojado go back to matamoros

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 11:55 PM
Who the f*** is trey? Oh ese pendejo que se cree gringo, se llama JUAN JUAN and is ashame to say it JUAN JUAN joto

Anonymous said...

PBUB debt from what they never buy or replace anything. Everything they have is old and falling apart. INVESTIGATE!!!!

Anonymous said...

City giving away resources is the real story….

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 4:38 PM
Where Mexico? You should have stayed there IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 3:01 PM

Enforcement Department is requesting any documents and/or witness to convict and sent to prison, any gringo/a that has committed crimes against anybody, including thievery, stole property, conflict of interest, lies, and racism (more to be added soon).

The US customs officials will stop and prevent gringos/a from boarding any flights to cochroach europe, until arragements are made to legally sent them back with the understanding that they will finish up the prison terms their ancestor did not complete.

Do gringos/a here understand this?

For expediancy to cockroach europe and the rest of cockroach continent.

giddy up IDIOTAS!!!


Anonymous said...

This is nothing, the wheeling and dealing in the downtown area and all the other things done on the name of “charity”

City giving away emails, tags reserved for friends of commissioners
Self funding projects for city staff and elected officials (downtown)

And then of course, there is the county……

Never Ends…. The BISD trustee in jail needs room mates, so DA Saenz needs to get busy.

Anonymous said...

Why isn’t the DA investigating Lopez and that vote for her dads company.

This is NOTHING—besides the school gets audited every year, did it come up?
If it was districts account—then everyone had to approve it….including the Supt.

We hate cheaters when they are “not on our team”…..cheaters “on my team” are ok.

Anonymous said...

1700 over 10 years. Someone needs to report BISD for sweat shop practices!

Compared to the city is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Hey President Garcia,
How is this a problem? But voting on contractors who you are related to is worse.

Bring in the rangers….

Anonymous said...

Sent all the RATAS to jail do it now. That includes gringos/as.

Anonymous said...

Typical BISD thievery nothing new here. Students are ashame to say they go to BISD.
Suck it up gringos RATAS exist everywhere. "INVESTIGATE", GO TO "COURT", "GUILTY" and "PRISON". Simple nobody is exempt. ICGP same as BISD.

Anonymous said...

Bisd. City. RATAS.
I’m not worried about the ones that apologize and own their actions.
We should worry about the ones that rationalize their behaviors and act as if we “owe” them city resources and special deals.
Keep saying it’s “legal” …former bisd trustee used to do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Bing in the Rinches oooooop there's no more land to steal...

Anonymous said...

Bring in the Rangers ooooooops there is no more land to steal

Anonymous said...

Did everyone forget that Judy Alcala Colunga was on BISD Payroll while Joe Colunga was a Board Member?
This Crap has been going on for a long time.

Anonymous said...

BISD friends = good side of RR tracks
Employees in exile... you get it
