Wednesday, March 2, 2022



Anonymous said...

Short people see the world differently.


Anonymous said...

Yep somebody should tellthe mayor that his balls were to small to handle the theft at PUB in regards to Tenaska many of the poor in Brownsville were ripped off by this project and PUB OFFICIALS and still to this day no accountability.

Anonymous said...

No winning with you Juan. Science has proven that constantly living in the negative leads to anxiety, depression, and alcoholism. Slap the man when he is wrong, but give him kuddos when he does something good. For what it's worth, ever stop to think about the influence an adult has on a child? Even if it is a spark? We were praising your daughter a few days ago. Were all her mentors and motivators perfect? Is her father perfect at every move? None of us are.

c/s wey

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaha bullshit

Anonymous said...

So who's taller....Eddie Trevino or Trey Mendez?
The constituents have a right to know.

Anonymous said...

I just want to see Tito sucking Democrat ass.

Anonymous said...

5'3" "Mr.Tenaska! LOL! Is there a significant other Tenaska?

Anonymous said...

This picture is never going away.

Anonymous said...

United States alone has deployed 15,000 extra troops to Europe — 5,000 to Poland, 1,000 to Romania and 1,000 to the Baltic States — while committing another 12,000 troops. Washington has also deployed more fighter jets and attack helicopters to Romania, Poland and the Baltic States. France sent its first tranche of troops to Romania provided Rafale fighter jets to Poland.. Germany, in Lithuania, has sent another 350 troops and howitzers there, six fighter jets to Romania, some troops to Slovakia and two more ships. also said it would send a Patriot missile battery and 300 troops to operate. Britain, has sent another 850 soldiers and more Challenger tanks there, plus 350 more troops to Poland. It has also put another 1,000 on standby. Canada has sent some 1,200 soldiers, artillery and electronic warfare units to Latvia. Italy sent eight fighter jets to Romania and put 3,400 troops on standby, while the Dutch have sent 100 troops to Lithuania and 125 to Romania. Denmark is sending a frigate to the Baltic Sea and will send 200 soldiers and deploy four fighter jets to Lithuania and some to Poland. This is hardly a complete listing, but gives an indication of the seriousness .

Recruiting officers will be arriving here, no date has been set but it is believe that it will happen asap..

Anonymous said...

Whomever thought of this picture is a genius!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pic of the century, will live FOREVER hahahahahahaaaaa ha

Anonymous said...

Hysterical...and spot on. with his free hand he should also have been holding the little Trevino fellow.
