Sunday, March 13, 2022



Inside the Tax Records of the .001%

(Many Americans live paycheck to paycheck, amassing little wealth and paying the federal government a percentage of their income that rises if they earn more. In recent years, the median American household earned about $70,000 annually and paid 14 percent in federal taxes. The highest income tax rate, 37 percent, kicked in this year, for couples, on earnings above $628,300.

The confidential tax records obtained by ProPublica show that the ultrarich effectively sidestep this system.)

By ProPublica

America’s billionaires avail themselves of tax-avoidance strategies beyond the reach of ordinary people. Their wealth derives from the skyrocketing value of their assets, like stock and property. Those gains are not defined by U.S. laws as taxable income unless and until the billionaires sell.

To capture the financial reality of the richest Americans, ProPublica undertook an analysis that has never been done before. We compared how much in taxes the 25 richest Americans paid each year to how much Forbes estimated their wealth grew in that same time period.

We’re going to call this their true tax rate.

Experts have long understood the broad outlines of how little the wealthy are taxed in the United States, and many lay people have long suspected the same thing.

But few specifics about individuals ever emerge in public. Tax information is among the most zealously guarded secrets in the federal government. ProPublica has decided to reveal individual tax information of some of the wealthiest Americans because it is only by seeing specifics that the public can understand the realities of the country’s tax system.

Consider Jeff Bezos’ 2007, one of the years he paid zero in federal income taxes.

Amazon’s stock more than doubled. Bezos’ fortune leapt $3.8 billion, according to Forbes, whose wealth estimates are widely cited. How did a person enjoying that sort of wealth explosion end up paying no income tax?

In that year, Bezos, who filed his taxes jointly with his then-wife, MacKenzie Scott, reported a paltry (for him) $46 million in income, largely from interest and dividend payments on outside investments. He was able to offset every penny he earned with losses from side investments and various deductions, like interest expenses on debts and the vague catchall category of “other expenses.”

In 2011, a year in which his wealth held roughly steady at $18 billion, Bezos filed a tax return reporting he lost money — his income that year was more than offset by investment losses. What’s more, because, according to the tax law, he made so little, he even claimed and received a $4,000 tax credit for his children.

His tax avoidance is even more striking if you examine 2006 to 2018, a period for which ProPublica has complete data. Bezos’ wealth increased by $127 billion, according to Forbes, but he reported a total of $6.5 billion in income. The $1.4 billion he paid in personal federal taxes is a massive number — yet it amounts to a 1.1% true tax rate on the rise in his fortune.


Anonymous said...

Most of these people support Democrats. The real party of the rich.

Anonymous said...

Too much copy & paste posting!

Local news, bro.

tell me who here is fucking up. I don't know those people in your posting.

How much in taxes did Capt. Bob pay? You? Eric Garza? Louis Sorola? Alex Dominguez? Trey Mendez? Adela Garza? Tony Zavaleta? Ben Neece?

They didn't pay shit, either, I bet!!!

Anonymous said...

This is so out of my world. I make minimum wage, ese.

Tell me another joke.

Anonymous said...

I remember I was homeless for a bit in Brownsville. I was walking with everything I owned in a backpack and a few trash bags. I didn't have money for a bus to get where I was going or even for anything to drink. I guess this homeless guy could tell I was down on my luck and broke. He came up and gave me some money and told me to get something to drink and eat. He said, "we should all help each other out." I never saw him again, but after that I always just figured I'd pay it forward. If I see someone who is homeless, I give what I can. That dude really helped me out that day. Hopefully he's doing alright these days.

- Alvaro
Rivera High, '79

Anonymous said...

Final answer.

Sites in Beirut, Benghazi and Brownsville, Texas, make a most-endangered list

Anonymous said...

Churches should start paying taxes!

They are now so active in national politics, plus they also got stimulus checks, the Catholic Church more than $1.5 billion. Evangelicals, however, are the real assholes.

Tax them!!!

Anonymous said...

I paid $4,921.92 this year. How much did you pay?

There should be a sticker for your car showing that you pay taxes here. The number of cares without stickers would be astounding. Go back to Mexico!!!

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias por deleitarme con tu blog, pero mas novedades de importancia, no?

Anonymous said...

Hillbillys pay no taxes why? Nunca han trabajado pinche huevones.

Frustrated Harlingenite said...

The first three are democrats and making more money because of the democrats in the White House! Think about that!

Former RGV LEO said...

George Soros, the former nazi who is suspected of funding riots in democrat cities did not pay a single dollar in taxes! Its just not the rich right Montoya!

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2022 at 12:18 PM
Pinche hillbilly/coco go baci to the mountains idiota

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2022 at 1:34 PM

