Saturday, March 19, 2022


By Diane Teter


Haven’t we all been young, idealistic and impetuous at some time during our lives? 

Acts under these conditions should always be within the laws, but with young people sometimes graffiti is used in frustration; but the use of “storm troopers” in Brownsville sent by the mayor to arrest a young woman for graffiti is deplorable, but yet so fitting in the state of Texas, as women are now looked upon more and more as property to be used for and by men and the government (heartbeat bill) as they see fit, and women should be pacified at all costs to accept this new reality.

Is humiliation, excessive police force and intimidation to be the norm for future women in our RGV and state? Consider the following scenario: It’s February in Brownsville, a young woman is confronted by multiple police demanding and entering her apartment without producing a warrant, handcuff her in a semi-dressed state, take away her prescription eyeglasses, interrogate her without a lawyer, and hold her in jail isolation for more than 26 hours for the crime of writing graffiti? 

Then the mayor posts on Facebook her name and occupation — but then later deletes it. Have you ever heard of such drastic retaliation for one case of graffiti?

The graffiti for this offense was not defacing the actual mural but only the colored base below and stated, “Gentrified Stop SpaceX.” Will these over-reactions be the new norm for all future graffiti writers? 

I think not, but only with those who mention SpaceX on a mural highly criticized by the local community because the art talent did not come from our own area, which it could have and justly so, but the talent had to be imported from another state.

The recent acts of Brownsville police and their mayor clearly demonstrate that a local young female resident will and can be humiliated and physically endangered for a misdemeanor charge that commonly is a citation-only offense. 

The amount of time and resources spent by Brownsville to arrest a young woman are disproportionate to the actual crime and cost of painting over the graffiti — or is it more of sending a message to all and especially women, that if they step out of line they face consequences, and especially when it concerns SpaceX in our RGV?


Anonymous said...

Letter from Hidalgo County?

Pos alla si saben escribir, Ama.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Passive Brownsville let it happen.

No complaints to City Hall about Police Department. Someone should have been disciplined, demoted. But noooooooooooooooo-oh!

Anonymous said...

Yea…that was a bit overboard. Add to it he was silent on the child porn arrest a a local children’s museum. He only mentioned the porn case AFTER being attacked on facebook —because blogger EC was all over the case.

Why be so aggressive to this, but ignore 2,000 videos of child porn? That’s the real story.

Anonymous said...

Bullying behavior from the mayor and the cops who went along with it. I can't vote for him again nor will I patronize his business. Turns out the mayor is just another tin horn politician kissing up to SpaceX.
Also, when I go to Boca Chica Beach I often see several sheriff's vehicles at SpaceX, security I suppose. Who pays for that, I wonder? Even if the deputies are on their own time and making extra moola those are certainly county cars and, I'll bet county gasoline, too. If that is the case then not only is the richest man in the world taking away the beach from some of the poorest people in the country he is making them pony up for the areas security, too. Lucky most of our politicians are dark skinned otherwise that brown on their noses from having them up Musk's ass would show.

Anonymous said...

Una comunidad que no se queja acepta todo tipo de abuso.

he dicho.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Juan "Trey" Mendez should resign after this!

What a coward to post her name online. Cabron. Ponte los pantalones de un hombre, guey! vato inutil.

Anonymous said...

Little mayor, it's okay dijo el gringo.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has never been good to its women. Poor lady.

just fine her! why drag her out of her home? bad police work.

Anonymous said...

Not that I care for the stupid wall, but if my teen goes to the Diane Teter's car and expresses himself by spray painting "diane sucks", I hope she lets it go.

Anonymous said...

Shameful. Mendez should apologize in public. He fingered her and tried to back out of it by deleting his FB post where he named her!

Juan Trey, la cagaste!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If sanctioned, any MAN in Brownsville could knockout Mayor Mendez in one round of boxing, perhaps even with one punch.

Mayor Mendez acts like a wimp.

Anonymous said...

Let's just face it - this poor unattractive overweight woman just doesn't have the following or good looks to attract any kind of backing from the public. The truth is that no one cares. Sierra Club made a mistake hiring her or maybe now they see her as really "one of them"? Now she says she has PTSD and wants to sue the city and not have to work.

Anonymous said...

It should be the message to the Mayor to make sure of his accusations as to this matter. He owes the citizens of Cameron County an explanations as to "why he chose to pick this particular minor misdemeanor to prosecute"? Was it because it offended his master Elon Musk? Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Apparently this writer knows nothing about this young women. She's definitely a pain in the ASS for the Mayor. And has a history that Brownsville PD can't ignore anymore. I'm sure there is more to this story that we aren't hearing. So let's see how this all plays out before we let this person go without any consciences for her crime. She will have her day in court. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

In the UK, it is a criminal offense to waste the police time. Here, they wasted it themselves!

Anonymous said...

this is why Brownsville is Third World shit.

Anonymous said...

Fake out the local Republicans.

Tell them you are pro-Putin!

Mexicans can play the game, too.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has a mayor? I thought he was part of the clown that voters pick to continue the stupidity of our brainless city commissioners. Brownsville name should be changed to stupidville, Texas. Home of the do nothing jackasses.

Anonymous said...

SpaceX is no friend of the local citizenry. It exploits by way of weak politicians, like Mayor Mendez.

wake up, Brownsville!

Graffiti is your friend.

Anonymous said...

Mayor makes a big deal out of something so petty.
Good grief, try working one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Johnny J and the Pompadour, Johnny J would never allow payasadas, don't know how this payaso got past hime. It ain't, like father like son.

Anonymous said...

Look at this fat little troll. Why are 95% of left wing activists so incredibly un attractive? Her friend Diane is an old, unemployed lesbian teacher who has nothing to do with her time except write letters to a newspaper no one reads anymore.

Anonymous said...

A LOOSE CANNON, is defined as "a dangerously uncontrollable person or thing." It is a phrase that comes up often during election cycles, as candidates try to paint each other as rash and impulsive decision-makers.

During election somebody painted this enano A LOOSE CANNON. He was so right.


He is also an excessive and unfair profiteer, using his position illegally

Anonymous said...

That police chief is not too far behind the enano bending laws to benefit themselves.
THIS POLICE CHIEF HAS GOT TO GO this is a dangerous situation anybody can pull a string and the police chief will jump, and asked "how high sir" NOT GOOD.

Anonymous said...

The police union should be aware of this, asking the chief to do political favors to benefit themselves... NOT GOOD

Anonymous said...

The advantages of a hypersonic missile are many:

1. Speed. No time for the enemy to react (either leave or activate/track with air defenses).
2. Undetectable by radar. At mach 10, the temperatures developed (friction of air with the surface of the missile, almost 12 000 Celsius) cause the air enveloping the missile to become plasma. Plasma is basically ionized gas which absorbs all electromagnetic radiation, thus rendering the object invisible to radar.
3. The kinetic energy at hypersonic speeds is huge. It is estimated that the kinetic energy of a Kinzhal is more than 4,000Kg of TNT, making it ideal to hit well-fortified ammunition stores and command centers deep in the ground (compare this with its conventional warhead which has a weight of 500Kg). In other words, much higher penetration than conventional missiles.
4. The Kinzhal is air launched and the range stated is apparently the combined range of the missile and the carrier aircraft. Thus, it is 2000Km when carried by the MiG-31K and 3000Km when carried by the Tu-22M3.
5. It is claimed to be able to maneuver during its flight to avoid air defenses (as if that is necessary).

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2022 at 1:03 PM

Ok, we know it was you "el enano", that posted this comment and the other one at: March 19, 2022 at 3:05 PM. Eres un pendejo

Anonymous said...

Names of Austin's previous mayors and term dates
Years of Servic
Name of Mayor
2015 - Present
Steve Adler
2009 - 2015
Lee Leffingwell
2003 - 2009
Will Wynn
2001 - 2003
Gus Garcia
1997 - 2001
Kirk Watson
1991 - 1997
Bruce Todd
1988 - 1991
C. Lee Cooke
1985 - 1988
Frank C. Cooksey
5/1983 - 1985
Ron Mullen
2/1983 - 5/1983
John Trevino, Jr. (Acting)
1977 - 2/1983
Carole Keeton McClellan
1975 - 1977
Jeffrey “Jeff” M. Friedman
1971 - 1975
Roy Butler
1969 - 1971
Travis L. LaRue
1967 - 1969
Harry Akin
1961 - 1967
Lester E. Palmer
1955 - 1961
Robert “Tom” Miller
1953 - 1955
Charles A. McAden
1951 - 1953
William S. Drake, Jr.
1949 - 1951
Taylor Glass
1933 - 1949
Robert “Tom” Miller
1926 - 1933
Paul W. McFadden
1919 - 1926
William D. Yett
1909 - 1919
Alexander P. Wooldridge
1907 - 1909
Frank M. Maddox
1905 - 1907
William D. Shelley
1901 - 1905
Robert E. White
1897 - 1901
John D. McCall
1896 - 1897
Louis Hancock
1890 - 1895
John McDonald
1887 - 1890

This is why this stinkin' town WILL NEVER BE LIKE AUSTIN. In austin if the mayor screws up HE'S GONE, while here if he/she screws up they get re-elected again and agin .

Anonymous said...

To hell with her. She just trying to get out of that charge by bullshitting social media. Let her go spray paint your property and see if you like it. Buncha Pendejos.

Anonymous said...

Until the voting public stops electing idiotas that seek to enhance their pockets, hire all their family, voting friends, nothing will change. Just recently the same family system got elected. The ratismo has to stop.
These are critical times the country is headed into a finacial crisis we are only seeing the beginning. Do you think these elected officials will help the community? Look at the virus vouchers. What happened there? The elected officials decided to give the vaccines to their family and friends. That's just a taste of what's to come in the future.


Anonymous said...

In Brownsville the law is selectively applied. We've known that for generations, so don't act all surprised. Illegal and/or unethical conduct by our elected officials has always unacknowledged or tolerated.

Captain Obvious

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Mayor should have been fired after trying to get free money from BICC Or GBIC to rebuilt the building that he and the ex city employee purchased. You guessed right, the city employee got fired but the Mayor stayed. This Mayor is a lot worst than his predecessor, Casa Del Nylon purchase pales compared to what this Mayor has done to enrich himself and close friends at taxpayers expense. Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

A pain in the ass is not sufficient evidence prosecute.

Anonymous said...

Why insult the woman’s looks? You should apologize.

How many commenting on this blog are guys who are overweight?

Bento E. Spinoza

Anonymous said...

CLUELESS SOB nothing else. who elected este pendejo anyway?

Anonymous said...

"Fat and ugly would be an insult while "unattractive overweight woman" is simply fact and putting it mildly

Anonymous said...

Too bad winter is gone. Make a good heating blanket. Save on heating bill while having a good time.

"Tonight I'll be staying here with you" Bob Dylan.
Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there, too
Throw my troubles out the door
I don't need them any more
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you
I should have left this town this morning
But it was more than I could do
For, your love comes on so strong
And I've waited all day long
For tonight when I'll be staying here with you
Is it really any wonder
The love that a stranger might receive?
You cast your spell and I went under
I find it so difficult to leave
I can hear that whistle blowin'
I see that stationmaster, too
If there's a poor boy on the street
Then let him have my seat
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you
Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there, too
Throw my troubles out the door
I don't need them any more
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you

Anonymous said...

Where the hell do you get trey from pinche mojado meskin apestodo

Anonymous said...

Let's not attack our Brownsville mayor as been an idiot, tiny man, stupid mind of selling liquor and bad over price pizzas. Giving money breaks to his friends to make more cantinas for high class BISD employees. It hurts me to hear this bad talk. Our Brownsville mayor just cannot do graffiti right like this girl. Space X rules Brownsville into the dirt and maybe even deeper into hell. Space X controls COB, CC, PUB, BND, BISD, CCAD. Space X is bring Putin for mayor in Brownsville. I heard he is losing his job in Russia pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

We have problems when this story gets move coverage and outrage then someone working at the childrens museum who uploaded child porn.

Especially considering the details or lack of details.

either Felipe is a terrible human resource leader/director—-he fired someone for CAUSE then rehired him…only to have him arrested on sight
He is weak and allowed his donors to place someone at the museum (politics)

Felipe…were there signs? Did you ignore the signs? We’re you influenced by a few pennies and some praise/lies?
The truth will set you free…..

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2022 at 2:50 PM

You forgot the mamones, with a coco, at the port BND and tax all the citizens of brownsville and they say they are making billions so why the tax?

Anonymous said...

So da enano is stay with the graffiti woman tonight? after all the insults here? All I gatta say to the woman is, prepare for the short and tiny end of things....

Anonymous said...

As we speak arrangments are being made (by the enano of course)to bring in Puddie here to run the security forces. Makes sense. Border security is very important here just ask the shop owners downtown.
