Thursday, March 10, 2022



Anonymous said...

War is Hell.

Why act surprised?

The meek shall inherit the Earth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's go Brandon!
What ever happened to "Build Back Better"? I'm not hearing it from the Democrats anymore. Anybody know why?

Anonymous said...

Its a white on white war sent all the gringos cucarachos to cockroach europe.

Anonymous said...

March 10, 2022 at 2:48 PM

Estas sordo o te haces pendejo racist republican

Anonymous said...

New ticket - TRUMPUTO/PUTTIN and you know what party they will be...

Anonymous said...

Onta Veggie?

Anonymous said...

Elected Republicans in DC have thrown their support behind our nation's enemy of the state...Putin.

Notice how Putin sanctioned all Democrats but named not one Republican was named. Notice how Trump in his last interview applauded Putin's attack on Ukraine. Trump is the GOP's strawman. He's still sending out GOP Dog Whistles.

They are an evil lot of diabolical elected Republican men that are so thirsty for power to regain control of the US they will saddle up to a tyrant committing war crimes as their strategy to undermine our sitting POTUS. Traitors every last one of them and so are their apathetic supporters who gleeful support the orange grifting criminal Despot... Putin's puppet and number one fan.

They embrace evil.

These same people with their disgusting Colonist mentalities who seek to roll back to a time where it was okay to post signs that read...No Mexicans. No Blacks Allowed.

Republicans are not friends of South Texas citizens. They are the reason for the way the valley has been ignored until it was useful to their political strategy.

They lie, just like they breath air. Don't be fools. They are laughing behind your backs at the Hispanics that believe Republican's care about them or will treat them equally. They want to make sure you know your place and will use your own kind to put you in your place. Open your eyes.

Remember when Tejanos helped Texas win against Mexico, then they were told they could not enter through the front doors?

Tejanos don't be fooled again. It's your choice. Make the right one.
