Monday, March 7, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: A tent city - or is it Colonia - has sprung up under an overpass along US 77/83 in downtown Brownsville. As of this afternoon at 6:15 no city officials could tell us what, who, when menos the why. Are they "active tourists" who will pump millions into the city and are here to ride Rose Gowen's bike trails? Or our local homeless? We will continue asking.)


Anonymous said...

The tents were donated by bus dept and bike trail city commissioner. Bus does not want to see homeless on all the bus shelters even if they only have 3 (three-tres) and la chisquis refuses to allow the homeless on the bike trails.

Anonymous said...

Rose "slim fast" Gowen and Art "la marrana negra" Rodriguez should hold hands and ride bikes together on the trail. You know damn well neither of them have ever rode a bike.

Anonymous said...

Skid row in L.A. the worst. Phoenix is bad, Kidnapping every day. They come in 2nd next to Mexico.
Albuquerque NM or Alburcracky they are crazy. Such a small state and violent.
City of Austin approved of the bums living there back in the late '80s, now they regret it.

Anonymous said...

Liberal law makers fucking everything up. Way too many rights available to these junkies. It bit Austin in the ass too! Yes I said it! These are not your homeless that are going though hard times. These are the junkies that ask for money at the intersections and once they have enough for their fix, they run off to get high. Then they are right back at the street corner. They don't need to work cuz they have their three hot meals at Good Neighbor and they even deliver to these camp sites. No pos con madre! Need a tent? Stop by the Red Wagon ministries to pick one up. Why not go to Ozonam? Because they have rules! They cannot be drunk or high and they have to participate and help around the shelter.

Anonymous said...

Did Austin send them down here?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip. It's a state highway. Letting the state police know about it.

Anonymous said...

Spillover from San Benito.

They are calling that encampment "Hollywood A-La-Mejicana".

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Look like your typical Brownsville apartment complex to me.


Anonymous said...

Mendezville Pop: 17

Anonymous said...

Prima con beneficios.

Anonymous said...

It was today, March 8, 1970 when I came back from 'Nam: 1969, I'm 19 and in Vietnam...listened to great songs, good memories. Friends never came home; I did, home wasn't there...

Anonymous said...

All of these tent people are Whites!

It's a culture thing.

Anonymous said...

Its just gringos being gringos the gimme gimme section of their heritage, its their inheritance. IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

Browntown is already a shit hole. This does not make 1 bit of difference

Anonymous said...

It's a bus shelter and the bus wait is long.

Anonymous said...

This is an abject failure on the part of Bernal, who has had plenty of opportunities and resources to avoid this. Oh ... and let's not forget Trey MendeX, who let's this happen, as long as he can continue his grifting ways. Hijole

Anonymous said...

Maybe mitte can help most or all are gringos... Ooooooh they gotta have a degree, si no, ni modo.

Anonymous said...

These idiots hang around the Lincoln Park neighbor and International where they endanger us driving in those areas and who also run around all night in the neighborhood looking for things to steal and barter for dope that is also being sold on Lincoln Street. It is like the neighborhood store and the police don't do anything about it. They come half and hour after you call them and they just talk to them for another half hour and let them go back to their place of residence under the expressway. Is there not an ordinance regarding this in the city of Brownsville, and if so, why are BPD cops not doing anything about it. If one gets near my car, I take out my pepper spray
container and point it at him or her for that is the only way to get rid of them from your car and then they throw the middle finger at you.

Anonymous said...

Do you think these people vote Democrat or Republican?
Answer truthfully.

Anonymous said...

Its Elon's moveable home prototype

Anonymous said...

These are the scientist that work at boca chica exploding rocket range. Y la bruja's viewing palace has invited this scientist to go visit her palace. PENDEJA

Anonymous said...

These people need to get of their ass and do something for their life!!! Tough times my ass! We all go through tough times in life,but you don't see us living under the freeway. Dignity people!

Anonymous said...

Mass homelessness happened in California because governent officials were too slow to put in protections for homeowning taxpayers. They saw big money coming in and wanted a cut. Taxpayers lost their homes in the recessions, then banks bought up their tax delinquent homes. CA has a huge homeless population of 'former homeowners' who sleep in their cars every night. Meanwhile, their former homes sit empty, while the bank waits for some 'entrepreneur' to pay 300%-500% of its value. California has hundreds of thousands of vacant homes held by banks and investors, and hundreds of thousands of homeless. Is that what we want? Brownsville should learn from others' mistakes and not allow this to repeat here.

There is no denying, we do have an influx of migrant homeless every winter. These are whites from northern states who take the bus to Brownsville because our winters are warm. They can sleep rough and it is warm outside, no snow. They will leave as soon as the weather gets hot in the 90 degree range and they prefer cool 70 degree summers up north. Then they will be back again next winter.

We have always had migrant homeless in the winter months because of our mild climate. But, if policies do not change, we will begin to accumulate a permanent homeless population due to gentrification. Just because you kick a person out of their longtime home does not mean they leave Brownsville. These are people who have lived here for generations, the established family names, Garcia, Hernandez, Gutierrez, Rodriguez. They will live with relative, in their car in a walmart parking lot, on the street, but they aren't leaving. The tent cities will begin to spread. Only these won't be whites anymore, but older Brownsville residents kicked out of their downtown family homes. Will our city leaders take preventative action, stop property taxes from skyrocketing for longtime, low income residents? Or are they too blinded chasing the SpaceX big green dollar bill to care anymore?

Anonymous said...

They are the repubicans the local and national news are talking about, The large increase of republican votes. Transported here in pods from the mountains, but they can't read or write so how do they vote????

Anonymous said...

Sent them back to cockroach europe where they belong!
