Thursday, March 17, 2022


New York Times
Assocaited Press

(Mariupol – in southeastern Ukraine, near the Russian border — has been under siege for more than two weeks. It is the city where Russia last week bombed a maternity hospital and yesterday attacked a theater that hundreds of civilians were using as a shelter. It was unclear how many of those sheltering survived, according to a Ukrainian official.

Since the war began, two of the few working journalists in Mariupol have been Mstyslav Chernov and Evgeniy Maloletka of The Associated Press. My colleagues and I were deeply affected by their dispatch, and we’re turning over the lead section of today’s newsletter to an excerpt from it.)

The bodies of the children all lie here, dumped into this narrow trench hastily dug into the frozen earth of Mariupol to the constant drumbeat of shelling.

There’s 18-month-old Kirill, whose shrapnel wound to the head proved too much for his little toddler’s body. There’s 16-year-old Iliya, whose legs were blown up in an explosion during a soccer game at a school field. There’s the girl no older than 6 who wore the pajamas with cartoon unicorns and who was among the first of Mariupol’s children to die from a Russian shell.

They are stacked together with dozens of others in this mass grave on the outskirts of the city. A man covered in a bright blue tarp, weighed down by stones at the crumbling curb. A woman wrapped in a red and gold bedsheet, her legs neatly bound at the ankles with a scrap of white fabric. Workers toss the bodies in as fast as they can, because the less time they spend in the open, the better their own chances of survival.

“Damn them all, those people who started this!” raged Volodymyr Bykovskyi, a worker pulling crinkling black body bags from a truck.

More bodies will come, from streets where they are everywhere and from the hospital basement where the corpses of adults and children are laid out, awaiting someone to pick them up. The youngest still has an umbilical stump attached.


Anonymous said...

been happening in nearby Mexico for 10 years and you never noticed their graves.

Fuck you, you asshole!

Anonymous said...

Texas Ballot Rejections Soar Thanks To Republican-Backed Voting Rules, AP Finds

The number of rejected mail ballots in Texas soared to nearly 13% across most counties in the nation's first election of 2022.

(Republicans are doing this. Vote NO on all Republicans)

Anonymous said...

Pocas veces desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial el mundo se ha encontrado ante peligros y disyuntivas tan serias como las que se viven desde el momento en que el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, decidió invadir Ucrania.

El conflicto en esa parte del mundo no es nuevo. De hecho, desde 2014, cuando tuvo lugar la invasión de Crimea y un golpe de Estado derrotó al presidente ucraniano, las hostilidades en la región del sureste entre grupos separatistas prorrusos y el gobierno de Ucrania no han cesado.

Anonymous said...

y porque me llora?

ella sabe soy casado.

Anonymous said...

Eighth Journalist Murdered In Mexico in 2022

Armando Linares, the director of local online news outlet Monitor Michoacán, was gunned down in his home on March 15.

(how about this war, Montoya?)

((it's closer to home))

Anonymous said...

Well at least they're burying that guy in the yellow blanket with his shoes on. That'll please St. Peter at the Pearly Gate.

Most all Mexicans killed by the drug cartels are naked, and that is not a pleasant sight for St. Peter.


Anonymous said...

Russian court extends US basketball star Brittney Griner's arrest until May 19, reports TASS

No word from Biden as to her return.

Trump would have gifted her to Putin.

Anonymous said...

pretty sure he's seen it.

Anonymous said...

We could save cash by going with this sort of cemetery here in Browntown. just pile the Mexicans on top of each other so that they can go to the great taqueria in the big sky together, como buenos vecinos del barrio.

ja ja ja (me salgo, lo se)

Anonymous said...

no, conmigo no chinguen.

Anonymous said...

Tu vieja se hecho un pedo en el mall.

Anonymous said...

"winning hearts and minds, one dead Ukranian at a time"

You Russians made sure Ukraine will become European forever. Prosperous, free, happy.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile back here, I hope the elective officials can do something about this wild rental hike going on because seniors and locals won't be able to afford food or shelters. Then there's the local business loss of revenue. This rental hike is not adding up with the locals medium earnings in the area.

The rent hike is not matching with reality because there are alot of empty apartments in Cameron County especially for the high end rentals. My proposal is to put a cap on the yearly rental increase. Raising rents by $300 or $400 is cruel. Something has to give to the locals of Brownsville. Why displace seniors and people who are paying their rent?

You want a bigger homeless problem?

Anonymous said...

He Gawn! He was he gawn!

Anonymous said...

Joey Lopez has lost momentum in his reelection bid. He's adrift as Erasmo Castro overtakes him!

hijo de su!

Anonymous said...

I just want to see Tito sucking Democrat ass.

Anonymous said...

Neo-Nazi Ukranians are the ones shooting civilians. Russia is bombing all potential Pathogen Labratories which until today Russia has destroyed 30 out of the 62 labratories. Media is too concentrated on '' the people of Ukraine, the innocent'' and blaming Russia. Zelenskyy is a puppet trying to lure in the United States of America but if potato head Biden goes to war against Russia yes it will be World War 3 but nuclear thermal bombing for US here in the States ,believe me WE don't want that.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 11:44 AM

simplement eres un maricon lambiscon y coco guey

Anonymous said...

Sent the hillbillys to russia and start a cult of pendejos will fit just fine in russia. Russians are closer to being a hillbilly and talk the same language. vasculotrasvoska marisculokvokas hilbelangoskvos quemierdatveskva PENDEJOS

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 11:44 AM

Better idea do as the original pilgram, eat each other. HEB has been selling white meat, pendejos, so now you know what it means, guey.
YOU GRINGOS/COCOS HAVE BEEN EATING YOURSELVES and that has saved lots of mula/PESOS, of course. BOLA DE PENDEJOS....Ha jaaaaaa


Anonymous said...

What are you whites doing here? Go help your friends the russians, they are being ass whipped. Pinches yellow bellies, gallinas amarillos

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 11:44 AM

Hillbillys go protect your russian friends maybe you can delay the ass-kicking they are getting. Naaaa I don't think they can. Huevonada is their favorite pass time.

Anonymous said...

Its trumputo's fault no question
