Thursday, March 17, 2022


 By Juan Montoya

Call it the Noel Bernal Syndrome.

As City of Brownsville manager, Bernal has presided over then bypassing of local talent and the hiring of outside professionals to fill well-paid positions from city attorney to Chief Financial Officer and Communications and Marketing. 

Victor Flores, for example, was picked by Bernal to replace Rene de Coss as city attorney at a $179,999 salary. And Cesar Garza, of Houston, was hired at a $144,999 salary and placed over acting CFO Lupe Granado, a Brownsville resident who is listed as Finance Director at $99,999.

Well, except for Flores, who is also said to be filing applications elsewhere, Garcia and self-described communications and marketing guru and Director Felipe "Flip" Romero III at a $100,000 salary, have flown the coop and left their department in shambles.

In fact, the only personnel remaining at Communications and Marketing is a skeleton crew to "enhance the city's message to its residents, but hasn't gotten beyond the usual buzzwords like "total alignment," etc.,

In Garza's case at Finance –  who came to the city in June 2021 – word is that he only commuted to Brownsville from two or three times a month and picked up his hefty check in absentia. In Mexico they call them "paracaidistas," ghost workers who show up on payday and disappear until the next payday.

In this case, the buzzwords are that the mission of the department were said to "tell Brownsville’s story through strategic forms of communication."

Well, the story that is emerging from Bernal's "total alignment" when it comes to hiring for important – and well-paid positions in the city – is that "Brownsvillians need not apply" because the city manager prefers to hire personnel that he met at the various management conferences and confabs and brought to the city overlooking the local professionals who have served the city loyally and competently.

Even the city manager's office is staffed – mostly by outsiders except for the lower-paid positions – by overpaid underachievers brought on board by Bernal, who obviously doesn't hesitate to be generous with the public dime.

 Which of these well-paid Bernal Syndrome cronies will fly the coop next? 

It's had to tell who will take the money and run next. Your guess is as good as ours.

And at Finance, who is running the department as he was before Bernal picked Garza and placed him as Chief Financial Officer over him? 

Would you believe it is Granado again, the Southmost-raised kid who will probably continue keeping the ship afloat – and be bypassed for the top job – while Bernal looks for another outside professional to come and be anointed by him for the plum position?


Anonymous said...

That's fucked up, look at what the poor, pitiful people of Brownsville have to go thru. Makes me appreciate what I have more. God please bless these people!🙏

Anonymous said...

Obtiene su fuerza y su capital político repartiendo dinero y aún asi los pobres siguen siendo pobres o los pobres en Brownsville viven cómo si fueran filipinos.

He dicho.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 8:34 AM

Go f*** yourself pinche mojado nobody reads your shit, pendejo, filipino your ass.

Anonymous said...

dont forget the public works director who just watches Tiktok all day. while his want to be assist director Susana treats everyone like shit.

Anonymous said...

Like that high faluting non-profit organization mitte something only want people with degrees and claim there are no citizens here with degrees, so they bring in gringos from up north OOOOOOHHHH but they beg for funding from the poorest city in the nation Browntowm and cater to gringos ONLY.

Anonymous said...

Terrible management by El Rata Bernal who also hired a Talent coordinator??? At $125,000...cutting every possible penny from civilian employees taking their ealth insurance away.. but he has a Chief of Staff paid over $100,
Then puts pays people to come into the City of Brownsville and give classes on how to be nice to the citizens of Brownsville...What a fu****g joke...Hard when you just forcibly taken it right up the A**!!!
Time to get rid of this Thief!!!

Anonymous said...

Bernal hires everyone from the McAllen, Laredo area..

Anonymous said...

Wake up people and realize that the "Total Alignment" is nothing but Total bullshit. The city manager preaches leadership but yet fails to set the example for all city employees. As an example, the entire city management staff to include the HR director and park their personal cars on metered parking spots daily taking away revenue from city coffers. All of these bozos should be parking their personal cars at city plaza just as they require all other city employees to park their personal cars. They are too lazy to walk two blocks, it is appalling that no one on the city Commission have the courage to make these bozos set the example to their subordinates. No wonders city employees are leaving in droves for better employment opportunities. Totally pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville sucks, starting on top, mayor and city commissioners.

Anonymous said...

All of the city of Brownsville leaders do not know how to work. That is why it's such a failure in Brownsville. Therefore, they can never plan for the future.

Anonymous said...

That is considered fraud if true if that guy Garza was showing up to work a couple of times a month.This should be investigated immediately and not from the idiot who hired him Bernal.Bernal as city manager is either involved or incompetent to stay as city manager.City commission are also to blame for letting this happen you have probable cause to fire this guy now and dump his contract.

Anonymous said...

Waiting on Lt. Dale's wife to start commenting against the chief of police in 3,,,,2,,,,1,,,,

Anonymous said...

It is worse than you think is going on.

Anonymous said...

9:22 am. Dumbass.
Everybody reading EL RRUN RRUN.

Anonymous said...

No, no, no, no, ITS TAKE THE MONEY AND "STAY"!!!!!

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 10:47 PM

10:47pm ESTUPIDO

Not everbody reads el rrun rrun.
The bike trail city commissioner rosa "COCO" zavaletta "DOES NOT" READ

Anonymous said...

The non profit only wants people with degrees? Do they have college degrees? Or even high school degrees?
Well now you can get anything online -so maybe the do have degrees.

But they do believe they are saving us poor Mexicans

I see they are hiring at the district? Which white friend are they making space for now? Another blind soldier?
Is it a state recognized district? Or just a sign?

We all know who will pick the next candidate?
Same person that runs the children’s museum, and runs the district, and runs the city etc.

Who is really running the museum anyway?

Anonymous said...

9:37 am. Dumbass.

If you read it, that is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

6:39 pm. Does he list a local address. Or does he work from home in Houston.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 8:24 AM

f*** YOU.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 8:21 PM

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2022 at 10:47 PM

It was for: March 17, 2022 at 8:34 AM, but lo pendejo que eres, no te alludo. Learn to read and understand, pinche coco idiota. MORON

Anonymous said...

Chingado! It's too funny. People are never satisfied. If you hire local, it's tranza and political, and it gets worse if the happen not to have a degree. If they hire from outside, it is management hiring their own and it's still a tranza. So who freaking understands????

Anonymous said...

White people coming to save us, just be grateful ….

Anonymous said...


9:37 am referring to the one who published the comment about Rose not reading EL RRUN RRUN. If you YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU read, El RRUN RRUN that is all that matters. But, you do not know how to read or ✍️.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of educated and valuable local people. Don’t complain about the brain drain, and then go bring in “saviors from the NORTH”…please.

People use municipal, state, foundation, funds to serve their own selfish purpose. We asked for public servants…and we got servants that serve themselves. NADA CAMBIA…TRANZAs….todos

time for the DA or the Rangers to come audit some books and procedures

Anonymous said...

El pendejo has his head raised, must have seen a dollar fly by... MAMON

Anonymous said...

Reminding y'all that Bobby O'Rourke is Irish American and not Mexican American.

Anonymous said...

The city hires directors with Mexican college degrees, if that is not considered favoritism I don't know what to call it. Pathetic leadership within the COB.

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2022 at 8:01 PM


Its convoluted, makes no sense and makes you look estupido than, that's all that matters - ESTUPIDO!

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2022 at 10:06 AM ESTUPIDO

Must be a savior from the north, or a coco from the south. ESTUPIDO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, Savior from the north. Texas Hill Country. Brownsville once a year.

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2022 at 8:43 PM

you need a compass guey
