Friday, April 22, 2022


Brownsville native Jacqueline Guillen is one of the lead actresses in the new HBO film Crabs in a Barrel.
"Celebrating your friends is super exciting...unless you're the least successful person in the room. A jaded writer attends her enemy's congratulatory event only to discover that she has been robbed of her career changing opportunity. Will she toast the host? Get ready to go from #LOL to #WTF." 

Added to HBO April 8, 2022.

Way to go home girl!


Anonymous said...

"Crabs In A Barrel"?

Nice dig at Mejicanismo, bro.

ja ja ja ja ja


Anonymous said...

The only gringo that made the films was that hillbilly that was embarrassed to say he was born here, hillbilly culo

Anonymous said...

Beautiful woman! Check out her work.

BISD taxpayer said...

Congratulations she's a Hannah graduate

Anonymous said...

@ 04/22/22 09:37am
Everyone should be embarrassed to say I was born here in this low deadly browntown. If I had a choice I would have left long ago.

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2022 at 11:05 PM

I would be embarrassed to know "YOUR NAME" moron. USE 'FUND ME' GET THE MONEY BUT LEAVE

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2022 at 11:05 PM

Get the hell out of browntown dummass

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2022 at 11:05 PM

Everyone should be embarrassed to say I was born here in this low deadly browntown
So if I say you were not born here I will not be embarrassed? PENDEJO %^&*(
