Saturday, April 9, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Those geniuses at the Brownsville Metro, or "B Metro" for short, just keep coming up with all sorts of cutting-edge inventions to serve its ridership. 

Using locally-available materials like cinder blocks and a 4 by 4 construction pole, they have provided their often-promised bus shelters to its customers who often have to stand in the elements (cold in winter, sizzling heat in summer) waiting for Da Ride. And notice that the sign is facing the wrong way in the top photos. Genius. Sheer genius.

B Metro calls itself the largest mass transit system based in and serving Brownsville and currently the largest mass transit system in Cameron County and the Rio Grande Valley. It is also the only mass transit system in Cameron County. It is also the most shameless, promising the city commission (fill in the number here) shelters during their annual dog-and-pony-show presentations.

The photo at the bottom is directly across the spot where the mother and son who were crossing Highway 48 to the bus stop and who were struck and killed by an elderly person coming from dialysis treatment . You can see the wreath by the Watermill sign as a reminder of the tragic accident that lead to 2 deaths.

Bus used the utility pole to put the bus stop sign, but do the people have to wait for the bus inside the ditch? The shoulder is only 4 feet wide and not safe for the bus to stop because half of the bus would be on the highway lane where the speed limit is 55 mph. 

Or the bus would have to fall into the ditch to pick up the passengers or completely ignore the bus stop and passengers. This was the last thing Commissioner Jessica Tetreau Kalifa said she was going to fix before she left her post. We are waiting with bated breath.

It’s been three years since she posted her outrage over the lack of safety for the death and heads were going to roll at city manager office. Guess it was a small head because it only got worse. 


Anonymous said...

I would vote for those shelters. Spending money for three/four riders is criminal. People need to adjust, go with the flow or stay the fuck home.

Montoya is a sentimental Mexican.

Anonymous said...

Vote no! No Arena.
And you want to build a f****** arena.
You can't even provide proper necessity something so small and cheap as a bus shelter bench.
Vote No, No ARENA.

Anonymous said...

New STIJA Poll has incumbent county commissioner Joey Lopez trailing challenger Erasmo Castro by a whopping 18 percentage points. Tracking the last few months shows Lopez fading fast.

Friends say Joey Lopez has lost interest in his campaign.

KBRO said...


Anonymous said...

MendeX and Bernal at their best. This is really "High Level" stuff. "Total (Mis)Alignment." With such innovation we need 4 more years of MendeX.

Anonymous said...

That green thingy sticking out, is that the seat? on the bottom pic. I see a lot of those on the bike trails, just asskin. the uppity gringos must love those seats.

Anonymous said...

Dime en que autobus andas y te dire quien eres.

ja ja ja ja

Me salgo.

Anonymous said...

Joey is not his name se llama jose he's meskin like all the wanna be white cocos. Pinche mojado wanna be gringo

Anonymous said...

Erasimo is an idiot who blew his chance. They are all idiots so I just may vote for him. What’s the difference?

Anonymous said...

Providing bus shelters for the most needed has never been a city priority. On the other hand,building useless bike lines downtown has been a top priority as well as downtown rehabilitation. Have you all noticed all the newly repaved downtown city streets where the Mayor and his close friends have their businesses? Many parts of the city are filled with potholes and nobody either at Public Works or city management does anything about fixing such small tasks mind you repaving a streets. Totally pathetic leadership in the city.

Anonymous said...

New million dollar grants are been drawn up to buy 2 new bus Shelters. Must have air conditioning, lighting, internet, coffee and table, emergency phone, parking for customers cars, bedroom, small kitchen, bath too. Yes , City commissioners know how spent your money wisely.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville people in general just don't see this as being a big problem as Montoya. He doesn't seem to get that.

Nothing wrong with walking, is there?

Anonymous said...

Border Lesson #1: No one cares about the poor.

Look at them struggle. I look.

Anonymous said...

Typical Brown town
The 4x4 needs to go thru the holes in the cinder block

Here in San bene our shelters have clay tiled roofs

Anonymous said...

Montoya, why do you allow those comments on STIJA. McHale made it up. Have you heard anything aboutMcHale’s rape charges in California? Seems like several people I know received a packet from one of his family members about this rape charge. Post your email to send you this paperwork and you do what you want with it.

Anonymous said...

Too many "Fors" in your headline.

kill the second one.

Anonymous said... to begin charging for its websites

They have been "free" for years.

Industry experts, however, said the eventual price is hard to calculate because most registrars bundle in other services, like web hosting or domain privacy services to shield the identity of a website’s owner., the No. 1 registrar, says the price it will charge for a one-year site renewal will vary between $20 and $80 per month, depending on the blog's popularity.

Anonymous said...

Total Misalignment! El pendejo de Bernal made city staff email all employees ordering all not to say anything but positive things about him and the city in any source of media. Mr. Bernal, your the worst fucking thing that happened in a while. I hope that when you get back from your trip with your sancha Helene you get to read this. No one in the city cares for you. As for the recent training and the feedback, you actually think employees are going to be honest on the survey with all the relation that exist because of you? Maybe you can see all the true feedback someday. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

April 9, 2022 at 2:08 PM

Wrong topo, its for the bike trails. Its merienda time for the uppity gringos at the bike trails (at our cost). Poorest city in this country.

Anonymous said...

April 9, 2022 at 9:57 AM

pinche coco

Anonymous said...

April 9, 2022 at 2:22 PM

Get rid of all the parkings in this city and everybody just walk cause este idiota says so. PENDEJETES!

"Nothing wrong with walking, is there?" MORON!

Anonymous said...

Have you all noticed the countless job openings that the city has? That's a direct reflection of city management failures, employees are leaving in droves for better employment and most importantly, for true leaders. The "Total Alignment" turned out to be "TOTAL BULLSHIT". These bozos of managers came in the city to eliminate employee benefits,such as health insurance,employee promotions, retirement benefits and in the process,destroyed employee morale. It is truly pathetic that with four assistants at his disposal, the city manager spends millions of dollars on "Consultants. They all should be fired.

Anonymous said...

Learning calculus is easier than trying to figure out the bus routes and schedules.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville city commissioners just won't listen, WHY? Its their duty as elected officials of this poor community, but they don't care, but if is for the rich and famous they run. And the new city commissioner? Now doing the same thing. NADIEN GANA

Anonymous said...

April 9, 2022 at 9:48 AM
coco lambiscon

Anonymous said...

Browntown is a horrible joke.

Anonymous said...

juan isnt he bus system being managed by a private firm and not the city ? Any way just wondering, also the city can use sales tax monies AKA EDC 4A or 4B funds for building these bus shelters, thought they had been awarded a grant some time ago for this but spent it on something else anyway since they are using these same funds for bike trails too. just thought i give you somw idea on how to use these tax sales funds PROPERLY and not throw it away, i am sure Helen Ramirez and Noel Bernal know all about this any way since they are BIG CITY GURUS and Know everything. Right guys? Myopinion only.

Anonymous said...

The morons running BMETRO are homegrown morons. The "new" multimodal director is not worth a damn. He was installed by the other moron that runs transportation for UTRGV. They are stealing from students with B.S. 'TRANSPORTATION FEES". You have someone with (0) relevant years of transportation experience running the agency. Fire them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, someone looked at this creation and said yeah that's great. They'll love it.
Give that man a raise.

Anonymous said...

April 11, 2022 at 1:18 PM

Wrong big ears, they are all from the fat city of McAllen. Sent them all back in that orange bus, its free.
