Monday, April 11, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: It's not clear how this mishap occurred on Ruben Torres Road in front of the rear entrance to the HEB, but the landscaper's trailer that was being pulled by the Chevrolet pickup trailer at the rear of the photos either came loose and/or got hit by the white SUV, whose chagrined driver stands with her arms akimbo in the top photo. The wrecked trailer, containing the tools of the landscaper's trade, spilled out its lawn mowers, lawn tractor, hedge trimmers and assorted tools of his business. Nonetheless, it was not a good Monday morning for either the driver or the lawn-care contractor. Pobre vato y señora!)


Anonymous said...

typical vieja driver either powdering her nose, chick, ojos and on the cell phone. They all do that...

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville Police Department announced on April 1, 2022 that they had Officially Canceled April fools Day!!
Because No Prank is greater than the JOKE that who is running the Brownsville Police Department right now..(Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal)🤣🤣😂..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I justed opened the lipstick and wham this idiota got in front of my tiny suv. Its his fault!

Anonymous said...

@ April 11 2022 4:24
Don't forget the "pelados" that drive like "viejas." BTW those so called men drive worse than the women.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not just women! Los hombres son los mas chismosos con la sancha. Where is the police when almost everyone you pass on the road, weaving from side to side at 30 mph on the expressway is on the phone. Then van y se empinan y ellos no se hacen nada y el otro sale golpeado. Phones should not be allowed will driving and someone needs to figure out how to disconnect service to any phone while the person is driving.

Anonymous said...

Eso sonsos que andan por las calles con todo su mugero en las trocas haciendo dano a otros carros con el mugero que se les cae y les peja a otros carros.
Esas tralas que trian se usan en matamoros para llevantar chivos.

Windshields are broken all the time because of flying debris and even when a law enforcement officer is behind one pulling junk and cars, in an unsafe manner, I have yet to see one stop them for violating the law that they must
have them covered with a tarp. Que culpa tuva la senora de que la tralia se solto?

Anonymous said...

the trailer came loose!

Anonymous said...

This is probably, just sayin, prolly the woman, following to close. you should drive one car length between vehicles. Wait, we are talking bout Brownsville, where if i allow one car length between us, some idiot zooms in thinking i'm asleep at the wheel. if she had been one car length away, she would've had time to hit the brakes to avoid it that bad. Cell phones are a major problem with drivers. RAZA!!!!

Anonymous said...

BS, its la vieja's fault. Sticking color on her lips, powder on her cheeks liquid on her dress (perfume) turning on her hearing aid to hear her iphone 4. GUILTY!!
Sent her to jail with the rest of BISD ratas. puras viejas

Anonymous said...

You can see them on your rear view mirror putting on the lipstick and perfume.


Step 1: Moisturizer. Before you begin applying your makeup, take the time
to prep your skin with a high-quality moisturizer. ...
Step 2: Primer. ...
Step 3: Liquid Foundation. ...
Step 4: Concealer. ...
Step 5: Foundation Powder. ...
Step 6: Bronzer. ...
Step 7: Blush. ...
Step 8: Highlighter.


Anonymous said...

@ April 13, 2022 12:50 p.m.
You are so stupid that you are funny and cute. You need to go work off your frustration.

Anonymous said...

April 12, 2022 at 7:10 PM
convoluted, learn to write, must be a vieja steaming mad, ni modo, baby, se te fue tu pelado, pero porque? La comida no valia y alomejor apestaba.

Anonymous said...

April 13, 2022 at 9:07 PM
gracias i needed that. where?
