Tuesday, April 5, 2022


From "Team of Rivals,"
"The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln"
by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Many people have believed that the insurrection by a violent and heavily armed mob of supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump who stormed the U.S. Capitol as Congress was meeting to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election was a spontaneous event.

Since then we have learned that while lawmakers and staff were shepherded to secure locations or barricaded behind doors, the rioters pushed past severely outnumbered Capitol Police officers, breaking windows and vandalizing offices, many with disturbingly violent intentions toward members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence for their having refused to succumb to Trump’s attempts to overturn the election in his favor. Five people were killed, including one Capitol Police officer who was beaten by rioters.

The attempted coup was not the spontaneous work of a moment.

“The invasion of the U.S. Capitol … was stoked in plain sight,” ProPublica reported, with Trump supporters having for weeks discussed openly their plans for a violent overthrow. However, this was not the first time that such an attempt has been recorded. It almost happened February 13, 1861 as Congress met to count the vote that made Lincoln president.

Quoting from Goodwin's book, it states:

"The following day, as Lincoln was feted in the state Capitol at Columbus, Ohio, he received a telegram that the electors had met in Washington to count the vote and make his election official. 

For weeks, (William H.) Seward and Edwin M. (Stanton) had worried that the (southern states) secessionists would choose this day to besiege the capital and prevent the electors from meeting. That day, Lincoln learned, had passed peacefully. 

'The votes have been counted,'" Seward's son Fred reported to his wife Anna," and the Capitol not attacked. General (Winfield) Scott had his troops all under arms, out of sight but ready, with guns loaded, horses harnessed and matches lighted so that they could take to the field at a moment's notice. But there was no enemy.'

Seward himself was immensely relieved to have 'passed the 13th safely' believing, he wrote home, that 'each day brings the people apparently neared to the tone and temper, and even to the policy I have indicated..." 

In contrast to the preparations by Seward, Stanton, and Scott, in 2020 the Capitol Police and the national guard were overwhelmed by a mob of 2,000–2,500 supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump who attacked the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. seeking to overturn the election results. Just 1,400 Capitol Police officers were on duty at the time, and National Guardsmen didn’t arrive until hours after the invasion began.

We could have taken a page from the past and prevented the January 6 attack if only we had remembered the lessons of history.


Anonymous said...

There was NEVER an insurrection; there WAS a riot...Montoya, you are one of the many stupid Mexicans of South Texas.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how the BLM can burn. Destroy, steal, if you are black, the system is always against them, but if the other color is in doing the same. Put them in jail? These white people are trying to over throw the government? These lazy BLM are the problem which is hurting the black people who want to work and go to school. Not on drugs and liquor and Shooting people in black neighborhoods is going on. Open your eyes to what is really going on in this so called political correct new wave. In Brownsville, the voters like to be oppressed all the time and the names of these rats have their names on schools, building, highways, federal and state building. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Doris Kearns Goodwin was nailed for plagiarism a few years back.

just so you know......

Anonymous said...

All history is gossip and this writer is good at gathering it.

Former RGV LEO said...

Montoya, isn't it funny that the elected officials were and documented that they were safe and sound being a mile away and with lots of security? Funny how identified and known gutless antifa freaks were located and proven in the crowd? need to get your facts right!

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2022 at 12:32 PM
Talk about stupid hillbilly cocos. You just met one of many here in south texas at 12:32. Pero pendejo no chingaderas.

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2022 at 12:56 PM


Anonymous said...

Thank God they didn't get to our nuclear missiles. How close did the military come to surrendering? Were our aircraft carriers and nuclear subs almost destroyed?
And they almost overthrew the government without any weapons! C'MON PEOPLE...ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?

Anonymous said...

Of course it was an attempted insurrection instigated by a very sore loser. Worst president in the history of the USA.

Anonymous said...

When people are forced fed a social agenda what do you expect?
Papi Musk just bought 10% of Twitter and they made him a board member.
Let's see Libs how long you stay aboard a sinking ship?
Aquí estamos en Brownsville! Lugar más pobreton y no pueden ver
Lo que qué no han hecho por TANTO tiempo los DEMOCRATAS! At least
Start looking at MCALLEN where they are opening their eyes and ears!

Anonymous said...

sent them all to jail puros racist republicans.

Anonymous said...

Heavily armed....not.

Total lie.

Move on.

Anonymous said...

Reminder CIA,FBI,ATF,NSA, et al ghetto gangster communist "Glowies" used COINTELPRO
like "Q" posting to trick Facebook babyboomers into sacrificial lambs to justify the Mad Deadly Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God's powers, programs, budgets, and their jobs.
Remember the Area 51 raid? The media took that as a joke. Late night comedy hosts number 1 thru 7 joked about how silly millennials would get carpet bombed as they Naruto ran to go see the aliens. The military and law enforcement weren't going to let that happen.
But somehow Facebook babyboomers made Capital Police panic and run and a guy in a Viking helmet leaves a deuce on Nancy Pelosi's chair its a national tragedy. And the liberals cried: "Orange Man Bad, we need more sensorship, give me your guns, introduce social credit scores, ban anyone who says x,y or z, wear your 4 layers of masks, take your 5th booster jab, vote blue, black lives matter more than yours, support Ukraine, eat the bugs, drink your soy, do what you mr told, its just 5 bucks for a gallon of gas bro." Any conservative or even centralist is blamed and their opinions villified, ignored or silenced.
I just find it all very funny. We have precious little time left and it's already lost. Won't be long till the aliens, robots,
or combo of both come and replace our government and social system with their system of control.

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2022 at 12:32 PM

The only estupidos aqui son los pinches cocos que se creen gringos. GRINGOS DON'T LIKE MESKINS SO WHY ARE YOU KISS THEIR ASSES? PINCHES COCOS.

Anonymous said...

They're heading to the capitol call la migra they all look like MESKINS. Call immigration, call BP, call trumputo they all look like rapist and murderers!!!

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2022 at 12:32 PM

Actually it was a hunger riot, hillbillys on a hunger tour visiting the white house got hungry and decided to crash the kitchen. Pendejos y estupidos gringos hillbillys. NOTHING ELSE...
