Monday, April 11, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

In what has become a common occurrence now at the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept., a former employee – this time the jail chaplain – has sued Sheriff Eric Garza, Chief Deputy Robert Gracia and the Catholic Diocese for what he charges was the pressure upon him to quit to be replaced by a Catholic priest because of his ties to former sheriff Omar Lucio.

Adam M. Gomez Jr. charges in his complaint in federal court that partly as as a result of his non-denominational beliefs, his age, and his perceived loyalty to Lucio, Garza and Gracia conducted a campaign of retaliation to force him to quit. He alleges deprivation of his rights relating to freedom of religion and freedom of association under the First Amendment.

Gomez said he filed a charge of discrimination filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission within 300 days of the acts complained of and within 90 days of his receipt of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's issuance of a right to sue letter.

Gomez complaint states he had been employed as chaplain for the Sheriff’s Office for all four detention facilities since September 15, 2015 as a non-denominational chaplain serving the spiritual needs of all detainees.

He was notified of his termination in two letters, the first one issued June 15, 2021 (but delivered to Plaintiff on July 23, 2021 with that effective date) and the other dated August 13, 2021. 

The first letter did not offer an excuse for the termination  and the second purported to terminate him because he allegedly was unable to timely submit a medical clearance for fitness of duty.

Gomez complaint states that at first the Garza administration used the excuse that commissary funds were no longer available for payment of his salary and benefits. Furthermore, he was advised that he had to become a detention officer and subsequently did not meet the medical requirements for this position in that he had high blood pressure.

He said he was wrongly and illegally suspected of disloyalty due to his service as chaplain under the Lucio administration; was a non-denominational chaplain and not a Catholic chaplain, that defendant  Catholic Diocese of Brownsville wanted a Catholic priest to take over his job; was 62 years old, and that he suffered from high blood pressure even though this medical condition was irrelevant to his job, and because he needed to take time off to care for his wife while she was experiencing medical difficulties.

Like previous complaints filed in federal court against Garza and Gracia, Gomez said that they used degrading and belligerent tactics in an attempt to force his  resignation. When he did not resign, his employment was terminated even though he was fully qualified for the position.

The complaint charges that they pretended to seek applicants for his replacement even though they knew that a particular candidate of their choice – one associated with the Catholic diocese – would replace him.

His complaint, filed by his attorney Phil Bellamy, charges religious and age discrimination, a violation of the Americans With Disability Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, and freedom of religion and association under the First Amendment. He filed his complaint March 17, 2022. He charges it was done with Garza's full authorization or ratification or was done in the normal and routine course and scope of his  officers, agents, servants, employees, or representatives.

He alleges that the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville tortiously interfered with his employment at the sheriff's department and  willfully and intentionally interfered with said relationship in order to deprive him of the full benefits of such relationship.

He asks that they be ordered to rehire him and reinstate him to the position and pay grade which he held but for the "unlawful employment actions of the defendants."

The Cameron County Civil Litigation section will advice the commissioners court on the Gomez lawsuit at Tuesday's meeting.


Anonymous said...

Is Trump the Democrats’ Secret Weapon? Is the cherife the r. republican secret weapon?

Anonymous said...

‘This Was Trump Pulling a Putin’
Ese pendejo can't even pull a toilet lever.

Anonymous said...

With his praise for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Trump makes his apologists look foolish. Again.

Anonymous said...

To mayra:
“Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. ‘I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. ... We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy.”


Anonymous said...

It's spelled "Diocese," Montoya.

Man, how old are you? Still battling English.

Anonymous said...

hardcore MAGA base thinks that Biden has too been too hostile to Putin, who is viewed more favorably by Republican voters than Biden is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mexicans have ALWAYS been CRYBABIES when they don’t get their way...when November comes around, it’s going to be a concert of CRYING MEXICANS. Start thinking of excuses now before the RED TSUNAMI drowns you ratas.

Anonymous said...

April 11, 2022 at 8:48 AM

This is a blog ESTUPIDO noting formal required even you that flunked every course can post here idiota.

Anonymous said...

Las demandas no son cosas de dios
Mucho chaplain

Anonymous said...

I don't see how a person can be both close to Lucio and close to God at the same time.
Not possible, just not possible.

Former RGV LEO said...

Here we go again, the dumb asses on the left blaming President Trump for what's going on in the country. I guess this is what happens when you have a retired Fed who pays for a job and then screw it up with all that Fed mentality? Eric Garza, you need to pull your head out of your ass and get rid of that PO Gracia. Of course, that means that his family lose out on the commissary account, huh? Thank God, we have choices coming up in the future for another Sheriff!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:48 am.
God is washing you.

Anonymous said...

Association taking photos with Garza kissing his ass... I thought they were on our side. Fuck this going to TMPA

Anonymous said...

So many lawsuits against Sheriff Lucio yet the blog never posted any throughout the years. The majority of the lawsuits were from the Sheriff's Office. Why didn't you ever post any of the many cases? $$

Anonymous said...

Are you campaigning for Abel?

Anonymous said...

Aren't they red-ass, racist republicans?

Anonymous said...

The Chaplin is stupid if he thinks he is going to get a “W” in this case. The guy was a shady lazy guy to begin with. But here is a freebie for you Jail department. The new administration is always getting screwed because some lieutenant Lasso is feeding gossip to Costilla over here and he is quick to run to rick and Eric Garza. And I will leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

Sad to say, he doesn't stand a chance. Look at what sister Norma Pimentel gets away with assisting all of these illegals for decades not just cuz of the china virus and new president. She wants to be looked at like another Mother Teresa. Not even close! She gets funded and has full support. Catholic Diocese? Remember all the baby skeletons found under the old nun's and priests' building downtown? Why are we surprised? it was kept hush hush. But we all know who impregnated those nuns. that is all.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:48 am.
God is washing you.

April 11, 2022 at 8:21 PM

Hahahahahahaha jajajaja must be a sherriff department employee, more than likely, a supervisor or the cheriffe himself. question: en un bano?

Anonymous said...

you know what i dont like that court corinator flores se cre chingon

Anonymous said...

Jail must be desperate for Lieutenants position promoting 5 pig to that position. 3 of them are from Moros. What a disgrace
