Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The land office commissioner has administrative control over the Alamo, manages 13 million acres of state land and oversees money sent to public schools.

"There’s something to be said for somebody coming from a different perspective to run the land commissioner’s office," UTSA political science professor Jon Taylor.Taylor says, "because a lot of the land commissioner's responsibility deals with money. People tend to forget that, especially educational money."

Jay Kleberg's message to voters via his campaign web site reflects his convservationist background: "I have dedicated my entire life to enhancing our natural resources and ensuring that we manage and conserve land for the benefit of future generations. I believe that our quality of life, food stability, energy dependence, and diversity of wildlife depend on the responsible stewardship of Texas landscapes."


Anonymous said...

Yes a beer joint.

Anonymous said...

The RGV was made by Democrats.

Republicans gave us nothing, and they never will.

Anonymous said...

Its ok for elected officials "gringos" to meet at a beer joint but if were a meskin the whole world would turn over. un escandalo en los barrios.

Anonymous said...

First and last time, that he will ever be in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

The Sarita check point should stop ALL gringos from coming to the RGV and deport them back to cockroach europe. IDIOTAS...

Anonymous said...

I do not vote for gringos or COCOS PERIOD.
