Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun:

(At the invitation of some of our friends – elected officials and average citizens – we took the opportunity to sit down with Morgan LaMantia, candidate for Texas Senate District 27, to discuss the issues facing residents in the district and found she has a good understanding of their problems and a real concern of the residents in the district.)

Below are highlights of LaMantia’s stance on:

If the pandemic has shown us anything it is that disease respects no borders or social classes. And it has shown us that diseases like diabetes, obesity and other health-related problems only make our residents more vulnerable.

It is encouraging to see that many of our cities and towns are already investing in wellness programs and providing opportunities for people to exercise and develop healthy lifestyles.Coupled with education, we can address the causes of some of the factors that produce bad health habits and illness.

LaMantia has stated she will work to expand health services for uninsured working families, support the health of new mothers, and provide more educational opportunities to encourage young people to pursue careers in frontline healthcare.

She went on to say that she believes it is unacceptable that our residents in South Texas aren't afforded the same access to health care as are all other parts of the state.

To see LaMantia's website, click on link:


Anonymous said...

That's it? That's all this reporter could get from her?


Anonymous said...

Which candidate is Sucio Eddie Lucio endorsing so I can vote in the opposite direction
GO Sara Stapleton!

Anonymous said...

GET A JOB and buy your OWN FUCKING HEALTHCARE welfare Mexicans!

Anonymous said...

ElRRUN and LaMatia are both stupid people. No one beleives her nor you that she is going to do anything but get richer. She can't change anything on Health Insurance. She is just a Rich White Girl that wants a position in Austin to feel wanted and rub elbows with the other rich white people. Brownsville will get nothing from her. Can't believe you were bought Juan. What happened to your reporting skills?

Anonymous said...

La Mentira is for Hidalgo County Juan. She is a Republican!! What does she know about issues related to the poorest city (Brownsville) in the Country Juan?! She eats caviar, while we eat frijoles, mendigo! Te vendiste Juan… la cagas bro… la cagas gacho!

Anonymous said...

Since the Republicans won't let that happen, it's not a real issue. Wonder where she stands on letting tranvestites use women's bathrooms? Sara wants scrotum sweat on her seat when she uses the women's bathroom.

Anonymous said...

If elected, she will dance at the end of the puppet strings of the Big Insurance and Big Medicine lobbyists just like SĂșcio did for years and made a small fortune doing it.

Anonymous said...

April 13, 2022 at 8:31 AM

GET A JOB and buy your OWN FUCKING HEALTHCARE welfare Hillbillys!

Anonymous said...

“Refusing to acknowledge that something is wrong is a way of coping with emotional conflict, stress, painful thoughts, threatening information and anxiety.” With denial we can reassure ourselves that everything is okay, even when it is not.

A pathological liar tells lies and stories that fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. They sometimes believe their own lies. It's difficult to know how to deal with a pathological liar who may not always be conscious of their lying.

Politicians are pathological liers and the voting public in general refuse to acknowledge their lies.

One comes to mind, contributions are genrally given to a party and than turn around and become a member ot the oppisite party.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for Sarah. lA MANTIA IS NOT from Brownsville, NOT to be trusted. She is endorsed by the Lucio (father and son) that should be enough to vote against her and anything she claims she stands for.
My friends ask me who I will vote for, Sarah gave Lucio a run for his money. That is enough for me to know that the system is AFRAID of Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Why would you Support a Lucio Puppet, a Ruben O'Bell puppet, a Oscar Garcia(Julieta Garcia son)a Republican, an outsider from Starr County, a person with no experience, a woman who answers to no one, has no ties to Brownsville, TX or Cameron County, never has supported Brownsville,TX in anything other than sell beer to alcoholics? Seriously Morgan laMentira has no buisness in politics much less running District 27. As for you Juan you fall under the Lucio, Sylvia Atkinson, Adela Garza, Ruben O'Bell, Carlos Marin clan. How could you betray your people Juan Elrrunrrun? How could you betray Brownsville,TX Juan? You fought hard against the Lucios for doing nothing and Now you support thier puppet?

You were a great Reporter Juan. How could this happen? Dime porque Juan? Porque te vendiste? Tu no le importas a ella Juan.

Anonymous said...

Let’s be real we know why she’s running there are some big changes coming to the distributors of alcohol. Changes that can affect their business of course and with the help of the Lucio’s and with their TABC connection whoever it is in Austin can help her out! We support Sara all over the valley! Sara is a true Valley Girl!

Anonymous said...

Not enough, too late, another lucio sucio.

Anonymous said...

L&F Distributors does not pay for Health Insurance for many of its employees. They get around it by keeping many employees on as "temporary seasonal".
Not to mention they get screwed on over time as well.

I'm talking about men that have families and have been working there for 10 or more years.

I know a guy who works there and he did not know she was running for office until I told him

I asked him if he would vote for her and he said no.

Anonymous said...

LaMantia wants to buy the election. She is a rich white girl with money to buy anythng she wants. Elected Officials that are running for Re-election have sold their souls for a donation from her. Brownsville elected officials are easily paid and bought.

These elected officials have been bought and paid for by Morgan LaMantia and are an embarresment to our Tax Payers who trusted them.

Sofia Benavidez
Sylvial Garza
Jessica T. Kalifa
Eddie Trevinio
Eddie Lucio Jr.
Eddie Lucio III
David Garza
Guz Ruiz
Cyndi Hinojosa

This is why Cameron County and Brownsville will ALWAYS be the POOREST CITY AND COUNTY IN THE USA.

Anonymous said...

CHINGAO la cagaste Juanito. Le hechaste "pubic hairs" a tu sopa y hora te la tienes que comer. SANAVAVICHE sabes muy bien que la mantia de Lamantia esta llena de mierda republicana y tu BRUTE te acercas a darte un narisaso. Me decepcionas juanito me decepcionas.



Anonymous said...

Nobody in Brownsville or Cameron County wants Morgan LaMentira. She lost Brownsville and she will lose Brownsville again. Why? Because we citizens and tax payers are tired of the Lucios, of Ruben O'Bell of Adela Garza, of Sylvia Atkinson, of Trey Mendez of Norma and Ernie Hernandez of Julieta Garcia, of Carlos Marin, of Jessica T. Kalifa, of all the CROOKED POLITICIANS who for decades only make money of the ignorant voters.

We are educated voters and know LaMentira is only that a Liar and will take the tax payers money and give it to the Rich and Powerful. LaMentira will only vote for the Republicans that continue to not give to the poor and punish the poor because they can.

Anonymous said...

April 14, 2022 at 9:45 AM
You forgot the biggest kiss ass of them all, el jotingo enano de cob. PINCHE COCO MAMON RATA!!! juan mendez. its juan juan juan pinche mojado coco mamon

Anonymous said...

Money always wins.

Trump won because he was rich.
The poor support the feel important.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Just look who is behind LaMentira! The Lucios, Ruben O'Bell, Sylvia Atkinson,Adela Garza, Trey Mendez,Tony Martinez,Jessica Tetraue Kalifa, Bob Torres Jr. Ramiro Gonzalez and the Republican Party.

LaMentira is from Starr County and wants to become a State Senator to a town that she doesn't care about Brownsville, TX. She won't do NOTHING FOR US.

Think about it! If ALL THE CROOKS ARE BEHING HER IS FOR A REASON. Birds of a Feather Flock Together.

Anonymous said...

Las RATAS of Cameron County flocking to la mantia hoping for a little cheese. PENDEJOS LAMBICONES there is only republican mierda. BOLA DE BABOSOS you are doing more damage to the county and to the people you are suppose to be helping.



Anonymous said...

Juan you need to look into why LaMetira and her family are buying up land all over the district from south Texas up into the Austin area, heard there is a new law coming up that will hurt beer distributors some TABC stuff, but if you already have property in these districts or areas then you are allowed to set shop, heard it from an attorney friend from Austin Texas, he dont like her for NADA. Juan check it out and find the truth.
