Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If you were raised in Brownsville, you will no doubt remember Saturday mornings at the Majestic Theater where you could see a movie for a quarter and still have change left over for a popcorn and a soft drink. 

That was followed by Sunday sneak previews of coming movies after which you'd go across the street to Fisher's Cafe for a burger and Coke.

City of Brownsville commissioner Roy De los Santos – who is also a member of the board of the Mitte Foundation –  has confirmed that the foundation has entered into a six-month contract with the owners to undertake a feasibility study to restore the iconic movie house at the corner of 12th and E. Elizabeth.

"The contract is between the owners and the Mitte Foundation," De los Santos said. "The city is not involved in the agreement." 

The Cameron County Appraisal District indicates that the owners are Buxani K. and Shobha Chander, represented by Majestic Investments Inc.

According to the city's downtown website, it was built in 1948, designed by the firm of Pettigrew and Worley, and was part of the interstate movie theater chain founded by Karl St. John Hoblitzelle. 

Interstate was an influential vaudeville and later movie theater company in the South. The building has stylistic influences of the modern architectural movement. The interior features Art Deco murals, stairway and terrazzo floors. Portions of the original façade, including the theater marquee, still remain.

The website also says that the Majestic Theatre was a textbook example of Art Deco style design when it opened in 1949, but neglect combined with proximity to Mexico (so that the population center of Brownsville moved steadily farther and farther away to the north) reduced it in its final years to showing second run films downstairs and adult fare in the converted balcony in the evenings.

Photographer Cosmos Mariner posted that: "Those of us who grew up here remember going to the Majestic Theater. On Saturday, a quarter would get you in to the show and you’d have enough left over to get some popcorn and pop. Those days are gone, but not forgotten. Those were the days when you could also go down another two blocks on Elizabeth, turn right and go to the Capitol to see the standard “Land that Time Forgot” for the same price. There was also the Grande Theater.

"Although the chain had theaters throughout the South, its primary location and center of operations was in Texas. The flagship theater buildings in Dallas and San Antonio still remain. Majestic theaters were considered “the most significant Texas exhibition chain until the decline of the downtown theater and the rise of the multiplex in the late-sixties and early seventies.” 

The Brownsville building has housed several businesses since the theater closed in the 1970s. Portions of the façade, including the marquee, still remain. Only portions of lobby murals remain of the original interior design.

Incredibly, it is not individually listed on the National Register despite being located in a National Register District, is also located in a local district, and is not listed as a local Landmark even though it is eligible for Historic Tax Credit.

"We're going to see whether it's feasible to restore it to it's greatness." De los Santos said. "It's an integral part of our Brownsville history."


Anonymous said...

Why do I consider Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, the wealthiest person in the U.S. Senate, so thoroughly dreadful? Is it his background in defrauding the American taxpayer? His penchant for spreading disinformation? His smarmy habit of getting all Jesus-y, even in the face of a public health crisis?

It was indeed very Christian of Scott to release his new plan to "save" America — but I don't mean that as praise. At least he's honest: The gentleman from the Sunshine State openly advocates for dismantling the federal government, undoing all federal laws and regulations and effectively transforming our democracy into a white male Christian theocracy.

OK, not in so many words, but that's the idea. For some reason Scott dispensed with a hyphen in the title of his "11 Point Plan to Rescue America" — is punctuation "woke" now? It's so hard to keep up — which might better be described as a Christian-right reboot of the Ten Commandments (plus one).

- Be wary of these assholes.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't the owners named

Anonymous said...

Because we all know who the owners are. I'm tired of the incestuousness this city reeks of. It's always the same people running new tranzas for one another.

This is why good people don't enter the public sphere. There's simply no room for them among the human centipede that is Brownsville's elite.

Anonymous said...

City will pay before this is over. Smoke & mirrors gobbledygook for now...

With Netflix, no one goes to the movies anymore!

nostalgia kick.

Anonymous said...

BULL SHIT??? the city funds that racist organization that requires a degree to join. Knowing full well that most hispanics here don't have a degree. Most coco do have one but not all. PUROS PINCHE MAMONES....
So what is their plan another camillia house for the gringos ONLY????

Anonymous said...

April 19, 2022 at 8:00 AM

Maybe that RATA mayor owns it. Since el billionaire got here some group of elected officials all of a sudden started purchasing buildings and large tracts of lands. Hmmmmmmmmmm wonder why and how?

Anonymous said...

Keep theatres dead, all they ever show are stupid superhero movies, remakes of remakes, unfunny comedies, dull horrors, and sometimes a combination of the four.

Anonymous said...

$1M in cocaine seized at Falfurrias checkpoint
Dedo other wise they can't do nada.

Anonymous said...

On Donald Trump & Easter Sunday -

The Cheeto says he doesn't have to go to church since he is no longer president.

ha ha ha ha ha

Total Loser!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait…are they gonna show PORN there?

Anonymous said...

Roy, sounds like a good idea but you must be transparent. Who are the owners of the building who will work with the Mitte Committee. Is this for real a
good move or not? Those of us oldies who have so many memories at the Majestic with Mr. Joe Trevino running a tight ship, would love to go sit in what was one of our hangouts when we were teens. Maybe you could suggest that it become a Senior Citizen Theater for those baby boomers who are now just
hanging on to a thread, to revisit the place and reunite with old friends.
Maybe it could include a "Fisher's Jr. Coffee Shop" for us to sit and eat a piece of pie with coffee after the movie and enjoy our company.

But, Roy, this needs to be done now! Some of us do not have much time left.
Make sure it is on the up and up and no politician will profit from this
initiative of yours. Good idea; go for it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would really like to see this theater return. I enjoyed seeing movies there as a kid and it was a sad day when it finally closed. Maybe they can return it to a great theater again, serve alcohol and local dishes like restored theaters do in other cities.

Anonymous said...

LLC owners , be transparent on owning up to your given birth names. Let the public know who the new property owners are by name. Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

It's always the devious crowd getting ahead of the line. Why not turn it onto a project for architecture college students at TSC and UT-RGV? They may just have the best ideas, youth forever at the forefront of tomorrow.

Life-settled Mitte Museum louts will only want to take the renovation into yesteryear, which, truth be told, would nothing more than salve for going-nowhere nostalgia.

Dare to be great!!! Give it a modern facelift, not that same old face, which would only please the over-60 mob.

Unknown said...

That ratnest should be demolished.

Anonymous said...

8:00 am.
Maybe Rubinsky is the name.

Anonymous said...

Downtown Browntown is a shithole

Anonymous said...

They will buy it - but the city will pay for the renovation —- maybe their special musk piggy Bank.

Leadership takes care or their friends and special groups —-Plus all all those friends need jobs

If The city wants to fix something - finish capital -or the parking

Anonymous said...

Idiotas, its not going to benefit the locals, no se agan idiotas its for the gringos, another opera house, a play house an art/museum for the founding fathers and you know who they are las RATAS.

Anonymous said...

Majestic theater. Been there, so done that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pendejos.....the Owners are listed in paragraph 5.....I know these folks....these are real people pendejos. No wonder you guys are always complaining....you can’t read.....look in the damn mirror pendejos!!! How do you guys expect to be taken seriously!!

Anonymous said...

Mexican crabs always leaving negative comments.

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2022 at 9:33 PM, April 21, 2022 at 9:11 PM

Los cocos defending the gringos common around here, but remember cocos mamones, they don't like you, YOU ARE MESKIN! they don't like meskins specially cocos.


Anonymous said...

Yea…9:11 may be right on the money. White gonna use brown, but stick to white. Users.

Let them buy it, but don’t use a penny of local funds or grant funds or musk funds to remodel. And make them follow the crazy historic rules for remodeling like you do the rest of us.

Use the local and musk funds to help Camille and other nonprofits in town and/or small business.

does the city not like camille? Or is it because no leader has property next to camille?

The lightner camille family has donated for years, but suddenly they are insignificant because they don’t buy leaders property or build near leaders property. Include that in the thank you note.

time to re elect leaders that understand brownsville is more than just downtown.

Businesses in north brownsville deserve our support also…
My grand daughter goes to camille and performs, and the roof is leaking and the place needs some help.
fix camille before you go fix majestic brownsville leaders.

Anonymous said...

In the end they will do what ever the gringos tells them to do. Need to vote all these cocos out of office. Start fixing the southmost y las prietas screw the north. WE ALL PAY TAXAS. No need for another opera house or a play house or a gringo museum.
