Saturday, April 16, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It will be five years this coming May 13 that Ramiro (Kimberly) Ramirez vanished from the face of the earth after he/she was last seen being shoved into a car in a downtown alley, allegedly by a member of Matamoros' notorious La Maña.

The producers of Disappeared, the national series that investigates missing people in this country, reached out to El Rrun-Rrun to ask us whether we could help them with the shooting of the episode on Kimberly, missing since May 13, 2017, and we paid them the professional courtesy of assisting them in their quest.

The Foncerrada family, owners of El Hueso del Fraile, graciously allowed the filming to be done in their establishment this past Friday with their son Luis manning the sound system for the shooting. We thank Adrian and Laura for their fine attentions.

Kimberly was last seen that night/morning arguing loudly in the dark alley behind the Reypres apartments with the man who she had been drinking at Pava's Bar on 14th Street until closing time and they reported that he was demanding that she return something to him which the neighbors and apartment dwellers who heard them could not make out.

We learned that while at Pava's, Kimberly, who everyone on the strip knew was a cross dresser, was flirting with some of the patrons who knew her, but it is unknown whether then man who was buying her drinks knew she was a man. 

This spurred a small argument and after buying some beers to go, they walked out and went south on 14th Street toward the bus terminal, turning right on the alley before reaching Jefferson Street.

Some neighbors reported that after the argument in the alley she was shoved into a car that drove off into the darkness and that was the last that was seen of her. The word on the street is that she was trundled off across the river and disposed off in neighboring Matamoros where La Maña has a free hand and works hand in hand with the local authorities.

Her parents have been indefatigable in searching for her and posting fliers all over downtown hoping that someone will tell them what happened to their son. So far, theirs has been a lonely struggle, and police have not been able to identify her abductors or locate her whereabouts.

Unlike the case of spring breaker Mark Kilroy, who was the victim of a satanic cult, there has been no bi-national effort to locate Kimberly and so far there have been no leads on what happened to Ramiro. One can only empathize with the family in their lonely quest for answers. So far, no closure for them.

We will notify our readers on when the Disappeared episode on Kimberly will air.


Anonymous said...

Try looking for Ramiro instead. Maybe someone will tell you where HIS carcass can be found.

Anonymous said...

That guy chose to leave with a stranger for sex.

Anonymous said...

It is dead in a shallow grave

Anonymous said...

There is no gavito on this case, will not make nobody famous, das why, but don't call nobody a queer cause cops will jump on your ass

Anonymous said...

Being a pervert can sometimes shorten your lifespan.

Anonymous said...

One can always trust the RRUN-RRUN'S commenters to keeping it classy. The satisfaction they derive by making their snarky comments baffles me.

Anonymous said...

Trans people lead very difficult lives- so much pressure from society to conform to everybody else’s gender expectations. They have a high rate of suicide. Their lives are always at risk. Try some empathy- imagine the pain her family is going through. …why are you so determined to insult her?

Bento E. Spinoza

Anonymous said...

Going nation wide? abt time.

Anonymous said...

Poor kid, family, survivors

What about bridge cams and computer records of toll crossings

Reminds me of another unsolved case

Anonymous said...

His family.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the same happens to ese guey half coco transgender dumpster rat por jotito! Those freaks are always hustling men, until they meet with the wrong guy! Hahahahahaha
