Thursday, April 21, 2022


By Santiago Caicedo
Various Sources

Property values are up locally and across the country, but there are ways to save money.

Norma Martinez says she got a big surprise when she saw how much her property is now worth. Martinez said she'll now have to pay an exaggerated amount of money in property taxes, from $1,700 to $2,100.

Jorge González, the Hidalgo County Asst. Chief appraiser, says residents have 30 days to file a protest. According to Gonzalez, if you get a notification in the mail from the county appraisal district, it’s likely your property value went up by at least $1,000 more.

Each year, Texas property owners see the values of their homes creeping up. The state caps property
value increases at 10 percent increase in appraised value is significant. 

Due to the number of residences that need to be valued by each tax assessor, it simply isn’t feasible for them to evaluate each property every year. Instead, they rely on spot checking and average home values in the area, leaving many homeowners with overvalued properties and higher than necessary property tax bills.

In the state of Texas, local governments set their property taxes, which means there is significant fluctuation in taxing between cities, counties, and taxing districts. In fact, two homeowners living in the same city and county but different school districts may have vastly differing home tax bills.)
Property owners have from April 22 until May 23 to protest your property's value, but you’ll have to bring evidence.

“If you have any issues with the house, any deficiencies,” Gonzalez said. “Foundation issues, cracked walls, your neighborhood, the age of the house, you have a leaky roof, you have mold, any kind of report that justifies that - current report."

Gonzalez adds that increased property values appear to be a national trend, especially in places with fewer housing options.

To file a protest form in your county, click on any of the links below:

Cameron County Appraisal District:

Hidalgo County Appraisal District:

Starr County Appraisal District:

Willacy County Appraisal District:


Anonymous said...

It's Trump's fault.
It's because of Covid.
It's Corporate greed.
It's Putin's fault.
It's Abbott's fault.

Anonymous said...

RIP Roger Staubach

Dallas Cowboys

Anonymous said...

Busing migrants, halting trade: Abbott bets future on divisive border plans\

The Republican governor of Texas is spearheading polarizing spectacles at the U.S.-Mexico border as he runs for reelection and looks ahead to 2024.

Abbott NO FRIEND of the Valley.

Anonymous said...

This is all a plot by our County Judge Eddie Treviño and Joey (Lazy) Lopez to increase values so they can build the black-hole arena. They know they don’t have the money to build it. They don’t even know how much it is going to cost! They want you to vote for it and that gives them the right to spend whatever they want and then raise taxes to pay for it. They do not have a clue of what it will cost…. Did it ever occur to them to get a feasibility study done first? The developer Denise Sanchez should pony up the cost of the readability study and be transparent with those he intends to screw with the tab of the arena. No arena Mamés money…. None! Why did Eddie Treviño calling on all elected officials to support the arena? Because it benefits him, period. Eddie Treviño does not lift a finger or answer calls by anybody… but he wants all to jumó at his calls and wishes. Is Eddie Treviños law partner Conrad Bodden going to be the contractor to build the arena? He is already constructing subdivisions for Elon Musk at SpaceX! How did he get that gig? He has minimum experience as a contractor on subdivisions…. Did SpaceX select him because Eddie Treviño votes in SpaceX issues? Does anyone else see a big conflict of interest here?
If it comes from Eddie Treviño, you have to question it…his past is a self serving one. He has a history of using his elected positions to profit personally on the backs of the tax-payer. He used his position to sell a property to BISD AT AN INFLATED
VALUATION. he used his position as Mayor to get him and Conrad Bodden the Legal council position at PUB. Made millions at the taxpayers expense. Look into his law partner getting a multi-million dollar contract at SpaceX….. rumor is he took a leave of absence from the law-firm to do this…. As to not give the impression of any impropriety…. Not from Eddie Treviño, NO!

Anonymous said...

We love you Governor Abbott. Keep fighting for us.

Anonymous said...

Pay raises to all racist republicans except la coco wanna be white gringa/mojada.

Anonymous said...

All this while past and present city commissioners and Mayors pay zero taxes on their personal homes and businesses. Hope that one day, the State will do away with this Historical designation bullshit on personal homes and businesses, all these public officials should be ashamed of not paying their fair share while most of us struggle to save throughout the year to pay our property taxes on time. So pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Abbott is not a friend of lazy retards who are still voting Democratic.

Anonymous said...

This is wrong. They have the staff and the time to go and visit every home and study the neighborhoods, structures, etc.

Example: wal mart sees your shopping cart half- full and charges: 400 dollars

cart is full WalMart charges: 800 dollars....

This is the time for the County and the State of Texas to help the residents.

Yet they want the Cameron County Arena to be approved by the voters. Look around: poverty, illness, unemployment, no insurance benefits, low wages...

Shame on all the elected officials.

Anonymous said...

@8:26 am......The Rio Grande Delta is a cesspool of ignorant, stupid humans. Most of these illiterate morons are sucking on the welfare mamon with a Lone Star card in hand. I’m glad Abbott is not a friend of the “Valley”. Who wants to be friends with a bunch of lazy bums with their hand out all the time? Go Greg go; will be voting for you again. Beto the wannabe Mexican doesn’t stand a chance!

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2022 at 4:02 AM

Appalachia includes the whole of West Virginia, and parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.[8] The region consists of 420 counties in 13 states.[9] The Appalachia is divided into 13 regions but is grouped into three commonly known sections; northern, central, and southern. Throughout the Appalachian region there are at least 31 mountains.[10] The Appalachian Regional Commission, a federal-state partnership that currently focuses on economic and infrastructure development, was created in the 1910s to address poverty and unemployment in the region.

Up to now they have employed 13 hillbillys and are actively seeking more applicants. The only problem here is non of these stupid hillbillys know how to read and write and won't wear any shoes, don't wash and are afraid of soap. They have no teeth and no hair. Won't work and rely on food stamps and hand-outs and love to stand in line for the soup. posseum soup. Their housing consist of four walls, no roof and no toilets.

Creatures that are not human being. Non-human (also spelled nonhuman) is any entity displaying some,[1] but not enough, human characteristics to be considered a human. The term has been used in a variety of contexts and may refer to objects that have been developed with human intelligence, such as hillbillys, robots or vehicles. Some scienetist have offer a name such as stupid humans, or hillbillypigs while others just plainly refuse to classified. Harvard Law Professor and world-renowned bioethics expert Doctor Cantinflas shares how we can call them, "Simple he said just "HILLBILLYS".
