Tuesday, April 12, 2022



(Ed.'s Note: One of our favorite local Republicans has to be Charles "Tad" Hasse, IT Geek Extraordinaire for the City of Brownsville Municipal Court and all around jack-of-all-trades who possesses an acerbic wit to boot. We're getting a bit long in the tooth ourselves so we know that it gets harder to celebrate your birthday at this stage of the game. By the way, our informant told us erroneously that Tad was celebrating his 66th Abril, but we later found out differently and corrected it. 
Sorry Tad. In fact, some would rather forget all about celebrating birthdays after they turn 60. But when you look spiffy in a tux and surrounded by French maidens all in a row, well, it makes us a bit jealous. Oh, well, you deserve it Tad. Have a happy one!) 


Anonymous said...

"One" of your favorite local Republicans?

Do you not know you're Mexican?!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr. Hasse

Anonymous said...

That guy needs someone to start a "go fund me" page to get him some decent shoes. Not only does he stink in cigarette smoke, but can you imagine what smell those moccasin shoes give off when he gets home? Damn dude! Tad, get the hint?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Tad showered and combed his hair for his party? Actually I'm more curious if he brushed his teeth?

Anonymous said...

In real life this guy looks 74!

Balding, walks hunched over. Not a good Ad for physical fitness at all!!!

Anonymous said...

That carpet looks familiar!

Anonymous said...

That photo is at least 25 years old!

Hasse looks like crap these days, bro.

Diego lee rot said...

Tad ghosted my dad because of a 100 dollar bet that trump would not be president!

Diego lee rot said...

Reelected president I meant to say. He obviously was president!

Anonymous said...

Exclusive BREAKING NEWS: Hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA, insist that his association with Putty has never been that close, quoting 'We control them all', was just a lie.

Anonymous said...

Republican racist.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Mr. Hasse

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is a loser.

Who supports Dr. Oz? Trump, the asshole does.

Anonymous said...

Tad the minnow sounds right

Anonymous said...

That picture was taken at his high school graduation 1859.

Anonymous said...

Did he ever pay Jim Barton the $100 he owes him over the Biden/Trump bet?

Anonymous said...

April 12, 2022 at 11:48 PM
quit congradulating yourself ESTUPIDO

Anonymous said...

He was 29 when he finished HS. 50 years ago...
