Friday, May 27, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

With a projected shortfall of between $2.5 and $3 million as a result of the removal of federal prisoners form Cameron County detention centers, the county commissioners have placed a freeze on filling any vacancies in the Sheriff's Department that includes between 70 to 80 jailers and deputies.

And Sheriff Eric Garza and the department are caught in a dilemma. 

The removal of the federal prisoners by the U.S. Marshal's Service came about as a result of the jails' failure to pass inspection by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). But now that the jails have passed a re-inspection, Garza cannot fill the slots because his efforts to recruit jailers has failed to attract applicants because of what some call a "hostile working environment" and low jailer wages compared to neighboring counties.

"Chief Deputy Robert Gracia got this 'perfect' plan about removing the federal prisoners to pressure the commissioners to give the jailers a raise in order to bring the feds back," said department staffer. "Wrong move."

The commissioners' implementation of the hiring freeze was taken during their last meeting Tuesday, court sources have confirmed.

As it is, the court was using the federal funds to pay for overtime for the remaining jailers, but since Garza and Gracia got the federal prisoners removed the county needed to find money to pay for the overtime," a jail staffer said. "As it is now, jailers are working 12 hours a day because of the lack of manpower and putting in four hours a day overtime. The county suddenly finds itself some $2.5 to $3 million in the hole."

Even before Garza cam on board, the operation and funding of the jails have always been an albatross hanging around the neck of former sheriffs. The presence of jail gangs like La Eme, the Texas Syndicate, Los Vallucos, Sureños, and others have led to riots, fights, escapes, the killing of a civilian by an escapee, and control of some jail cells by these groups.

Now, with the hiring freeze in place, the remaining jail staff find that they have their hands full controlling the remaining prisoners.

The problem started when Garza and Gracia took over the  department and started the wholesale removal and/or transfer of the staff, sometimes based on whether they had supported Garza or former sheriff Omar Lucio. 

This was compounded by the fact that Gracia assumed authority as chief deputy when he was not even a county employee or had a Texas peace officer certification. In fact, it would be three months after they took over on January 2021 that he was formally hired, and the same amount of time that he passed his certification exams that allowed him to fill the job description as chief deputy.

The apparent retaliation against Lucio supporters has led to a series of lawsuits against the sheriff and the county in state and federal courts. In fact, the federal lawsuit filed by Sgt. Rodrigo Almanza for political retaliation is set for this coming July.

And since Gracia was not a county employee when the events mentioned in the lawsuit occurred, the commissioners voted not to have the county defend him citing exposing the county unnecessarily to liability. It didn't help that Garza's demands reached a point where he demanded – by pounding his fist on the table during a meeting with the commissioners – that they give him the funds to pay the jailers more money and attract recruits."

(For months now, the department and courthouse have been rife with rumor of Gracia's imminent departure from his position. Some said in the coming weeks, others next month in June.)

"Sheriff Garza should have known better," said a county staffer. "He had been district clerk for four years and knew the budget process. But something happened to Eric when he became sheriff. He changed and has become very demanding and authoritative. The commissioners didn't like that."

Sources at the county say that the commissioners – without Garza's participation – may have already reached a deal with the U.S. Marshal's Service to return the federal prisoners, perhaps in time for the coming budget year. But until then, the department will have to operate with the short staff and try to attract jailers into its ranks.

"Until then, it's going to be hard for the remaining jailers," said a sheriff's department staffer. "We're caught between a rock and a hard place."


Anonymous said...

Days After Massacre at Uvalde School, N.R.A. Gathers in Texas
Former President Trump and Senator Ted Cruz are expected to speak

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Senate left town for its Memorial Day recess without addressing the latest spate of mass shootings. Republicans blocked the Preventing Domestic Terrorism bill

Anonymous said...

Deadly And Highly-Contagious Dog Virus On The Rise In Texas
The City of San Antonio Animal Care Services is warning against the Parvovirus, rampant at the CCSO full of dogs.

Anonymous said...

In light of world and state events, this pales.

Anonymous said...

County needs to incorporate part-time jail work. I know a lot of us ole-timer former jailers would put in a few days a week. Problem is they don’t want look into it cause it’s to much work creating part-time positions.

Anonymous said...

Its call inexperience at its best. Good luck Cameron County you still have 2 1/2 years left of inexperience leadership

Anonymous said...

On Uvalde -

As a Marine with 3 tours… I am so sorry to these parents. I would have put my life on the line to safe as many as I could. Those cops should quit RIGHT NOW!!! Cowards!!!!

Anonymous said...

Texas Cops Supposed to Do Opposite of What They Did in Uvalde, Training Documents Show

“A first responder unwilling to place the lives of the innocent above their own safety should consider another career field.”


Anonymous said...

It's time citizens of Texas angry at Greg Abbott tell him his governorship is over.

He has failed miserably, even before Uvalde.

Abbott has no interest in curbing the sale of assault rifles (AR-15). He will do nothing. Texas is a do'er state. Let's vote his ass out!

Not another child killed by shooters!!!

Anonymous said...

REPUBLICANS - The same party that is advocating placing control of women’s bodies in the hands of local and state governments decries any such restrictions on the rights of citizens to own, operate and utilize weapons of war.

Little kids were murdered. They need our voices. Loud & Clear.

Say Goodbye, Republican Greg Abbott.

Anonymous said...

No money? How about the millions of dollars for the bike and hike trail in west Brownsville, it's going to stop traffic on boca chica Blvd and 802, Morrison and than Alton Gloor for one bike? Waste of gas for traffic cars? This county fools will the new city commissioners fools don't even know how to clean their butts. Putting up lights in the bike and hike trail where subdivisions in the county don't have police protection or lights or roads. What a bunch idiots who are always giving themselves raises.

Anonymous said...

I just want this mofo to shave!

Anonymous said...

What a fuck disappointment this guy turned out to be, we have clerks "running" the department, "working" stone garden from 5am everyday...yeah right... aint that right Del Bosque? fucking kiss ass...wait for the feds to take you in along with your new daddy

Anonymous said...

Close the sheriff office and jail.
These 2🤡 are more concerned about their girlfriends.
And babies they will never know.

Anonymous said...

Join the campaign to vote out all current politicians in Cameron County.
Pero eso sí Erin Gamez kickboxer, she can stay there forever.

Bullshit, the county does not live paycheck to paycheck.
And, if it is true, you all should be fired.
The dam county would rather jeopardize the lives of workers for money.
All county leaders should be replaced for not saving for a rainy day.
Vote them out, for not protecting there biggest department in the county.
Eric Garza and Gracia quit you are useless as county commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Eric is a damn joke As a sheriff with no balls or leadership. The reason why the jail can’t keep people or let me rephrase that the reason why we lost more people during the change of administration is because exactly how you put it. When Garza took over just like in the deputies side he put Elizardi as chief with his dumbass minions to run the jail and was a full retaliation on the ones they didn’t like. And Eric is thinking of bringing his diaper wearing ass back? You got to be shitting me. The pay and respect isn’t there. The jail has a good leader with Delgado but their is only so much 1 man can do without support from Eric. A little thank you or any appreciation at all for the jail staff would be nice since all the jailers get shit on from commissioners and even worse from Eric and Rick. You have good people working there who actually take pride in their job. Not everyone there is a piece of shit like Lazo and Jose Ayala who don’t do a damn thing but try to sleep with the young girls, but again those were people put there by Elizardi. To all you Fellow brothers/sisters in gray may god bless you all and protect you. Let’s hope some day Correction officers in Cameron county will finally get the pay and appreciation they deserve. If the county was really hurting then the commissioners would be able to get their fat raise would they. Maybe removing the federals was a good play that way they got hit where it hurts (in their pockets). Don’t be surprised when you have no one willing to work for you anymore Eric.

Anonymous said...

Delgado said Eric "Se la pela"

Anonymous said...

Delgado says Gracia has his back and that Garza is just a puppet

Anonymous said...

@2:35 your right the retaliation was what messed it up. Jailers need to be respected and no admin give respect. If your a supervisor reading this, a little appreciation would be nice. And ha you are right about lt lazo, always finding his next girl to sleep with. I’ve worked with him before and he always talks about all the girls he has slept with or the ones he trying to sleep with. If your one of his current victims, he has more on the side don’t feel special. We need to bring back Jorge hernandez, I felt he did a lot for his people and showed his appreciation towards us. The pay does need to be highered.

Anonymous said...

May 27, 2022 at 9:32 PM
Where do I sign to join? Sounds like a good cause.


Anonymous said...

@2:53 victims? Esas pendejas know he’s married, they are no “ victims “ they know exactly what they’re getting themselves into. when I worked with him he was a Sgt and yes he’s always cheated on his wife. Also girls from H‑E‑B.. Didn’t know he was a LT congrats, I guess. I guess county promotes anyone now a days

Anonymous said...

What about Valladarez sleeping in his unit during the escape..... and all of us supervisors who get shit done in the jail get in trouble over stupid shit.. fuck you Delgado!!! You don't have our support

V. Tinker Shays said...

With those rags wrapped around their faces they look like fat-assed sicario wanna-be's.

Anonymous said...

May 28, 2022 at 7:18 PM

Little boy go back to sucking your mama's tits.

Anonymous said...

At least Elizardi knew what he was doing

Anonymous said...

PURO Overtime abuse.And That fucking hippo Barajas. Can't even clean his Hippo ASS. Worthless 457 lb. Piece of shit..No Brain's. WOW how can he be a leader.

Anonymous said...

Puro osico no balls. Tell these people to their face. Panochon

Anonymous said...

Why tell them to their face. Just look in the mirror and see if the mirror lies. Pendejo. Better take 100 more yards of Material for his 10xxxxL shirts he gets made in Moros. 10 men funeral detail needed for that Hippo.

Anonymous said...

Alguien esta ardido & no lo pelan en su trabajo (SSGT) & don't forget about FLOOR CORPORAL TORRES...

Anonymous said...

Ja ja ja funny but still no balls sgt. Ybarra

Anonymous said...

@11:16 Did you get offended? Must be either the useless supervisor of lazo. Go take care of your family that is if you still remember you have one. Or Barajas shutup or go cook something fatass. It’s not like either one will do anything they are puro sico. They forgot when they were celebrating when they tried to screw over mason when Elizardi was in charge but they all ended up looking like dumbasses when no one was able to control booking. Laso do yourself a favor and go back stroking meat. I mean cutting meat because a leader you are not but as far as being a “garapata” that you are very much.

Barajas said...

Ya ya mijo no se me valla a descoser lol. Aqui ahi huevos mijo i no las chingaderas q traigas ahi avajo de adorno. Atorele papi i pongase bien i no anonimo. Todo de frente i a la cara papi oh tu mami no te los puso bien. Mejor no la este engruesando i dejese de estupideses de niña ardida. Ya wey as algo bien en tu pinche vida. Atentamente Barajas, saludos CULO!!

Anonymous said...

Votes were wasted on this reserve police officer, Eric Garza for sure!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ may 30th 4:52. A lot to say for a pussy who doesn't have the balls to say it to his face. Mason is a fucking moron and if you've worked with him long enough you'd know that. And as far as insulting people bet you suck the same dicks at work you're here talking about. What a sad life lol

Anonymous said...

Eso Barajas puro old school. He's fat ok what the fuck does that have to do with anything? Is he fucking you? Do you have a crush on him? Que te valga verga bro. The jailers today are all fucking talk. No fucking spine. Say it to the man's face so he can defend himself. If he's a pussy like you think then wtf are you so afraid of lol. I've worked with Barajas and he can be lazy just like all of us. So unless you gonna say these insults to his face sit down and shut the fuck up you sound like a Bitch lol

Anonymous said...

Frank Mason the booking queen

Anonymous said...

Here is a novel idea. Don't forget you saw it here first.
Any municipality or state agency that causes the arrest and jailing of someone, should be held responsible for the cost of jailing that person. The only jailed persons that the county would be monetarily responsible for are the persons jailed by county agencies. Time to share the expense.

Anonymous said...

Work as a team, because you need more staff to cover that "Detail " in H- Town ... don't cry about about "overtime abuse" ...

Anonymous said...

The toothless syndicate is running the jail what do you expect

Anonymous said...

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc ...

your time is almost done... you go back to your hole.. the change is almost done ... from 7100 you are gone ...

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc ....

Anonymous said...

I guess will see where Laura Trevino’s loyalty is now since Manuel Trevino is going to run against Eric garza. It’s not a secret that Manuel Trevino is a relative of Laura Trevino. Eric haven’t you stopped and wondered how she has survived this long. Wait and see she will screw you over along with Rick. When sheriff Lucio was around she was loyal to him.

Anonymous said...

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc ...

C-9 is back & jail staff is not coming back ...

Anonymous said...

Why is no body talking about Alvaro Guerra getting his investigator pregnant? From locker room sex to surveillance hookups ja

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid of Pig Barajas. Because he might sit on me Pendejo. 478lbs is a lot if Lard. Mamalo idota.

Papi said...

CULO!!! CULO!!!! CULO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Because he might sit on you todo joto lol. enséñate a ser un hombre mijo and confront him pussy. Say what you gotta say to the mans face Lol what a life living in fear of another man. Sucking his dick in person then talking shit behind his back.

Anonymous said...

Look for solutions, instead of attacking people. CRDC is a mess, downtown is surviving with what they have. Well, don't count Sgt Garza but besides that, the others ones are doing a great job.
