Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Just when you thought elections were over.
Think again.

Today is the start of early voting in the race in the special congressional election to complete the unexpired term of U.S. Congressional District 34 U.S. Representative Filemon Vela. He resigned effective March 31. Whoever emerges from the primary election will serve the rest of the term that ends Dec. 31, 2022.

Four candidates are running in a the special general election, two Republicans and two Democrats. (See ballot below).

Early voting ends Friday, June 10, 2022 and election day is Tuesday, June 14. If none of the candidates gets 50 percent plus one vote after the June 14 election, it will go to a runoff between the two top vote-getters, meaning that whoever wins the runoff election will serve perhaps five months of Vela's unexpired term.

The Democrats have rallied behind Sanchez, who was elected Cameron County commissioner in 2011 and previously served as a justice of the peace for Cameron County from 2003 to 2010. 

He received endorsements from Vela and U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez. 

The Republicans are supporting Mayra Flores, who's never held office. She has been endorsed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), Texas GOP chair Matt Rinaldi (R) and the Republican Congressional Leadership Fund.

More importantly, the GOP and its Political Action Committees have poured $100,000s into the race trying to make inroads into traditionally-Democrat South Texas. In her last report, Flores lists $347,758 in contributions from the Republican Party as of March 31. https://ballotpedia.org/Texas%27_34th_Congressional_District_special_election,_2022

The four candidates will run in District 34 boundaries before the 2020 redistricting which covers counties from the Rio Grande in South Texas 34th Congressional District of Texas, which consists of all or parts of Bee, Cameron, DeWitt, Goliad, Gonzales, Hidalgo, Jim Wells, Kenedy, Kleberg, San Patricio, and Willacy counties;

Flores is already set to face Vicente Gonzalez in the November general election for a two-year term in the new District 34.

Confused? We don't blame you. So are we. But we have written about Flores before and we include the story below. Running on the Republican pro-gun, anti-immigrant platform in the wake of the Uvalde mass shooting of 19 elementary school kids and two teachers, the message has not resonated locally. We include the story below:


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The timing couldn't have been worse.

Just last Friday, a mailer from the Republican Party of Texas in support of candidate Mayra Flores in the  upcoming District 37 special congressional election arrived in local mailboxes.

Her pro-gun, ant-immigrant message surely did not resonate among local residents who are still in mourning in the wake of the shooting deaths of 19 elementary school children and two teachers in Uvalde. 

All over the country, flags are flying at half mast and a growing call for sensible background checks to keep assault weapons from unstable people.

And it was the Republican-led Texas Legislature and Governor Greg Abbott who did away with gun permits and who lowered the age of individuals to 18 so they can purchase the weapons just as Salvador Ramos – the psychopath who caused the massacre at Robb Elementary – was able to do days after he turned 18.

"You get much more of a background check to get a driver's license," said a patron at a local bar. "They ask for citizenship, whether you take medication, owe child support, have any DWI's, and numerous other questions. That's because a car can be a dangerous weapon. How much more dangerous is an assault rifle? And Ramos was able to buy not one, but two, AR-15s without any questions and walk out. Even when you get a marriage license you have to wait for at least 72 hours so you can think it over."

Then, the woman who herself was born in Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and allowed to migrate to the United States, promises to "seal and secure the border," to keep out unwanted immigrants and asylum seekers "defend and fund law enforcement and border patrol" ostensibly to defend us, and protect the right of Texans to defend themselves" like the Uvalde gunman. 

Fact is, the Uvalde ISD and city police failed to protect the shooting victims, as it has now become clearly apparent.

Sounding more Catholic than the pope, Flores also rails at the "D.C. Democrats" who "open the border to drug and human trafficking," and destroy the right to defend your family."

Pictured among the "D.C. Democrats" is former Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Dan Sanchez, one of her two Democratic opponents in the special election. He is pictured with a mad-looking President Joe Biden and a confused V.P. Kamala Harris.

But wait! 

Sanchez has never been elected to the U.S. House or Senate before. So how can he be a D.C.  Democrat? Fact is, he isn't. But if he beats her in the upcoming June 14 election, he might become one.

Even if she loses in the special election, she will face Vicente Gonzalez in the November general election on the GOP ticket. With this mailer, Flores has become the de facto Texas Republicans' Trojan Horse.

Flores apparently doesn't let facts get in the way, as when she claims she picked cotton in the fields with her parents to buy clothes and shoes for school when she was 13.

If she graduated from San Benito High School in 2004 – as her website claims – then she was 18 then. Take away five years and she was 13 in 1999, some 30 years after cotton had been harvested mechanically (1969 or 1970).

We said at the outset that the mailer's timing was bad. We also say that now is the time to call her out on her anti-immigrant/gun rights dog whistle.


Anonymous said...

The dark skinned chicanos in the valley hated Mexicans in the 70s and 80s. Payback is that many of those Mexicans who are now citizens are voting Republican.

Anonymous said...

The Why -

Weirdos, amateurs and the unqualified are turning to the Republican Party in the RGV because the establishment Democrat Party won't have them. It's the Carlos Cascos Syndrome.

If they won't let you play, you go where they will let you.

Not that these psychos (Mayra Flores) are good candidates. They are losers, largely uneducated and merely malleable assholes.

Vote Democrat. Keep The Valley Ours (KOVO), and out of the hands of Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick and the NRA.


Anonymous said...

The Republican Trojan Horse
Republicans preying in Ignorance

Anonymous said...

(many of those Mexicans who are now citizens are voting Republican.)

There are no worse idiots, than them.


Anonymous said...

I am a voter, a female and will NEVER vote for someone with a gun, assault weapon and defending "the wall". The shooter in Uvalde was born in N-Dakota, we don't need latin Americans to destroy America. We alone are doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

BTW, does Carlos Cascos own an AR-15?

yo diria que si. No ha dicho nada el vato de Uvalde.

Vote NO on Republican Cascos.


Anonymous said...

You think gringos are going to vote for a cotton picker. If you do, you have some mental issues, - IDIOTA!!

Anonymous said...

I want a representative that can speak proper English with no accent! Bring back Fil!

Anonymous said...

the age to purchase a rifle has been 18 since forever

True Blue American! said...

What a joke on these democrat followers! You all must be financial well-off to live in this democrat world? I had a democrat tell me that when President Trump was in office, he ruined this country? That' what left media kept telling us while he was in office and all the brainless democrat followers bought this bullshit. You wanted this mental case in the White House and look where we are at. Keep posting the trash but maybe sit down and really think about it? Maybe, you'll actually understand what I'm posting here?

Anonymous said...

The weapon used in the horrific crime committed in Uvalde was not an AR15 nor was it an assault weapon. At the end of the day a gun is just a tool which evens the odds. As for open borders, not until a weapon of mass destruction is smuggled though our southern borders and activated will the blind see the light. Will this ever happen? I hope not. But than again, the devil never sleeps.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep been stupid and plain idiots, vote democratic, Let's keep Cameron County and especially Brownsville the hell hole of the valley.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep been stupid and plain idiots, vote democratic, Let's keep Cameron County and especially Brownsville the hell hole of the valley.

Anonymous said...

Look at all the blacks who are killed every weekend in Chicago. They have much more gun control than Texas. They just can't control the people who commit half of all homicides in the USA.

The most uneducated people in the valley vote the same way as those who ended up as teachers. You're not educated. You just think you're smarter because of some affirmative action diploma.

Anonymous said...

Look at all the blacks who are killed every weekend in Chicago. They have much more gun control than Texas. They just can't control the people who commit half of all homicides in the USA.

The most uneducated people in the valley vote the same way as those who ended up as teachers. You're not educated. You just think you're smarter because of some affirmative action diploma.

June 1, 2022 at 5:57 AM

interesting ideas you are presenting. Blacks were slaves, abused, tortured etc Now, they have no leaders that will fight for them. It is a sad situation.

Teachers work hard to earn their diploma. When they are students they struggle with finances, with social issues and with knowing they do not belong in a system that is not theirs. The teachers in the classrooms are very valuable. But you can not see this.

Anonymous said...

True Blue American! said...
What a joke on these democrat followers! You all must be financial well-off to live in this democrat world? I had a democrat tell me that when President Trump was in office, he ruined this country? That' what left media kept telling us while he was in office and all the brainless democrat followers bought this bullshit. You wanted this mental case in the White House and look where we are at. Keep posting the trash but maybe sit down and really think about it? Maybe, you'll actually understand what I'm posting here?

May 31, 2022 at 6:18 PM

I understand what you are posting. You love Trump and his goals and his character. That is why Trump won. He touched the heart of Americans that wanted to save our group and the USA we love , from all these people that are not like us. They minorities are not staying in their place...now they want to be part of the Nation.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of teachers, I just saw a caravan of 100 cars headed to Las Vegas full of teachers, ready to spend their HaRD(ha) earned salaries. Behind it was another caravan full of clerks, secratries, maintenance workers and security following the teachers they too get 3 tres months off with pay. Using your hard earned tax moneies and if you don't pay they take your home and sell it and guess to who? LAS PINCHES RATAS ELECTED OFFICIALS.


Anonymous said...

Panson for US Congress? Are you kidding me? really? RED Wave baby, DemocRATS been in office to long and making a killing, just ask eddie lucio jr those stocks paid off really big and he is now worth $90 million pobrecito, at $8000.00 salary per year, well done. Guess why Lamentira wants to get elected too, oh well just Vote for Mayra Flores for Congress, El panson dont have anything but SHIT in his GUTS, endorsed by Vicente (chinga la gente) Gonzalez and (phony) Fil Vela , really thats what we are trying to get rid off, los Mamones Cheech & Chong, hey smoke another doobie carne.

Anonymous said...

Hidalgo county is helping out the democrats by having only have 4 polling places to make sure no one comes out to vote, tramposos, Go Mayra Flores all the way pinches putos. Dont vote for El Pason,, might not make it to DC, de un heart attack or big mac attack lol,

Anonymous said...

Yes, go to DC, the texas mamon governor wants you there but next to a bus station not at the WH. Racist republicans hate aliens.

Anonymous said...

There were no toilets at any cotton fields, so, did you kissed the sky? This is, one of the security questions asked in order to go into the capitol.

Anonymous said...

May 31, 2022 at 6:52 AM idiota:

Mojados came here kissing white asses, the gringos at that time looked down on ALL mexicans so when they tried to treat the the locals the same way, they got a face full of knucles every time they did that.


Anonymous said...

Juan, went to vote this morning in hidalgo county, folks there said i am not in this district, yet i voted for Fil Vela last time? But as you say here its for the old district, guess i not cannot vote, nothing but Voter suppression. I wonder who is controlling this us congress mess? wonder how many more like me were not allowed to vote? Just wondering????????????????????????????????? 1000 vote have not been counted in laredo let see who wins there cuellar or cisneros? adios and have a great day. lol

Anonymous said...

The ar is on a loan and has to return it and take her kitchen pans and plates back. The plates were pawned along with a week of house cleaning labor (better than picking algodon).


Anonymous said...

Americans will be hit by a Recession around the middle of next year. Who will Democrats and the lying media blame? Will they blame Trump, the Republican Party or Mickey Mouse?

Great job Democrats! You’ve created this whole mess own up to it!

Anonymous said...

