Wednesday, May 18, 2022


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Despite the claim by Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Place 2 runoff candidate and Brownsville attorney Elizabeth Garza that her vaunted "legal experience" made her more qualified than her opponent Cyndi Hinojosa, her acceptance – and failure to report in her campaign reports – of gas giveaways by an insurance corporation may constitute a felonious violation of Texas election laws.

Hinojosa garnered 48 percent of the vote in the March 1 primary, just shy of the 50 percent plus one vote necessary to win outright.

Garza – in recorded interviews aired over social media – publicly admitted that she had approved the $20 in gas giveaways by a local representative of an insurance corporation on behalf of her campaign at least five times during the period between the March 1 primary and the May 24 runoff election day in violation of the Texas Election Code.

That code specifically states that such contributions are prohibited.

Garza, who came in a distant second in a three-way contest in the March 1 primary for JP 2-2, repeatedly promoted the gas giveaways in her campaign postings on social media and posted that she was thankful to LadyRifas, a local representative of the Insurance Corner Auto Insurance Corporation, for the gift of $20 in free gasoline to potential voters.

Additionally, her failure to report these in-kind contributions by this insurance corporation on her behalf indicates that she lacks some basic knowledge of the law regarding corporate contributions to political candidates in Texas.

"For her to claim she is an attorney and is more qualified than her opponent because she has more than a decade of legal experience and then to admit publicly she was accepting corporate gifts and not reporting it in her campaign finance reports is basically an admission she committed a third-degree felony in violation of the election code," said an Hinojosa campaign supporter who supplied El Rrun-Rrun with copies of Garza's social media postings.

In them, she repeatedly thanks LadyRifas and Insurance Corner Auto Insurance Corporation (the Little Red Car) for giving away gas to potential voters on her behalf.

Additionally, a review of her required campaign finance report covering January 1 to May 16 makes no mention of the corporate in-kind gift in apparent violation of the Texas Election Code.

In that report filed by her campaign treasurer Cerise Reyna de Garduño, the only monetary contributions are a $1,000 from chiropractor Aaron Guerra of McAllen and another $1,000 from Cecilia Garcia (?) of Brownsville, who listed her occupation as "unemployed."

The failure to report her expenditures goes even further. 

Staff members of station 89.5 FM (La Mera Mera) – in Matamoros – confirmed  that she has been paying the broadcaster to run radio spots on their station for weeks now that have not been listed on the campaign expenditure report she filed. 

"How can she claim she has legal experience over her opponent and doesn't follow basic election code laws?," asked the Hinojosa supporter. 

And while Garza and some social media observers say that a lawyer is needed for that court, it is interesting to note that the only attorney of the three Brownsville JPs, Jonathan Gracia, has proven to be the least effective and has collected the least fines for county coffers. Figure that.  

Today is the third day of early voting in the Democratic Primary runoffs which continue through Friday. Election day is Tuesday May 24. 


Anonymous said...

Tan temprano, Juan! Always with the inside scoop. Hopefully, La Leona responds to your post and clarifies. This is very important. No one is above the law!

Anonymous said...

Juan i remember one county official who who always say "Me Vistes" btw juan she didi disclose this gas thign you are taking about and it is legal as long as you disclose, now on the other side of the coin, does cyndi disclose all the money her husband gilbtero hinojosa has given to her campaign? Really really, we dont beleive that cuz many people know gilberto.

Anonymous said...

Cyndi has this one! Cyndi will win!
We need people in office who care about their communities, not power greedy individuals.

Anonymous said...

NUEVA YORK — Cuatro inmigrantes mexicanos han logrado que su demanda contra el expresidente estadounidense Donald Trump vaya a juicio. Una jueza en Nueva York podría empezar a seleccionar a miembros del jurado el mes que viene, según el calendario de la Corte Suprema del Bronx, para el caso de los mexicanos que sufrieron un enfrentamiento con agentes de seguridad de Trump durante una protesta en Manhattan en 2015.

El propio Trump tuvo que responder a horas de preguntas del abogado de los mexicanos, Ben Dictor, en octubre en su oficina en la Trump Tower en Manhattan. A pesar de que el exmandatario no testificará en el juicio, un video con sus respuestas se emitirá durante el proceso judicial para que lo vea el jurado.

Los inmigrantes interpusieron la demanda después de que al menos uno de ellos, Efraín Galicia, recibiera una bofetada por parte del entonces jefe de seguridad de Trump, Keith Schiller, durante una protesta frente a la Trump Tower en la Quinta Avenida. La escena fue captada por las televisoras locales.

Anonymous said...

Y de que te quejas, Montoya, tanto los Fifis como los Chairos hacen las mismas practicas en la redes sociales, "tan malo el pinto como el colorado", son las practicas del negocio de la politica.

No seas bruto, puto.

Anonymous said...

Deja tu Juan, why can’t we get honest public servants to serve. This election cycle has been filled with misinformation, deceit, and dirty politics. From the young candidates to the older more experienced candidates, many have run very dirty campaigns. Makes it almost seem that it is about pointing fingers and finding out whose caca smells the most. We sorely miss the days of the older respectful politics. Nunca cambias, Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2022 at 2:47 PM

Gringos can't read espanish pinche mojado

Anonymous said...

Your reputation among the elites here is shit, Montoya. But you'd never know it. How many times have the Sorolas and the Hinojosas had you over for dinner?


Anonymous said...


Elon Musk Says He Will Vote Republican During Next Election Cycle.

The tech billionaire said that he historically voted Democrat in the past, but now claimed that Democrats were a party of "division and hate."

So off.

- Can Trey Mendez be far behind

tsk, tsk.

Anonymous said...

Very disappointed in La Leona. It’s been a full day and she has still yet to address this issue. Definitely voting a blank ballot for this race! Hay para la otra mija!

Anonymous said...

La Leona did respond to the negative comments. I hope and pray it continues to be a clean race. May God bless the candidate that wins. May he provide them the guidance, temperament, and spirit to lead that court with honor and integrity.

Anonymous said...

So sad, which is the lesser of both evils?

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2022 at 2:47 PM
en ingles mojado!

Anonymous said...

These so call elected officials start early with their RATISMO.

Anonymous said...

Well the truth comes out that the Lioness is corrupt. We all know that she is an evel person. If she has so much experience then why does she have to pay people to get a vote. People need to vote on what she will do for the district she is going to represent. This woman is corrupt along with her staff. She is a racist and will always be a racist it is to show you that she calls herself a lioness who basically is the one who controls everything. She is a control freek who even wears the pants in her relationship with her husband. She has committed a crime and she needs to be held accountable for her actions. I hope you loose and loose your license.

Anonymous said...

Mensa. vieja

Anonymous said...

Shit, everything these bozos do around here is ILLEGAL PERIOD!!!!! Bad thing is we all know and can't stop or won't stop them...

Anonymous said...

3:17 pm.
" No seas bruto, puto".


2:47 PM.

Anonymous said...

Most will work as maintenace, conjunto bernal will not hire local talent only nepotism, family members and relatives, cronyism is his favorite and for his friends.
The city and county should not allowed the elected officials to hire by nepotism and by cronyism. MAKE IT AN LAW DO IT NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Violation of the law in Cameron County, not possible? Where' the Cameron County District Attorney' Office? They do have investigators who can initiate the criminal case and prosecute it? This would not be a conflict of interest at all. But again, this is Cameron County where democrats can violate the law, nepotism and buy votes. Where' the FBI and or much less, where' Luis Saenz?

Anonymous said...

Call la migro blog taken over by meskin mojados that can't write innglis.
