Tuesday, May 3, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The knee-jerk mantra of the anti-arena crowd is that it will increase property taxes for Cameron County as the sign that just appeared recently blatantly states. But this is not true. It will be funded by the existing venue tax on rental cars and hotel tax already in place in Cameron County. 

In fact, that is what was used to fund the construction of the Cameron County Amphitheater and Event Center on South Padre Island, which opened two years ago, and the South Texas Ecotourism Center just completed in Laguna Vista. 

Now Cameron County Eddie Treviño is asking voters to “do it again” for a facility he said will benefit the entire Rio Grande Valley while imposing no additional tax burden on county residents, since the revenue already exists. None of the venue tax revenue would be used for the Madeira development itself, he said.Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. addressed several of the community’s concerns. 

“This proposition is basically a yay or nay vote authorizing the use of the venue tax which consists of the hotel-motel and car rental taxes. Use that revenue stream to pay for a portion of the project,” said Treviño. “There is no plan at all to utilize any type of general fund or property tax revenues for this project,” he said.

He said he is hoping the developer and venue taxes will pay 15 to 30 percent of the project but added that additional funds could be used through public-private partnerships and by additional public funding through potential state and federal grants.

Per the ballot proposition language, 2 percent of the county’s current hotel occupancy tax and 5 percent of its current vehicle rental tax would be authorized to pay for this project. Admissions to the arena would also come with a 10 percent tax. If approved, the total hotel occupancy tax rate in Cameron County would be 17 percent.

Here's Public Funding 101: 
Property taxes (ad valorem taxes) are used for things like funding public schools, libraries, city streets (potholes), county roads (potholes), public safety and city and county personnel payroll, infrastructure improvements, etc...

In other words, these property taxes are severely restricted in their use. 

Venue taxes such as the funding proposed for the center/arena, are also restricted and deal strictly with tourism and are generated by the tax on car rental and hotel occupancy taxes paid by visitors to the area, not county property taxpayers. These include stadiums, hotels, arenas, mutli-use venues like the proposed arena/center. 

These are also strictly restricted funds and can only be used for that purpose – to encourage tourism and attract outside visitors.

Early voting ends today. The election will be May 7.


Anonymous said...

Rental car and hotel taxes do not equal $100 million anytime soon, Montoya. Are they taking those tax monies ahead of time It has to first be generated!

get facts: How many rental cars are leased in a year? How much is banked on hotel/motel stays?

I'd say both numbers are low.

Anonymous said...

Check out how the Space X got to Brownsville, all tax free for Elon Musk, maybe it didn't cost us county taxes, but it took away our beach. Free ride for Musk. Why do it again? We already have the Cameron County Amphitheater and Event Center on South Padre. What tourism is coming to Brownsville? It's nothing less than a poor third world community, and all thanks to Carlos Casco and you, Trevino. Why not approach the Mexican president?

Anonymous said...

To the dumbass who wrote the first comment:

Read the article again. They don’t anticipate $100 million for rental/ hotel taxes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It not the tax, its who's gonna manage it and how are they gonna get paid? TAXES OF COURSE... until they all die, 60 years from now and than their family members will take over and over and over until the 25th century.

Anonymous said...

TOURIST what tourist there are NO tourist here, only penny pinching winter visiters, y agarrados das all and they want everything FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...

Anonymous said...

We don't rent hotels
Maybe motels by the hour but mostly
We stay with family

Anonymous said...

Treviño!! Limpiate el culo primero animal!! No te quieras echar un pedo mas grande q tu ojete!! Pon luces en la 511 vanquetas para q camine la raza. Pagale bien a los jailers i deputies. Dejate de mamadas

Anonymous said...

Vote no
Spend $100 million, estimate to build.
How can you estimate a price. Without knowing the cost of the material and labor and kickbacks. And price for each item needed to build this shit.
San Benito Texas is spending $200 million dollar, and itemized the whole construction 🏗️.
San Benito Texas, has gotten you beat.

Anonymous said...

The money should be used to fix the city. Make it look nice for the residents and tourists.
Nice streets. Nice street lights. Beautiful landscape. Good sidewalks. Benches and arches around the city.

Brownsville is just concrete, asphalt, ugly buildings, no color, no nice plants nor gardens. Parks are unkept. Garbage all over the city.

The arena looks ugly....looks like a monster.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Taxes to go down and most definitely no to the arena.

Anonymous said...

"There is no plan..." but is it still an option?

Anonymous said...

How did they come up with $100 million? Why not $99 million or $80 million or $110 million or any other made up number.
