Saturday, June 4, 2022


Telemundo 40

The parents of Gael Avalos, 17, are devastated after the young man was charged Friday June 3 for illegally carrying a weapon in a prohibited place. 

The teen  was arrested by school authorities Thursday, June 2, by after a routine search of vehicles at the Veterans Memorial Early College High School, in Brownsville, after they found a gun and ammunition.

Bail was set for Avalos at $75,000. 

This is because the authorities want to send a message that this type of situation in schools is not going to be tolerated, much less after the tragedy that occurred on May 24 in Uvalde, Texas that resulted in 19 students and two teachers being gunned down by an 18-year-old who was also killed by Border Patrol.

Alex Domínguez, the attorney who represents Avalos, explained to Telemundo 40 that the father placed the weapon in the car and that the young man was unaware that he was there. 

"We understand these times where we are in danger from all sides. The school police did what they had to do. Surely there should be no harm to the children," Dominguez said.

With a trembling voice and visibly emotional, Gael's father told Telemundo 40 that "it was all my fault and it feels horrible to put my son in this situation because of me." While this whole situation is cleared up, the young student will not be able to return to any of the schools in the Brownsville School District. 


Anonymous said...

Perfectly adequate way to treat this, says this observer. This is like the guy who, when caught, claims the wed in his car belonged to his mother. Let this chavalo go through the process.

As for the weepy father, pos ni modo, Guey. you put the gun there and you knew it was there.


Anonymous said...

Are they also searching gringos vehnicle too are just meskins?

Anonymous said...

Pus que pendis el papa. Para pendis no se estudia.

Anonymous said...

They're searching Gringos for brains. They have found no brains.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

A kid takes a gun to school and only gets a $75,000 bond. Is this going to be another slap on the hand? A lot of questions need to be answered. Is the weeping father going to be charged with anything? Were any guns confiscated? What weapon(s) were found in the trunk of vehicle? Does the kid have a criminal background? If the father was so ignorant about the whereabouts of his guns he shouldn’t be allowed to own any.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, make my day dirty harry calahan

Anonymous said...

Search the gringo cars also NO SEAN MAMONES...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Are they also searching gringos vehnicle too are just meskins?

June 4, 2022 at 9:23 AM

Callate el osico si somos puros mejicanos aqui

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ June 4, 2022 at 9:23 AM

99% chance of being Meskin.
More Meskins than gringos.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think they will charge him the full extent possible and a plea bargain likely in such a way that no one loses face like the cops, and the district. If I was advising the dad I would tell him to call every news reporter and with eyes filled with tears “fall on the sword”. Continue to repeat how stupid HE was with his gun and how HE will never forgive himself, apologize to parents around the nation that HE is squarely to blame.

Get 15 minutes of fame done and over with. The kid gets a GED goes to college and no one will remember his name.

Anonymous said...

Blame the racist republicans and trumputo, who else?

Anonymous said...

This is not a political story. The kid broke the law and he has to face some consequence. This isn’t racist or democrat vs republican.
