Friday, June 24, 2022



Anonymous said...

Y el cotton picker?

Anonymous said...

Republicans have made a grave mistake. Women will make them pay in November.


(Most Republicans should have been aborted, btw. Ugly, lard-ass people)

Anonymous said...

What would you expect from SC justices who want freedoms for individuals but only what they deem right for them. Not the America that we expect and want. Sad day in American history.

Anonymous said...

If the decision would have gone the other way would you say it's a Biden or Obama bought decision? I'm asking for a Democrat that will always vote Democrat no matter what but he's not brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

The World of Jean-Michel Basquiat
3,862 views May 27, 2022 A look at the life, work, controversies, and iconic mystique of Jean-Michel Basquiat, an artist who conquered the art world, defined a generation of 1980's expressionist painting, and became a celebrity doing it.

Basquiat was an artist with preternatural talent who created art inspired by Jazz, Beat poets, Cy Twombly, Leonardo da Vinci, graffiti, Hip-Hop, and nearly everything else under the sun. He took on racism, politics, and art history itself in his short but exceptional career.


Anonymous said...

Hey, this will save lots of babies!

Anonymous said...

Next it could be birth control.

Anonymous said...

Quit glorifying Junkies, it makes kids think it's cool to see how close you can come to ODing.

Just because someone does something first does not make it great, and really does not make it great art.

Anonymous said...

It's not in the federal constitution therefore it is left to the states. Didn't you people go to school to learn about how government works?

Is Dan Sanchez a Republican? He's a lard ass isn't he?

Anonymous said...

What is going to happen is that girls will now go back to the "clothes-hanger" abortions at some curanderas shack. Why do they not write up a law against men who have a vasactomy. They are also getting rid of all the sperm that could have made a child, so in essence, isn't that the same?

Politicians have no right to tell a human what he or she can do with her body,
including euthanasia.

Anonymous said...

CDC says gay and bi men need the meningococcal vaccine, to keep them safe in 'worst' outbreak in US history

Anonymous said...

Red wave coming. This will have no effect

Anonymous said...

Awe there there you poor little demonicRATS BABY KILLERS. Don't worry you can still kill babies in the womb in the states that want too like NAZI YORK or Commiefornia, BUT not here in TEXAS, UT, VA, and many other states to come.

Anonymous said...

But the Libs also got gun reform this week.

They want to decrease mass school shootings but continue aborting babies. The irony.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2022 at 7:02 PM
Its ok if your are white, but a junkie black is a no no. Most white art people at first were the scum of the earth, art turned them into heroes why because they were white das why...

Anonymous said...

Maybe now Planned Parenthood will do a better job at educating women on not how to get pregnant. Maybe they will better educate women how to immediately get Plan B if they are a rape victim. Maybe, just maybe, women will no longer have to go through the trauma of an abortion because Planned Parenthood cares more about raising money then actually helping women take true control of their bodies. This will end up being a great victory for women.

Anonymous said...

You guys are idiots…. Its a Democratic play to get the vote in midterm. Blame the other side so you can come back to us. Democrats gave yall abortion and now they took it away from you.

Anonymous said...

You got that right Mr. Montoya! That' the privilege that a President has in office when the time comes to pick a new Justice, baboso! If you really think that a Republican President is going to pick a democrat to fill the seat of Justice? Then, you have to be a real dumb ass! That' the privilege and you democrats have to just eat crow and live with it! The only way another democrat Justice will get on the bench is (God forbid) one of the Justices passes or be killed by a democrat nut job. Which Pelosi wants, since she was refusing to give Supreme Court Justices security protection. The only problem is that dumb bitch forgets that a democrat Justice could be killed? Just suck it up and live with it!

Anonymous said...

Liberal Presidents get to nominate Liberal judges. Conservative Presidents get to nominate Conservatives judges. Elections have consequences, get over it.

Anonymous said...

Since 1973 women by federal law have been allowed to kill. Now the killings have shifted to the states. The killings nevertheless will continue but at a different level.
While a small proportion of women who have abortions do so because of health concerns or fetal anomalies, the large majority choose termination in response to an unintended pregnancy. So who takes the blame for a woman’s poor judgment? Some women won’t be satisfied until they have a free hand at murder. So the killings in Uvalde was wrong? But killing of an unborn is ok. I’m lost here. People need to stop with the hatred and become responsible for their actions. If anyone needs to be killed here it’s the woman who made a poor choice and wants to clear her mistake by killing an unborn.

Anonymous said...

Instead of moving forward we are moving backwards. Like the out of control cats and dogs that is how the poor young women will be because this law will not apply to the wealthy. The wealthy will make sure that their young women get the medical attention needed. It has ALWAYS been the way.

Anonymous said...

Mothers will have to take their girls and boys to the doctor when they are 10 years old. To avoid problems.

Boyfriends have to take care of their girlfriends.

Women have to "think" like a man and ask: Are you going to marry me if I get pregnant? Are you going to help me if I get pregnant? Are you going to protect me so that I do not get pregnant from you?

Tough moments for all.

Anonymous said...

6/25/2022 12:21 p.m.
I love the way you blame "the woman." When do you have the male take responsibility? Btw an irresponsible male is nowhere near to being a "man." Don't get me wrong I agree "the woman" should take care of her "huevos" but the male should also take care of his "pilongo." It works both ways.

Anonymous said...

Justice Clarence (Uncle) Thomas’ comments in the decision were code for “let’s judicially implement the hard right’s agenda now while we control the Court.” Or as Frank Pentangeli said in Godfather ll, “Let’s hit them now, while we have the muscle.”

Anonymous said...

What did you think was going to happen when the Democrats installed a CATHOLIC onto the White House? Joe "Sleeper Agent" Biden takes his orders directly from the Vatican! In league with the Jesuits and their Infrared Crusader Priests no doubt!
Won't be long till homosexual marriage gets it's day on the chopping block too. Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2022 at 5:43 PM

"I got a gift from God, a white woman". quote from the african republican superior judge.
how they say, eat crow every night? Hahahahahahah jajajajajajaja hahahaha scum of the universe....EAT CROW!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

With masks and vaccines it was fine for the government to do this, but abortion is not? Hypocrisy...
