Sunday, June 26, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Guest Opinion

Oh please, it isn't Vela's fault. 

Let's look at that election again, specifically, the Latina candidates. Let's compare. 

There are three Congressional districts side by side, along the border. Disrict 34 - Brownsville District 15 - McAllen District 28 - Laredo. 

There were 5 Latinas running in these districts. Dist 34 - Mayra Flores, Republican Dist 15 - Michelle Vallejo, Democrat / Monica De La Cruz, Republican Dist 28 - Jessica Cisneros, Democrat / Cassandra Garcia, Republican.
Now, how did each party support their Latina candidates? 

Jessica Cisneros (D-28) is Spanish-fluent, the child of immigrants, and saw Nancy Pelosi personally calling and raising money for her male opponent, despite him being raided by the FBI recently as well his being as an anti-Roe pro-life conservative. 

Michelle Vallejo (D-15) was opposed by the DCCC who supported her male opponent. 

Meanwhile, Mayra Flores (R-34) had the RNC's full support and priority fundraising. The Democrats intervened to kneecap their own border Dem Latina Congressional candidates. Cisneros barely lost by 280 votes and Vallejo squeaked out a victory of +30, through a recount. 

All three are immigrants or daughters of immigrants, all around the same age. The most egregious is how Jessica Cisneros was treated imo. To have Pelosi herself calling on behalf of a guy with an FBI investigation looming over him? You know that axe is going to fall sometime between now and Nov (probably mid-October/ Early voting). 

The Republicans saw border Latinas, immigrant, Spanish-fluent, young females as dream candidates. Yet the Democrats saw their own two, very similar Latinas as bugs that needed to be squashed, early, in the primaries. 

Republicans "heavily" invested in Flores (22:1) while Democrats undercut and directed funding against their two Latinas in the primaries. Republicans are now proudly running their three Latina 'dream team' as a slate, a 'triple threat' and heavily investing in their campaigns.

Meanwhile, when Dan Sanchez was running for the Congressional special seat against Flores, the DCCC and DNC provided "little to no support" he said, even though the DCCC did spend to defeat two progressive Democrat Latinas in the primaries. In other words, the DCCC and DNC got personally involved to defeat Congressional Latina candidates of their own party, but won't pitch in to support a Dem candidate like Sanchez running against a Republican. 

What is the lesson here? How about Democrats not interfere and not waste money in primaries to defeat your own, and let the local people decide? Save your resources to spend on Democrats when they are up against actual Republicans instead of other Democrats, hmmm? 

magine if all the money and time the DC Democrats spent working to defeat their own two Latinas, had instead been directed to Dan Sanchez to help him defeat a Republican? All Dan Sanchez needed was a percent or two. Word is Democrats eat their own, and this Nancy Pelosi fracaso is one of the saddest examples. 

BTW Jessica Cisneros was pro-choice! Yet Nancy Pelosi intervened personally, calling into the Rio Grande Valley herself, to defeat Cisneros in favor of a male pro-life candidate. This morning after the Supreme Court Roe v Wade, we had an email from Nancy Pelosi which said, no less.... donate $15 to Nancy Pelosi because "Our ONLY option is to marshal a response so historic — that we DEFEAT every anti-choice Republican that made this happen....." 

The anti-life instigator who made this happen is you, Nancy. LOLOLOL coming from Nancy Pelosi, the same woman who stamped out Latina pro-choice candidates in favor of conservatives, and left the Democrat swinging in the breeze against a Republican. Puhleeze..... por favor no no no.


Anonymous said...

Name the guess opion writer!!!

Anonymous said...

So you are saying that the Democrat Party is sexist, out of touch, and a danger to local choice in elections?
Color me shocked.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi and the national Democrat organizations-- it's about power, not ideology. They will always support incumbents. It is so they can then count on those incumbent's support within the House, when votes are needed for legislation. And, when someone, like Pelosi or or another Speaker, runs for reelection to that position they can call on that incumbent to return the support.
Sausage. Ugly how it's made, right?

Anonymous said...

So they took away our right to kill our baby. This should tell us what kind of person the mother is. What's next? Will they take away our food stamps? Close the borders? Start funding law enforcement again?

Anonymous said...

cocos a virus among hispanics no cure so far...

Anonymous said...

The political field: the last world for women to conquer.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys still trying to justify your loss? What’s going to happen in November when the democrats encounter major losses across the field? Will there be more whining or mass suicides? What have you little robots be told to do by the Democratic Party? I recommend that if all else fails Run!

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2022 at 5:02 PM
estas pendejetes o que,look at all the elected officies they are ALL occupied by viejas and the men now stay at home cookin', washing paniales, mopping and now they wear pantaletas! IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

I'm a democrat.

Screw Nancy Pelosi

Screw Fil Vela for leaving early

Screw Mayra Flores for being a pawn

Screw Dan Sanchez for losing this race

Screw Gilbert Hinojosa for not fighting for more resources for our area

Screw Jarod Hockma for thinking we are still a Dem political stronghold

The same strategy will have us red in no time

Screw republicans

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2022 at 2:46 PM
must be a german

Anonymous said...

so what are the ak's for? for show only!

Anonymous said...

Seems like you are the one that is screwed dumb ass!

Anonymous said...

TBH the GOP knows Mayra Flores is just a temporary cash cow. There's no realistic expectation of her winning this district. They're using Flores to massively fundraise and provoke division and ruckus, but their TRUE rgv target is Cuellar. That guy is damaged goods... FBI investigation, and in the national reckoning over Roe v Wade and women's rights, he's the wrong person for this moment. While all eyes are on 34 due to the Mayra Flores distraction, the GOP's real effort will be to flip Cuellar's seat, now that the DCCC has fatally damaged their relationship with the progressive half of the party in the Laredo region due to their treatment of Jessica Cisneros.

Mayra Flores is a sleight-of-hand trick. The same way magicians use a pretty girl to distract and draw the audience's attention away from the real execution

Anonymous said...

Pretty? Really?
