Sunday, June 26, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
For the past few months, City of Brownsville Police Department investigators have been on the trail of one Juan Neiro Briseño – AKA '"El Diablo" – the sweetheart pictured above.

Downtown merchants had reported burglaries, which often happened in the early morning hours and arrests of users of crack and cocaine were pointing in this direction. But they had never caught the perpetrator(s) in the act and they apparently made sure that when they – like Briseño – made their moves when outside the range of the city's $450,000 camera surveillance system in the downtown area.

Downtown beer joint patrons recall that El Diablo often entered drinking establishments selling pack of fajitas and steaks at rock bottom prices, the HEB label still on the packages. But since itinerant salesmen of everything from chile piquin, machacado, quesos, Mexican candy, car washes, etc., were frequent at these locales, they thought nothing of it.

"He was giving it really cheap," said one. "But who buys fresh meat on the street?"

Then El Diablo slipped and fell on the broad road of perdition.

About two weeks ago – in the early morning hours – he forced up the metal corner of a bar's door and slithered in the small crack between the door jamb and the upwards-bent door, and he was in. He had the bar to himself and ransacked the place, finding a bank deposit bag containing the daily change for the business, bags of chips and Fritos, and a cache of disposable lighters, said Ernie Avalos of the Sportman's Lounge. 

But all that heavy lifting had made him thirsty and Avalos said that when he came in the bar the next morning – he opens at 10 a.m. daily – he discovered the break-in.

"I found two empty Dos Xs beer bottles, one on a table and another at the bar, where he had left them during the burglary," Avalos said. "I made sure that I didn't touch them and saved them so the cops could use them for prints. I wonder if he put songs on the jukebox while he drank his Dos Xs.""

Avalos need not have worried about detectives IDing the dehydrated Diablo. 

While the city' surveillance missed the break-in, a high-resolution camera in the business nearby – Chef Ricardo's Restaurant across the alley – had caught the slippery Diablo in action. Using those images, police detectives were able to link Briseño to the Sportman's, and another burglary. 

When detectives finally came upon the alleged burglar in his demon's lair, they found the zipper money bank bag with some money still in it, a box of potato and corn chips from the bar, and a bunch of lighters he had taken from the bar. (Apparently, the lighters are prized by crack heads to light their pipes and they are constantly looking for a lighter.)

But in the course of executing the search warrant, they also found that El Diablo was dealing in controlled substances (coke and crack), and nabbed him with the goods. He is now being held at the Rucker-Carrizales Detention on three charges: Possession of a Controlled Substance ($8,000 bond), and two Burglary of a Building charges ($5,000 bond each.)

But don't think that the small amounts of the bonds will result in his release. Apparently, this demon is in the country illegally and an immigration hold was put on him by federal authorities. Avalos said detectives had told him that Briseño was on this side of the river after getting into hot water with the criminal element in Matamoros. He will probably roast in Cameron County hell until he faces a judge in court.


Anonymous said...

This would be gripping in the hands of a better writer.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this guy is a liberal or a conservative? What do you think Juan?

Anonymous said...

This seems like the perfect Democratic candidate. He's got the resume and the skills.

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2022 at 9:59 AM

You mean like your ass, I don't think so you can't even run a blog idiota

Anonymous said...

Looks racist republican to me he's got the intillectual know how to screw people up... das all you need just look at trumputo.

Anonymous said...

Has the personality traits of Donald Trump, Jr. - corrupt to the bones.


Anonymous said...

This is one bad "hombre." Why didn't the Wall keep him out?

Anonymous said...

a republican that got screwed by his own party the racist republicans.

Anonymous said...

Grafiti bond is higher. Compared too all charges put together for the devil.

Anonymous said...

walking bill board "vote republican" tatooed on his face.

Anonymous said...

A face only a mother could love. I say release this poor soul. He definitely looks like someone who would vote democrat this November. And lets never forget about open borders and defund the police. We need more of these outstanding citizens roaming our streets. Lets make Brownsville beautiful again!

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2022 at 8:39 AM

Be careful most gringos come from parents that were released from proson in cockroach europe they carry the genie of crmimminality. They lie cheat rob they are the scum of the UNIVERSE just look at their idol trumputo scum of the universe.... NO LIE!!!!

SENT ALL OF THEM BACK BUT WITH A NO PARKING SIGN oooooops they're not from mijico..... sooooooo sorrrrrrrrrrry meskins...

Anonymous said...

Damn too bad he didn’t write on the graffiti wall…we would of caught him WAYYYYYYYY sinner.

Anonymous said...

He too, like Turi, didn't want to pay for use of private property.

El Diablo will probably start a social media trash campaign against bars, claiming private bar owners are killing downtown night life when they lock their doors after legal business hours, and deny trespassing patrons of free beer, juke box, lighters, cash, and unrestricted access to private property.

Anonymous said...

Done anda el chief Felix "chapete" Sauceda? I heard he's all alone now that the city manager ya ni lo pela. Who is "el Chapete" going to cheer for from now on? I guess he's hoping that the new city manager will allow Sauceda to roll over as he did for Bernal. Get rid of this clown, only good thing he's good at is for posing for pictures any chance he gets.

Anonymous said...

Wow still a criminal was in the juvenile system in early 90s and he’s still at it.

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2022 at 4:53 PM

he don't like women that apply for police now he's got a woman boss hahahaha pay-back!

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2022 at 12:05 PM

June 27, 2022 at 1:03 PM

This is the reason why this blog is amazing. The contributors to the blog are smart, sharp and logical.

These are the natural leaders, politicians, social watchdogs.

Anonymous said...

Bro like seriously, why are you so infatuated with the guy? Did he fire you or your wife prefers him? You been writing the same comments for years about how bad the guy is and he is still there leading the pd. Get your head out of your ass and do something with your joke ass life man. The guy overthere doing his own thing not even worried about you and you spend your days with your panties in a bunch posting the same shit all the time.
