Wednesday, June 1, 2022


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

As we had previously told you, our faithful seven readers, City of Brownsville City Manager Noel Bernal– seeking greener pastures – has given his 60-day notice to the city commission that he's departing for Adams County, Colorado pastures.

Apparently, Bernal, one of two finalists for the Adams County manager position, has nailed it, even as he kept the city  commissioners in the dark.

Now, as his 60-day notice is expiring, the time necessary to do a city manger search approaches. God forbid that the commission appoint Asst. City Manager Helen Ramirez as interim. Ramirez, who has shown zero results as director of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, is currently earning $195,00 for staging career coffee klatches and painting pretty pictures while hiring consultants at $500,000 to do her job.

What's next? What other pilferage of public funds is the city commission going to allow as long as they get them to approve their pet projects?

Have you seen the improvements that Bernal made in his tenure as city manager? Downtown looks as if it was a deserted war zone, except for an occasional oasis fed by public money such as Da Mayor's Dodici corner, the Casa de Nylon, and other favored money pits belonging to public figures.

Ah, well, at almost $250,000 a year since 2018, Bernal made his cash and is now running. And Da Mayor and the commissioners let him do it hailing him as the Kid Wonder at our expense. Will a majority finally gel that will put an end to this pilferage of public funds?

Bye, bye, Bernal goodbye. And good riddance.


Anonymous said...

Save 40 thousand and get rid of him ASAP!

Anonymous said...

Not so nice to somebody that took and took and showed nothing. VALLES A LA CHINGADA PINCHE GUEY MAMON AND DON'T COME BACK JOTINGO.... das da guey to say it!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, Juan, Juan. City Managers, like school superintendents, are always looking for other employers. They worry that a board or city commission will turn against them and they'll be terminated.

Don't blame Bernal. He's young and going placed, like you once were.

Colorado is cleaner, more progressive and has much better climate. Only a fool would turn it down, ese.

Anonymous said...

You can’t blame Bernal…he was smell something coming. Hopefully it’s investigations from the FEDS or Attorney general or rangers or whatever.
When leaders leave in packs it is a sign.

He was told what to do-everything space, everything downtown, everything for the select few…. the city will place a puppet and there will be more downtown projects and friends with benefits projects.

There is no way they hire an independent leader. They will hire a puppet. Look at the past year.

Everything will go downtown to fix a few places… that will benefit the special projects, a few boards and friends of the commission.

Anonymous said...

Glad he's leaving, the only thing he accomplished was to eliminate many employee benefits, gave jobs to friends and he's Total Alignment concept was nothing but Total bullshit as leaders lead by example, something nonexistent on the entire management staff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Get ready for more bad news. Now Helen Ramirez will be named Interim City Manager by Nurith Galonsky backed by John Cowen and Rose Gowen. They will take BCIC money and keep for themselves. Trey will close any of his competition buisnesses and put Brownsville, TX back 25 years.

Not that Noel is or was any better, but they will never look out for us locals.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The problem never has been the city manager; it's uncreative, safe-playing, self-serving City Commission members - including el mayor enano.

You need a new batch of commissioners, people who dare to dream BIG.

Galonsky has a nanny mentality, de Los Santos is an adept brown-noser, Cowen is a bald loser, Gowen is la que siempre anda bitching, Tetreau is a shapely bothead. I'm leaving someone out, but that's because that commissioner is forgettable! Neece was a world-class do-nothing, a complete and utter failure, like one-term Joel.

Bernal worked for them, not solo.

What he leaves undone is on the dickless City Commission!

Brownsville will never change, cause it hates change.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump can fairly be described as a political crime boss. His contempt for democracy and the rule of law is reminiscent of the legendary organized-crime chieftains found in both fiction and reality. He used his presidency (and its aftermath) to enrich himself, along with his family and other members of his inner circle. Trump is deeply attracted to violence, although — like the head of a crime family — does not personally engage in it. He may be a sociopath or a psychopath, but regardless of clinical definitions is certainly antisocial and destructive.

If you are a follower of his, you're a Moron.

Anonymous said...

Wow, since Bernal is leaving, maybe El Chapo Sauceda can grow a pair and TRY to run the police department. Bernal's hand was so far up El Chapo's ass, that when he coughed, you could see Bernal's class ring.
The incompetent, ex-cheerleader from Porter High School has made so many disappointing decisions, that even his wife might already be considering greener pastures elsewhere.
Sauceda, why are so many people leaving your department in such a short time? Surely it's not because of the incredible job your doing. Try to give other officers a chance to work at different assignments. With the latest's assignments, you think no one noticed that your favorites like Commander Mamalouie, El Dell tech Avendano, La narizona Nancy and all SWAT were not moved? Yes, it's favoritism! Pick and choose. And Goddamn, what's up with all those pictures of you? Your so full of yourself Chapo.
GGGGoooo Porter!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bernal should take his assistant James Walker with him so Walker can stop ripping off taxpayers by getting a car allowance and using a city truck every day to "conduct city business ". This rat is laughing all the way to bank by double dipping at taxpayers expense. Only in Brownsville you see this blatant abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

Vieja pansona. pero que boquita. Me la toma toda.

Anonymous said...

City managers, superintendents always looking for greener pastures…..elected officials always looking for people who will “play ball”.

People change…but things dont.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Police Are Now Telling a Very Different Story About What Happened in Uvalde

First there was the waiting, then came the 911 calls from the kids inside the school, then came the killing of those kids, then came the blame on teachers, then came Republican Abbott to say cops did good, then came the story changing, then came the facts, then came the cowardice by the slow-acting cops, then came the realization that it had all be a giant fuckup by law enforcement.

The movie should be great!

Anonymous said...

Hinckley wishes he could "undo" his actions, the attorney said, and wished to apologize to the Reagan family. Hinckley himself was not present in court.
He was hanging from a tree looking for bananas, but he's fine not to worry, as long as there are NO ak's aroung...

Anonymous said...

Weed is legal in Colorado and it’s not Mexican dirt like they smoke in Browntown.

Anonymous said...

Yup Bernal better run...he knew what was coming and so does Police Chief Felix Sauceda!

Anonymous said...

Yup Bernal better run...he knew what was coming and so does Police Chief Felix Sauceda!

Anonymous said...

Yup Bernal better run...he knew what was coming and so does Police Chief Felix Sauceda!

Anonymous said...

Conjunto bernal good luck, hope its greener where you are going by the way it does get fU KING cold over there in Colorado dude, its not like the valley weather at all.

Anonymous said...

Bernal has been an absolute disaster costing the citizens of Brownsville Millions of dollars by hiring unnecessary Assistant City Managers, bogus positions ( talent coordinator, vacancie administrator, a chief of staff Lmao 🤣..a administrator to help oversee the Police Department due to his lack of confidence in the police Chief and the mounting law suits coming out of that department.. The list just keeps going..
Sad how he ripped off the civilian employees just to feed his own paycheck and his huge staff..
Good Riddance...

Anonymous said...

Bernal has been an absolute disaster costing the citizens of Brownsville Millions of dollars by hiring unnecessary Assistant City Managers, bogus positions ( talent coordinator, vacancie administrator, a chief of staff Lmao 🤣..a administrator to help oversee the Police Department due to his lack of confidence in the police Chief and the mounting law suits coming out of that department.. The list just keeps going..
Sad how he ripped off the civilian employees just to feed his own paycheck and his huge staff..
Good Riddance...

Anonymous said...

This guy didn't accomplished a dammed thing for the city other than hiring his friends which were unqualified people like the former public information clown,the HR director without HR experience and with a Mexican college degree at $107,000 annually. Spending millions of dollars in consultants fees at taxpayers expense for work that he and his four assistants supposed to do. He also eliminated many employees benefits causing employees to leave city employment in droves. So glad that he's leaving.

Anonymous said...

Don't let the door hit your behind, Bernal! Hopefully he will not find the same kind of dirty politics in Colorado when he leaves our mess behind. Can he take Trey with him? Maybe Eddie Trevino can join him and we may as well
include Gowen, too.

Anonymous said...

This rat needs to take all the rats , the mayor and all city commissioners. The do nothing gang

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First Sun Country nonstop departs Harlingen for Cancun

Y aqui que? NADA NADA NADA FIRE he can leave with conjunsto bernal...great couple.

Anonymous said...

Bernal underhanded deals catching up to him..

Anonymous said...

Lets not complain about any political official. The voting population placed them there. If you want change you need to become open minded and break away from party lines. Look at the individual not the party. Unfortunately, democrats have been so indoctrinated that they will vote for a monkey if it’s running under the democratic ticket. A horse with blinders cannot see the big picture.

Anonymous said...

Now that Bernal is leaving, I do hope that someone in the city Commission will hff ave the courage to require all city manager staff and other selected few to park their personal cars on city plaza parking areas instead of using metered parking spots every single day taking away revenue from city coffers. All these lazy bozos should not be using metered parking spots, it is extremely easy to identify these abusers as their personal cars have a special permit on their dashboard exempting them to pay the meter. By the way, BPD issues these special permit. And these clowns bragged about "Total Alignment" they have no idea what being a true leader is.

Anonymous said...

Best news for Brownsville in a long time. Bring back Charlie Cabler.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that the new City Manager will rid himself of the biggest liability the City of Brownsville has ever seen. The most lawsuits due to negligence caused by the Brownsville Police Department all due to Horrendous leadership by Chief Felix Sauceda. While favoritism and selective enforcement of disciplinary actions for serious violations of policy and state law have been the norm for Felix Sauceda.
With the most law suits ever filed against the City of Brownsville due to wrongful deaths..This clown Felix Sauceda must go..

Anonymous said...

Yup when the attorneys come calling and statements are taken about that females in custody death all Officers will have to say the truth how the Lieutenant who was at the scene did absolutely nothing but watch and failed to take appropriate action. And not to mention the Patrol Sgt carried the female into City jail and place her in her final resting place.
Why wasn't the female driver taken to the hospital after a major accident? Why wasn't she charged with DWI..It all falls back on the Officers laziness..since DWI requires a little more paperwork something a few Officers especially Officer Carlos Reyes will not only neglect his job but he will pawn the DWI on another Officer then refuse to do the Breath test even though he is a Certified Breath Test Operator...just look back on his reports terrible Officer..
But if the Officers and Lieutenant had done their job correctly that lady would still be alive..

Anonymous said...

@ 7:57 AM

All the shit going on in the world and you are stuck complaining about parking passes? By the way the police don't issue the permits, it's the traffic department.

Anonymous said...

Very true the City of Brownsville will have to pay out and explain to the citizens of Brownsville why they allowed a Police Supervisor to shoot and kill a man who posed no danger to Officers, allowed a police Supervisor to carry in a dead woman to City jail?? Allowed a man to be tased to his death while Officers watched him die..and the.list just keeps going...

Anonymous said...

The time is now to get rid of the biggest joke and mistake Brownsville has ever seen. Time to get rid of Felix El Culreo Sauceda-Bernal..Who has attempted to run the department by bullying and intimidation.
Placing an Officer in the gym as an assignment get the fu** out of here.
Allowing another Officer to work another job while being paid by PD..
And the list goes on with female Officers that have no assignments running around the Office between 8am-5pm..
Rid yourself of this self-serving MOFO!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police CHIEF Felix Sauceda and his clueless Staff and Sauceda's incompetence has finally got
The City Of Brownsville an AWARD!!!!
The award was given to the CITY OF BROWNSVILLE by FOX News after it was named the MOST DANGEROUS CITY to DRiVE In!!
Maybe next time

Anonymous said...

Thankless job at 300k a year is what he's saying! Give the money back pinche mamon than it just might be thankless ESTUPIDO!

Anonymous said...

Waited for Brownsville Police for over an hour at a traffic accident.. Terrible service...just yo be told to file on line...SMFH!

Anonymous said...

Me too someone broke into my car took my wallet and used my cards..Called Brownsville Police Department wanted an Officer was told to file on line. Attempted to talk to a Detective never called back.. Later called a Detective Supervisor no action ever taken..Terrible service by BPD...don't move to Brownsville its not a safe place with no Police protection.

Anonymous said...

Me too someone broke into my car took my wallet and used my cards..Called Brownsville Police Department wanted an Officer was told to file on line. Attempted to talk to a Detective never called back.. Later called a Detective Supervisor no action ever taken..Terrible service by BPD...don't move to Brownsville its not a safe place with no Police protection.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal has done absolutely nothing for his own Department but jeopardize his own Officers.

Anonymous said...

Why is Louie Deleon the gate keeper of the police department's camera system? He's assigned to zoom in and listen to officers conversations and report back to the chief.
Louie has access to the officers body cameras and often goes live to see what the officers are doing and saying in real time. Wouldn't doubt if he watches while the officers are in the bathroom.
Louie has 24 hour access to the cameras downtown. He's been known to zoom into the ladies as they walk downtown with these high resolution cameras. This perve with voyeuristic traits has free range on zooming in on tits and ass from his office, cell phone and home. WTF?
Don't forget when this Perve was caught grabbing a girls ass at a bar on Boca Chica. He was handcuffed but was able to talk his way out of it. Anyone else would have gone to jail. Let's not forget he's an alcoholic to the
point his wife posted pictures of him wasted, sitting in a puddle of piss on the bedroom floor in his underwear.
Keep in mind, Perve Boy Louie also has access to the Ring Door Bell system for those residents that signed up for the vigilance program.
City Commissioners need to look into this. Mayor Mendez what the hell is going on at the Brownsville Police Department. Louie uses his access to these systems illegally for personal reasons against another officer and citizen. El Chapo Felix Sauceda knows Louie has no integrity, yet he keeps Louie in this sensitive position to do the dirty work. #worstchiefever

Anonymous said...

Hey Don't forget that Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda also covered up for a Swat Lieutenant that was involved in a on duty sex scandal with a civilian employee in which Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda forced the female to resign and just moved the Lieutenant to the Patrol Division with no disciplinary action..With the Blessing of City Manager "El Rata" Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal Has moved a female Officer that was having an affair with one of El Chapo's Sauceda-Bernal's Minions and placed her in the same office as his little minion where they remain behind closed doors most of the day!
What a reward for being a good little minion.
Great Leadership Skills he has learned from his lover Rl Rata Bernal...

Anonymous said...

Also don't forget, The expresident of the Brownsville Police Officers Association was also involved with a individual that was arrested by the Fed's for having terrorism ties. Then Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda gave the Union President a promotion and a position with absolutely nothing to do, the only requirement is to not fight as the Chief steals from the Officers.
Make no mistake Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda and City Manager El Rata Bernal are filling their pockets with $$$$!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

June 1, 2022 at 12:39 PM Boohoo hoo! Others got a gold star on their forehead and I didn't. It's not fair so I'll talk trash about others! It is not all about you or on second thought maybe it is. Maybe you are just seeing things from your view. But when others see you, you don't have much to offer. Stop being a cry baby. You guys decided to be cops and you are getting paid for it. No one promised you special jobs. Do your job and get over it. You don't like it? Find another job or retire just like the rest of us have to.

Anonymous said...

There have been some whites as city managers that didn't work, some meskins that were really bad, so who or what is next? Tell muskies to bring a martian and hire his ass, just maybe it will work out...

Anonymous said...

Oye ojete no más porque tienes boca no quiere decir que debes hablar a lo pendejo. El Loui es buena gente de puro corazón. Todo el tiempo que trabaje con el city, el bien atento y ayudándole a todos. El nos trató con más respeto que otros policías y hasta nuestros mayordomos.

Pat Ahumada said...

I will manage the city for free for one year with one condition, the commissioners cannot circumvent management to micromanage departments. Everything is to go through the mayor and management, all ese must be introduced and approved by the commission as a whole. I can make things happen by cutting waste, increase revenues, prioritizing needs and reduce bureaucracy to make this a pro-business administration. This city needs transparency and leadership to make things happen. I know the city and surrounding myself with COMPETENT people will produce results, but as you all know, this will never happen because for the most part commissioners prefer personal agendas, than making the city the agenda

Anonymous said...

Man I thought you cops were supposed to be tough and chingones and shit. But here you are hiding in a blog talking shit. Man sit the fuck down! Why don't you man up and confront these guys and call them all these names and say what you have to say in their face? Cuz they probably knock the fuck out of you that's why! Fuck you putos!!!

Anonymous said...

June 3, 2022 at 6:55 PM
THE JOKE OF ALL TIME HAHAHAHAHA! Just pull out your shoe again and again every time something don't go your guey. IDIOTA

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha jajajajaja I love to read this blog hahahahaha funny at June 3, 2022 at 6:55 PM

Anonymous said...

Pinche mamon apply just like everybody else no mames. No se te quita lo mamon.

Anonymous said...

June 3, 2022 at 6:55 PM

Its still funny and stupid at the same time! BABOSO.

Anonymous said...

June 3, 2022 at 6:55 PM
ANDA PEDO pinche guey

Anonymous said...

He needs another 28k check, remember pendejo that "I've been here 50 years", is no longer there, no sea mamon!

Anonymous said...

par de jotos

Anonymous said...

How ironic that Bernal pushed to screw employees retirement health insurance benefits to save funds but fails to control he's own department budget by allowing his assistant city manager James Walker to drive a city unit and getting a car allowance at the same time. This is consider fraud as you can't double dip at taxpayers expense. The commission should hold both bozos accountable for committing fraud. By the way, it's a $560 monthly car allowance thanks to the taxpayers. Hope commissioner De Los Santos will stand up and stop this blunt abuse.

Anonymous said...

Lawsuits, Lawsuits, and more Lawsuits coming for the City OF Brownsville..
All lawsuits Brought to you by Chief of Police Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal.
