Monday, June 13, 2022



Anonymous said...

It's a go for lawsuits.

The rocket isn't going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Trey Mendez should insist that a local resident be aboard the first launch, alguien como El Capt. Bob o Juan Montoya.

Pos, no que son buenos cuates?

Orale. Raza In Space!

Anonymous said...

What's a go - manned launches?

about time, if so.

On to Mars, vatos!!!

First Barrio in Space.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good, but it won't be - not for Brownsville.


Anonymous said...


Yes, he’s that petty.

Anonymous said...

A no go would have turned Brownsville red.

Luis said...

Corruption to the max everything is fucked up everybody is bought off

Anonymous said...

You can’t tell me that ”Starship/Super Heavy launch operations” won’t harm surrounding wildlife. Musk and the moochers that surround him don’t care.

Bento E. Spinoza

Anonymous said...

The Big Lie is less of a literal belief for Trump supporters, and more a myth embraced because it speaks to their deeper belief: That they're entitled to rule, no matter what.

They don't believe the 2020 election was a "fraud" because of any actual evidence. It's far more that they just think that people who voted for President Joe Biden shouldn't have a right to vote in the first place.

By repeating the Big Lie, they are participating, along with Trump, in spinning a narrative that they are using, just like Trump, as a pretext to justify this deeper and more fundamental belief.

It's just that they know that there's no way to argue out loud that only conservative WHITE Christians should have the vote, so they use these conspiracy theories to perpetuate this ugly belief without stating it out loud.

- you know it.

Anonymous said...

2:44 - yes that's what it is

Anonymous said...

Juan, can you keep the deranged Trump comments out of the stories that aren't about Trump? The TDS and coco/ hillbilly comments are getting old.

Anonymous said...

Only deranged people here are fearful, gun-carrying Republicans who know the time is coming when they will be second-class citizens.

Fear The Wave.

Anonymous said...

June 14, 2022 at 7:53 AM

This is a free country you can open up your own blog but don't wait too long it could change. Hillbillys, cocos and gringos want to rule apurale pendejo.

Anonymous said...

June 13, 2022 at 2:49 PM
Typically meskins are not that stupid but this one is

Anonymous said...

June 14, 2022 at 7:53 AM

What is TDS example?
Let us take an example of TDS assuming the nature of payment is prol fees on specified rate is 10%. XYZ Ltd makes a payment of Rs 50,000/- towards pro fees to Mr. ABC, then XYZ Ltd shall deduct a tax of Rs 5,000/- and make a net payment of Rs 45,000/- (50,000/- deducted by Rs 5,000/-) to Mr.
and I still don't know what TDS is or stands for PENDEJO

Anonymous said...

Space x at the Boca Chica site is just a testing facility. Manned flights will be launched from Florida. With that said, should any manned flights originate from Boca Chica I wish they would offer a free trip to all the local democratic politicians in the area. Maybe they can make a difference in Mars. One exception! We leave Myra here to run the show.

Anonymous said...

June 15, 2022 at 11:29 AM

No no no no its a joke das what it is, he just wanted boca chica and he got it. He's gonna built a wall around boca chica and put another check point, not to allow no meskin inside, believe it fact c/s
