Tuesday, June 14, 2022


(Ed,'s Note: So there will be no runoff, and the Republicans will have one more vote in congress to stymie any of the Biden administration initiatives. Flores will have six months to obstruct any solutions to sensible gun legislation to stop the carnage in our country, immigration reform, and to deny women control over their own bodies. 

This wake-up call should be heeded by progressive voters in South Texas. Time to get to work. Vicente Gonzalez should study the numbers closely as they apply to the new congressional district. Cameron and Hidalgo counties gave Dan a small majority 10,311 for Sanchez to 10,264 for Flores.

Remember that the special election was held under the district's old boundaries –  a so-called fajita district – before the 2020 redistricting that covered not only the Nueces County area, but also counties as far north as Gonzalez. Flores easily carried those. The new district is limited to the areas from Kingsville and below where the voting was much closer and there will only be two candidates in the November general election, Democrat Vicente Gonzalez and Flores.)



Anonymous said...

Stupid valley people never learn and many dont vote.

Anonymous said...

HAAAAAA! Latinos in the Valley woke up! SUCK IT RRUN RRUN!

Anonymous said...

The House of Representatives voted down an amendment to their gun control legislation that would have red flagged gang members and prevented them from buying guns. So Juan, who is blocking common sense gun laws?

Sanchez,should have shaved and lost some(a lot actually) weight. He looks like a javalina.

Anonymous said...

Ol Dan Sanchez got the boot
Ee i ee i oh

Anonymous said...

She can do a lot in a couple of months. Important votes coming up. The whole country will notice her. Great news. FU Vela the quitter. She is going to bend Vicente over. Dan was out worked.

Anonymous said...

Cameron & Hidalgo voted 10,311 to 10,264 "a small majority win" says Juanito, why don't you say REPUBLICANS WON IN CAMERON COUNTY!!! Demorats!!!

Anonymous said...

Chorizo san manuel so what does gilberto hinojete has to say now brown cow?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shergold warned the local democratic party this would happen under the current leadership of Hockema and Hinojosa.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someday you will get it Juanito and forgo the payoffs.

Anonymous said...

Well looks like Vela’s greed and desire to enrich himself just cost the demorats BIGLEY! Wait till November. Mayra will connect with Latinos nation wide. Wait till you see the “squad” she puts together. The midget Vicente does not have a chance against Mayra.

Anonymous said...

All the negative things that were said about Flores and she won. Let's start investigating Cameron County rats. Cameron County democrats are changing to common sense.

Anonymous said...

She broke the Dem lock on Deep South Texas. May her tribe increase. She will just be the first of the Red Wave that will drown the Dems. They have Biden to thank, he is a total looser and everybody with a brain knows it. His both incompetent and soft in the head and liberal polices just do not work for the American people. Piss on AOC, Bernie Sanders and their ilk.

Anonymous said...

Le va pelar el chile a Chente. Vieja mordelona.

Anonymous said...

Another empty-skull Republican, if that's what she really is.

More an opportunist, it says here.

"American Shithole" keeps growing...

Anonymous said...

Blogger El Jerry McHale WRONG again!


ja ja ja Vato analfabeto, Pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Jared Hockema must give his resignation immediately. More Republicans voted against Sanchez by almost 300 votes. The local democratic officials who supported him should resign as well.

Anonymous said...


Hidalgo County went for Sanchez. That is BIG. (Highlights McAllen vs. Harlingen voters). Portends wells for Vicente Gonzalez next year.

Nueces County not far behind.

Cameron County, home to (so many Illegal Aliens and) residents who don't vote lost it for Sanchez.

Time to get real, Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

They planted that piece of caca Coronado,every time you see his ass give him the middle finger salute.

Anonymous said...

Great News! There’s more to come. People are waking up.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County Votes
Dan Sanchez 8,851 46.42%
Mayra Flores 9,065 47.55%

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mayra Flores, a breath of fresh air. Trash out.

Anonymous said...

The liberal liberal far left caused this.
Valley democrat leaders who are getting indicted or got indicted did this
valley Democrats in office who abuse funds to their OWN benefit did this
Valley Democrats who are getting rich in office, did this

Anonymous said...

Democratic politicians have no place in the valley or this country. They're too far to the left. So far left that it has become dangerous to our population. The Democratic Party for years has been working to control the masses. And for years it has worked. A vote for Myra was not necessarily a vote for the Republican Party but a vote for change. Congratulations to Myra on her historic win.

Anonymous said...

This is Great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cameron county flipped from blue to Red!! Republicans are for real. Red wave coming in November. Wake up we need change badly.

Anonymous said...

We lost. Nimodo.

Hinojosa and Jared. GTFO. Like now. Blood on your hands.

Keep pushing the platform left and this will continue to happen. We are not the Dems we used to be. We now love jotos, killing babies, and open borders. We now love progressive philosophies and just about hate American.

Anonymous said...

Good moderate demorats stood silent while the AOC radical children took over the dem party. Now nothing but trannys, perverts, child molesters, thiefs, socialist. How did that work out for you? FUCK ALL OF YOU!! This former democrat is now an independent voter who probably never vote for another democrat as long as I live. You all will be crying delicious tears in November.

Anonymous said...

TEMPORARY in 4 months bye bye.

Anonymous said...

Its TEMPORARY gone in Nov.
