Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Cameron County Chief Deputy Robert Gracia has sued Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño and commissioners Sofia Benavides, Joey Lopez, David Garza, and Gus Ruiz in state court saying they erred in not paying for his defense after he and Sheriff Eric Garza were sued in federal court for political retaliation by Sgt. Rodrigo Almanza.

The Gracia lawsuit was filed Tuesday morning and was assigned to the 404th District Court. 

Almanza sued the pair in federal court in their personal and official capacity for what he charges was political retaliation because he openly supported and campaigned for the late and former sheriff Omar Lucio. He charges that the retaliation started as soon as Garza – who was in a runoff against Lucio –  took office on January 1, 2021.

In his lawsuit in state court, Gracia says that Garza took office on January 1, 2021 and "appointed" him as his Executive Chief Deputy. Then, on April 6, 2021,both were sued by Almanza, in their individual and official capacities and that he on multiple occasions requested a defense from the commissioners curt.

"Defendants ignored, refused to consider, and never took official action on (Gracia’s) request for an attorney and/or a defense in either his official capacity or individual capacity. (They) acted arbitrarily, capriciously, and illegally in not considering and constructively denying Plaintiff a defense and attorney in both his individual capacity and official capacity for the federal Lawsuit. Even though the official capacity suit is essentially a suit against Defendant Cameron, (they) failed to provide legal defense and attorney to Plaintiff in his official capacity. "

He charges that "(they) acted arbitrarily, capriciously, and illegally in not considering and constructively denying Plaintiff a defense and attorney in both his individual capacity and official capacity..."

Treviño and the commissioners voted to appoint defense counsel for Garza, but voted not to provide (and pay for) legal representation for Gracia because he was not an county employee during the period in question in the Almanza lawsuit in federal court. Gracia charges that as a result, he was forced to retain legal counsel to represent him in the federal lawsuit in both his individual and official capacity.

As early as December 31, 2020, Gracia started issuing directives to department employees requiring them to attend Garza's swearing in ceremony and to submit applications for their current positions and warned that if anyone failed to comply, they could face termination. 

But as the commissioners court found out a few days after the complaints started to mount, the county's Human Resources Office informed them that Gracia was not a county employee and had no authority issuing orders, or to have access to personnel confidential information, or to view sensitive case files or undercover and criminal investigations.

In fact, his name was not among the eight individuals who had applied for the chief deputy position and had been improperly "appointed" by Garza as chief deputy.  And if it had been, he would have been disqualified because the job description called for Texas Commission On Law Enforcement (T-COLE) certification and he did not have it. 

It wouldn't be until three months later (March 22, 2021) that Gracia managed to pass the test and that he was officially hired as chief deputy. Almanza's allegations of retaliation by him and sheriff Garza are said to have occurred during the time before Garza was officially notified of his hiring.

Gracia retired from the U.S. Customs before heading Garza's campaign for sheriff and was one of his most generous campaign contributors.

In his lawsuit, Gracia alleges that the court'as Civil Division was in a conflict of interest because it had sued both Garza and Gracia over a dispute over providing security and bailiffs for the county's courts, a duty claimed Garza to be under his authority, but which the commissioners court funded under their court security budget based on an agreement with Lucio. They placed Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez in charge of court security and provided him with a 15-person court security staff.

The court and the sheriff's department eventually reached an agreement transferring security to the sheriff, but continued funding the officers under Gomez to provide security to other county facilities.

In the new lawsuit, Gracia requests the court enter a declaration that he is entitled to be reimbursed for his attorney’s fees by Defendants under the applicable statutes and the common law.


Anonymous said...

Robert Gracia is a NOBODY!

so go ahead and screw is ass. Inutil!

Anonymous said...

He didn’t retire from DEA. Fact-check please

Anonymous said...

Did he get permission from el nino to sue? If not fire his ass Ninio...

Jose Rivera said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The orders for immediate changes and retaliation is true. They made changes based on their loyalty throughout the Eric Garza campaign. I can attest to that but fortunately I have the qualifications and the education to be successful outside of their command. The first day he took office they called me with orders that were ridiculous and they probably thought I was going to submit to their ridiculous expectations but they could shove their orders up their @ss. My level of education was a lot higher than all those idiots combined. I didn’t lose but sadly the jail has taken a huge hit. What’s so unfortunate and tragic is that many lives have been lost due to those changes. The only one that looks like an idiot for appointing complete idiots to run both the Sheriffs Office and the Jail is Eric Garza. Inmates continue to die and another one just died this weekend. Thanks to the voters for believing in this inexperienced candidate. He was not an effective leader with the District Clerks office so how could you expect him to be an effective Sheriff for Cameron County? I hope that the voters make a better choice for the next Campaign and vote for someone who knows what they are doing. Let’s see how many more people die within the next 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Pidiche pay your bill baboso sucking on the taxpayer. Maybe he owes property taxes check him out

Anonymous said...

Gracia ta igual de pendejo que Abraham...both in charge of shit LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Bottom line Garcia, you were not a county employee at the time, and that was one of the requisites for you to be even considered. Why choose the 404th district court? Get over it you lost and time to pay-up.

Anonymous said...

No que muy verguita Gracia PANOCHON!!!!

Anonymous said...

No wayyyyyy!!!! Just because you decide to sue doesn’t mean people need to dish out money. If he wasn’t employed at the time and Gracia gave directives, then he is liable for paying for his own defense. Ni modo, think before you act like a chingon.

Anonymous said...

I’m glad you haven’t forgotten to leave articles like this out Mr Montoya.. People need to know how ridiculous and terrible this administration is .. Garza thinks that he’s doing a great job by throwing popcorn and movies on fridays.. He still the worst elected official Cameron County has seen … All the mamones like Silverio Cisneros, Angel Perez the wife beater/ dog killer , The useless Capt Abraham Rodriguez the dumb dumb are a perfect example of idiots… Muy chingones los putos. Jajajajajaj… oh and let’s not forget the computer geek Eddie Guerra who screwed all his coworkers to be where he’s at ..& now back to patrol … enjoy your time for now it’s gona get rough soon .. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is the legacy of Trump:

Now everybody wants to create their own rules.
First was Arturo Trevino.
Now is Robert Gracia.

Who is next?

Anonymous said...

Inmate is suing Sheriff Garza for being left in a hot van

Anonymous said...

The retarded chief with all his "experience" in charge of nobody! LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Delgado 1
Garza 0

Anonymous said...

Is the sheriff contracting with apartment companies (OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS)to take care of security? We at hillbilly haven in olmito are instructed to call the sheriff for any violations. So if I see somebody throwing trash or cigarette butts or speeding inside the complex to call the sheriff, because they (apartments) no long correct these apartment infactions?

CHECK IT OUT JUANITO my tax dollars being used on private companies that should handle these trivial matters NOT A LAW ENFOREMENT AGENCY!!

Anonymous said...

They (SO)are contracting with private apartment companies to take care of security. check it out

Anonymous said...

Sheriff dept is fked up.The tax payers of Cameron are really getting fked by these incompetent fools County Judge and Commissioners what do you have to say.

Anonymous said...

This Gracia is a worthless piece of shit!
Along with Eric Garza and all the so called Brass and secretaries that drive marked units.
Plus work OT and charge it to grant money.
As easily the Marshall's removed Federal Inmates and Garza lost the contact.... the Feds are going to removed thus grant money.
Come on Judge, Commissioner's and New Auditor look into this.
Everyone knows of all the back shady business these crooks do!!!

Anonymous said...

Where did Gracia buy his hat?

Anonymous said...

June 30, 2022 at 1:04 PM

Are you serious, they charge everything to the county as part of a uniform. Once you work there you no longer buy clothing... fact c/s


Anonymous said...

Expensive color letter head paper PUROS PINCHES MAMONES...Its not their money its the taxpayers footing all these useless spending MAMONES

Anonymous said...

What' the matter robert gracia, the cartel won't give you money to hire an attorney? Or, did buying your position leave you broke? You worthless excuse of a law enforcement officer.

Anonymous said...

What is capt. Abraham Rodriguez in charge of now? Taking out trash? Can't keep a position for 5 minutes before they figure out he is incompetent at everything. Who wants to know story of how he got caught at bp checkpoint on boca chica with bundles.
