Friday, June 24, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Following the fiasco a week ago at Arturo Treviño's Lucha Libre where patrons parked in a private parking lot despite the signage warning that they would be towed if they did, an indignant Turi has now launched a petition to convince the local city commission to come down hard on tow truck owners for complying with their contract with the private lot owners. Can the city really get involved in a contract between two private businesses? Ernie Elizondo, who says he used to operate a tow-truck service said the tow truck operator had complied with the law and posted: 
Hey, we have an idea. Plan better next time. No one is going to stop any tow truck company from towing you today or tomorrow or next decade when you park illegally or in a private parking lot without paying! Why pay the $227 state-capped fee, the proposed $140, or even $5? Just don't park there and avoid the problems to begin with. But that's just too simple for some people, we guess.)


Anonymous said...

Give it a rest. Who cares about the fiasco over parking?

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2022 at 6:53 AM
Open your blog and harass yourself pinche idiota ESTUPIDO!

Anonymous said...

At hillbilly haven in olmito signs are invisible to some tennants but there is a contract with a towing company and has been enforced lately, that is good news here.

OBEY THE PARKING SIGNS ITS THE LAW, WE ARE NOT IN MATAMOROS OR MEXICO. You mojados don't like it go back to your country. Its not a fiasco it STUPIDITY - IDIOTAS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's petition the city so that Turi is given a parking ticket for blocking an alley. There is enough proof of his shitty VW breaking the ordinance on blocking alleys. Hell, he is in the picture as well. I doubt he got a permit for that.

Anonymous said...

Arturo Trevino is probably the stupidest person to come out of St. Joseph Acacademy from Matamoros, MX and Brownsville, TX. He is a spoiled temper tantrum kid in an adult body. He has the mentality of a cry baby kid who throws himself in the Walmart isles when he doesn't get his barbie doll.

He is very stupid to ask the city to force tow trucks in Brownsville to charge $140.00. Are you really that stupid Turi? Seriously!

You can'tpay .50 cents and you want to $140.00? Estupido

Anonymous said...

Arturo Trevino is going to start a Revolution. He is going to declare WAR...against all the rules that he doesn't want to follow.

That is my boy.

Anonymous said...

Call la migra get this idiota outta here. GO BACK TO MEJICO PINCHE MOJADO...

Anonymous said...

Instead of focusing on the cost and amount charged why aren’t they coming up with solutions to the lack of parking downtown. If Leaders and friends of Leaders can’t find a place to park how are we supposed to. Parking and security need to be ranked higher on the list if downtown is going to take off the way it can and should.

Anonymous said...

GRAFFITI WILL GET YOU ARRESTED AND IN JAIL this is peanuts handicapped parking is of no importance here in brownsville


Anonymous said...

Take down the signs.
Spray paint Free parking, per owner.
Or light shit on fire, y correle!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Do not PARK where you are not suppose to otherwise pay the price. Very SIMPLE.

Anonymous said...

To June 24, 2022 at 9:55 your boy should stay in Mata before he gets arrested in BTown and burn Cardenas?

Anonymous said...

Now they want the sign in spanish. Pinches mojados idiotas learn inglisssh before you come here texas is a inglissh only state... look it up morons

Anonymous said...

So how they do it in ranco apestoso? OOOOOh they have no traffic signs there, no wonder..... pinches mojados hediondos.

Anonymous said...

No mames pinche Turi estás haciendo que los perros de San Jose parezcamos idiotas! Escúchame buey, ya llegamos a los JUNITED ESTATES!Déjame recordarte algo, si usas $, no tienes que anotar dólares al final del monto. Ya que estamos en los YEWNITED ESTAYS, se entiende que son dolares.
And my petition: I petition that Turi should not be allowed to file dumb petitions. I petition that stupid drivers not be allowed to drive. I petition that Rancho towing stop being such dicks with people. I petition that Turi gets US citizens to work at his drive thrus.

Anonymous said...

Pedro stay away from Treviño

Anonymous said...

NO means No! What part about NO didn't these idiot's get. Even a dog understands what NO means.

Anonymous said...

La only gringa/coco city comissioner has introduced an amendment for a name change, brownsville to mojadoville. I agree los gringos want no part of the town that mojados do business, besides traffic signs are costly.

La mera grings del southmost is longer call a gringa she wears Chanclas y Sarape to the meetings..

Anonymous said...

I propose we go to his ghetto ass drive thru and set whatever prices we want on what he sells. Sounds fair, huh? But wait, he only sells expired beer and food items. Maybe not. I’ll pass.
