Thursday, June 2, 2022


"COB should not honor Bernal's 60 day notice and just walk him out..." Commenter

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Now that City of Brownsville City Manager Noel has handed in his 60-day notice to the city commissioners, do they have to honor his ultimatum? Or, as the commenter above noted – merely walk him out now and stop his $225,000 salary and benefits?

Some commissioners were astounded when they found out through social media that Bernal was one of two finalists for the Adams County, Colorado, manager, much like Cameron County's Pete Sepulveda.  

Then, after being blindsided by that disclosure, they received his 60-day notice that he is leaving for Colorado pastures.

Since December 2018, the commission has given Bernal all he has asked for, including a well-paid cadre of assistant city managers carrying a nearly $1 million price tag in salaries. 
Would that be enough to guarantee the city the brain power and experience that Bernal said he needed to run the city?

Well, no he wanted something else, highly-paid consultants to do the work he and his overpaid underachievers could not do. In other words, another million to pay outsiders to perform the tasks they are being paid to do.
It's neat trick, if the plans generated by the ghost city management team of consultants succeed, Bernal and his crew can take credit for it. If they don't they can always blame the consultants and still continue milking the city.

The top-heavy salaries at the city manager's office – ranging from 82,000 for the lowest assistant city manager to $225,000 for Bernal and another $195,000 for Helen Ramirez – are but one example of the salary disparities. Other department heads say that the "total alignment" concept pays lip service to one of its strategic goals, the improvement of working conditions and improvement in the remuneration of the average municipal employee.

Ramirez – a graduate of the Bernal School of Consultanship – also has a penchant for spending lavish sums on outside consultants. Asked to encourage space-related industries, she quickly fund one, for almost a half-million dollars. 

She was placed as the figurehead of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, ostensibly to guide it after the city commission did away with that board and took over it themselves. 

So what did they do? You guessed it. They joined to fund a consultant to develop space-related industries. Again, there are no guarantees for the price tag, just a goodwill effort. 

Just as with Bernal's consultants, the agreement between the city and the GBIC pays out $450,000 to a California-based based company to run it. There are no guarantees, of course, as in the consultants for the city manager's office. If they succeed, good; if not, so sorry. The cash is in the bag, anyway.

Ramirez's accomplishments so far? 

Like Bernal, she has a penchant for consultants ($976,420 so far for Bernal) and got the city commission to approve a contract between space port consultant Space Channel from Los Angles, California at $450,000.

We were under the impression that the GBIC was there to bring jobs for local residents, not to hire people from outside and pay them nearly a half-million dollars without any guarantee that their work will be successful. Apparently, there is a new mindset at city hall.

And the hits just keep on coming. Instead of doing the legwork that former GBIC director Mario Lozoya used to do himself and his three-person staff, Ramirez is also going out for consultants to help her in the administration of a north corridor industrial park.

She got the commission to approve the  issuing of a Request for Interest for a master developer firm or consortium to lead the planning, development, and operation of an approximately 730-acre industrial park.

The park is called the Business I-169 North Corridor Industrial Park and it is located on the south side of frontage I-169 between Old Alice Road and Paredes Line Road less than 2 miles from I-69. Again, money going outside the city to pay someone else to do the job they are supposed to be doing. Want to guess how much the outside gunslingers will ask? If the pattern holds up, we're guessing another $500,000.

The new mindset is that money is no object. And that jobs for local residents has taken a back seat on their list of priorities for economic development.


Anonymous said...

Queen makes first appearance on palace balcony as Britain celebrates Platinum Jubilee
Nothing but white superior privilege. Here we have bozos that want the same but will never get it. GET RID OF ALL HIS HIRINGS CUT THE CANCER ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Anonymous said...

Stupid people hire consultants knowing full well that elected officials are worst than them.

Anonymous said...

He’s gone. What you get could very well be worse. Brace yourself for the chaos-

Anonymous said...

Of course, they have to honor it!

There's such a thing as "class," Montoya.

Plus, the next guy will surely hear about it if Brownsville does not honor it. Bernal was never going to be here forever; no city manager ever is. Be glad someone took the thankless job of running a city going nowhere. Locals, then, may be the best candidates to replace Bernal, if your silly logic means anything.

Melissa Zamora is available, btw.


Anonymous said...

Colorado was so impressed with your crack hacks, they hired him anyway.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville’s parks will be throwing block parties.

Cheapskates The Most Extreme Penny Pinchers in the valley, ooooh if it was for bike trails the sky is the limit, pinches agarrados ITS NOT YOUR MONEY MAMONES SPEND IT ON THE TAXPAYES CHILDREN BABOSOS....

Anonymous said...

City should not waste 60 days of pay, two weeks notice y vamonos, out of here. why wait another 45 days? waste of taxpayers, city commission has a right to fire him or let him go since he is just going to pelando el pepperoni. let him go and put Helen as interim city manager while the city looks for a new CM.

Anonymous said...

Helen for city manager and Monica for assistant city manager! Time to give them the chance to lead!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Montoya for this breaking story. This proves Bernal was the one that was totally misaligned from the start.Good riddance!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Show all those bums the door! The sooner the better. Nothing but a waste of taxpayers money!

Anonymous said...

Over a million dollars in Assistant City Managers salaries...LMAO...

Anonymous said...

Time to clean House City of Brownsville and get rid of all these worthless department heads El Rata Bernal hired!
Time for a Total enema!

Anonymous said...

CHIEF FELIX SAUCEDA'S Incompetent leadership continues to shine!
CHIEF SAUCEDA WITH LAWSUIT MOUNTING AND NOW LAWSUITS COMING FROM WITHIN AS Chief Sauceda has now injured several Officers they were all injured at the shooting range as Chief Sauceda has ordered Officers to shoot and exchange gunfire from vehicles.
Sauceda claims to have read a book on gun fighting and Now is an expert on the matter!
One Officer was even shot in the arm during the UNSAFE DRILLS while others were taken to the ER with fragments that had to be removed..
All Officers have been blamed for their own injuries as Sauceda and his incompetent staff continue on their dismal leadership..

Anonymous said...

So many complaints from within Brownsville Police Department time to look at what the hell is going on within this department!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police CHIEF Felix Sauceda and his clueless Staff and Sauceda's incompetence has finally got
The City Of Brownsville an AWARD!!!!
The award was given to the CITY OF BROWNSVILLE by FOX News after it was named the MOST DANGEROUS CITY to DRiVE In!!
Maybe next time

Anonymous said...

June 2, 2022 at 8:30 AM

Thankless Job at 300k a year, and hire consultants to do your job? Que eres ua pendeja y mamon/a/?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Department two top Commanders abandon ship as they see that the current path the Department is on it is heading for disaster.. Maybe now that CBernal is gone the citizens of Brownsville and the city Commissioners will rid themselves of such a self serving D**k head!
Terrible leadership and as it is now known around the department that the Officers who have had Serious troubles in their law enforcement careers are being placed in sensitive positions as The Chief can only find support from these individuals.

Anonymous said...

Not a single Police Officer patrolling the streets or attending traffic situations ..WHERE ARE THE POLICE OFFICERS??

Anonymous said...

Waited for Brownsville Police for over an hour at a traffic accident..Terrible service..

Anonymous said...

We wonder where is the city's internal auditor so he can investigate fraud being committed by city employees. Take for example, employees receiving a car allowance such as James Walker but this abuser utilizes a city issued truck on a daily basis and not only using the truck but also using the city gas pumps on top of receiving a monthly $550 car allowance. Now, if this is not considered fraud, I don't know what else can we call it. The Police Chief also receives a hefty car allowance and, historically, the police chief is issued a city unmarked unit. Not sure if the Police Chief utilities his personal car to be transparent which I hope he does. Unlike James Walker who is double dipping at taxpayers expense. Walker should be fired and ordered to pay back all the money he unlawfully took.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix El Culero Sauceda-Bernal had just named a Chief of Staff too! with his lover gone does this mean he has to fire his new chief of staff?

Anonymous said...

CHIEF Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda implement a new policy They will only hire pendejos. Lo mas pendejo que estes, mejor! Hop

Anonymous said...

So sad, the commissioner's agree to pay all the upper management extreme amounts of money, but yet they can't afford or even consider giving city employees cost of living or even decent and competitive wages. No wonder employees are leaving and the city is struggling to fill in the spots.

Anonymous said...

Vote them all OUT ( Mayor & Commissioners) ASAP in the next election for letting this BS happen

Anonymous said...

Block parties? Doubt it….
Bike trails at least go throughout Brownsville NOT just one area of town.

Brownsville is bigger than downtown.

Anonymous said...

95% of the Browntown population is to stupid to care or understand. Nothing matters except their subsidized government checks.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Melissa Zamora? She is the same as her husband Rick Zayas. Then you have Rubén Cortez in place of Helen Ramirez. Same disaster.

Anonymous said...

By any chance Does Adam’s County Colorado need a city council? Maybe we could put together a package deal?

Anonymous said...

Juan when do the CM employment application process starts? I want to apply, could use that $225K nice salary, is there any other perks? car or car allowance, cell phone? helicopter? maybe a spaceship ride con el Elon Musketeer? let us know.

Anonymous said...

Fking commissioners better get there asses realigned and higher somebody who knows wth there doing.The police dept seems to really fked up the streets are fked the resacas overflow if you take a pee in it the bright idea on boca Chica and PUB IS run by convicts.Time to get your heads out your asses if you can't do the job without patting yourselves on the back then step aside and let others with some energy take a stab at it.

Anonymous said...

What Person thinks melissa zamora is married to rick zayas???

Anonymous said...

June 4, 2022 at 12:54 AM
who gives a shit?

Anonymous said...

I wanna apply I need lana am willing to do anything just pull a string, hide things, lie and lie, come up with stupid ideas, hire todo los gringos, sell sell sell all property below its value, approve every and any request only for elected offiials, deny deny and deny city workers need a pay raise or anything else, reduce salaries of all the labor force, hire all my girl friends and standing by for any type of emergencies (elected official only). My pen and my bank account are ready.

Anonymous said...

So glad that Bernal leaving and he can take his "Total Alignment " bullshit with him as true leaders lead by example which is nonexistent on the entire city management staff. The only thing Bernal accomplished was to hand out jobs to his friends and family. Worst, he eliminated countless employee benefits triggering an exodus of employees leaving for better job opportunities. Good luck to the county employees in Colorado as Bernal will do the same as he done here, cut benefits and hire friends and consultants to do the work they supposed to execute.

Anonymous said...

Bernal brought most of his friends to work for the city of Brownsville. The majority of directors are from out of town, some with college degrees from Mexico even though the city never recognized such degrees in the past for employment purposes. The "Total Alignment " culture he implemented is nothing but total bullshit as leaders lead by example unlike himself, his assistants and most directors which certainly dont lead by example. This guy needs seven assistants to run the city on top of hiring outside consultants to do the work they supposed to be doing. A prime example of total mismanagement is the creation of the Director of government affairs, which has no budget or employees to manage but yet earns $90,000 a year plus fringe benefits. Time to get true leaders.

Anonymous said...

Now its time to get rid of Chief Felix Sauceda he was just an extension of Noe Bernal...Time to say goodbye!!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Sauceda has been a huge disappointment...allowing favoritism, bullying, sexual harassment to run rampant within the department..Terrible Leadership or should I say NO leadership from Chief Sauceda.

Anonymous said...

Chief Sauceda has done absolutely nothing for Brownsville Police Department except ruined everything the Departments reputation..
Terrible Chief of Police!

Anonymous said...

To 8:57
Are you ready to sell below value, pay ABOVE value, fund the remodeling of your friends buildings, ensure only “certain groups”have access to grant funds, tax funds, grants? Are you willing to hire all their girlfriends, boyfriends, and give away city resources?
Don’t worry in brownsville even if you don’t work for the city you can still get an email, name tag, parking spot, meals, etc
Don’t forget to adopt an ethics policy entitled “utilizing loop holes for the your greater good”

Anonymous said...

I Totally agree.. I was a huge supporter of Of Felix Sauceda sadly ge has been nothing but a disappointment 😔... and it is clear he is just self serving.. He should leave with Noe Bernal...

Anonymous said...

Sorry but Chief Sauceda is a loser!

Anonymous said...

Juan so edinburg is paying the new lady city manager $225K just like brownsville salary enough thought its a smaller town, previous CMs used to make a way lot less, must be because she is la girlfriend del new mayor garza?, guess that wont happen here with our mayor thank god, hear that Helen?

Anonymous said...

June 5, 2022 at 12:53 AM
Can't happen here el enano es un maricon...

Anonymous said...

June 4, 2022 at 2:27 PM
You got better ideas you apply. Don't forget the commission for not patching potholes is $150. per pothole not patched... include that on the contract...

Anonymous said...

Hope Noe Bernal burns in hell!! Taking from the employees of Brownsville, take from the poor to make himself richer and the employees of Brownsville poorer!

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to work for the City Of Brownsville as Bernal violated all employees of the we citizens of Brownsville just to make him and his friends and family members rich...good Riddance you SOB!

Anonymous said...

Take your total alignment bullshit with you and stick it up your A** Bernal!I agree good Riddance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Noe Bernal take your little bitch Felix Sauceda with you! Sauceda wasn't worth a fu**! Well I take that back Sauceda did earn the prestigious award of being the worst Police Chief in Brownsville History!

Anonymous said...

Bernal's implementation of "Total Alignment " concept was only a smoke screen to try and fool city employees in thinking that is a perfect work setting. The truth is, it was not as we know that true leaders lead by example something nonexistent on the entire city management staff as well as most directors. Take for example, the entire city management staff including secretaries as well as the HR director park their personal cars on metered parking spots daily while requiring all other city employees who work at city hall to park their personal cars at city plaza. You guessed right, they're too lazy to walk two blocks. Their laziness shortchange city coffers as they all have have a special permit displayed on the dashboard exempting them from paying the meters. Again, true leaders lead by example.

Anonymous said...

Bernal's implementation of "Total Alignment " concept was only a smoke screen to try and fool city employees in thinking that is a perfect work setting. The truth is, it was not as we know that true leaders lead by example something nonexistent on the entire city management staff as well as most directors. Take for example, the entire city management staff including secretaries as well as the HR director park their personal cars on metered parking spots daily while requiring all other city employees who work at city hall to park their personal cars at city plaza. You guessed right, they're too lazy to walk two blocks. Their laziness shortchange city coffers as they all have have a special permit displayed on the dashboard exempting them from paying the meters. Again, true leaders lead by example.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Bernal did was eliminating employee retirement benefits and also getting rid of Nationwide and selecting a new company managed by someone he knew beforehand. He made a mess and get to leave as if no damage was done. He can take his "Total Alignment" bullshit with him when he leaves.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Bernal did was eliminating employee retirement benefits and also getting rid of Nationwide and selecting a new company managed by someone he knew beforehand. He made a mess and get to leave as if no damage was done. He can take his "Total Alignment" bullshit with him when he leaves.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of that fu***** Rat Bernal!
Taking benefits away from the already poorly paid City of Brownsville employees.. While he begged the City commission for a huge pay increase..Then to make matters worse he hires so many assistants then hires assistants for them???WTF...All with huge yearly salaries.
Good Riddance to City Manager Noe Bernal nothing but a thief in a suit!

Anonymous said...

Its a well known fact around Brownsville City Hall that City Manager Bernal has a standing order that if anyone from the upper Valley applies for a job the be considered first!!!
City Manager Bernal has made it abundantly clear that he believes the citi6of Brownsville are a bunch of Dumb Asses!!!
May City Manager Bernal burn in Hell!!!Get Rid of that SOB!

Anonymous said...

FELIX SAUCEDA si sabe, querre mi Chile.

Anonymous said...

Que se Vaya a la verga Felix Sauceda

Anonymous said...

We now need to get rid of the Mayor, city Commissioner that ain't worth a fu**!

Anonymous said...

City Manager Bernal has promised his lover Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda-Bernal he would make him the Chief of Police of his hometown of La Villa so he could implement his total misalignment Bullshit! As El Culero Sauceda's own Department is ready to feed him to the dogs!!!Good Riddance!!!

Anonymous said...

Want to Do Less Time? A Prison Consultant Might Be Able to Help

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

June 5, 2022 at 7:43 PM

So that's why there's a number on every pothole. I didn't know why, now I know, pinches mamones.

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal couldn't get his total alignment bullshit to work.. Why you ask because it was a bunch of smoke if he really was going to implement it he wouldn't have Stripped everything from his employees who were already making salaries below the property level then to make matters worse he took much needed health benefits from them all so he could get a raise and hire all his buddies..5 assistant City managers with salaries inexcesses of million
Took a way Nationwide then gave them a company his friend owned and made all employees invest in it..
El Rata Bernal did absolutely nothing for Brownsville but line his pockets and those of his friends.

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal couldn't get his total alignment bullshit to work.. Why you ask because it was a bunch of smoke if he really was going to implement it he wouldn't have Stripped everything from his employees who were already making salaries below the property level then to make matters worse he took much needed health benefits from them all so he could get a raise and hire all his buddies..5 assistant City managers with salaries inexcesses of million
Took a way Nationwide then gave them a company his friend owned and made all employees invest in it..
El Rata Bernal did absolutely nothing for Brownsville but line his pockets and those of his friends.

Anonymous said...

How ironic that Bernal pushed to screw employees retirement health insurance benefits to save funds but fails to control he's own department budget by allowing his assistant city manager James Walker to drive a city unit and getting a car allowance at the same time. This is consider fraud as you can't double dip at taxpayers expense. The commission should hold both bozos accountable for committing fraud. By the way, it's a $560 monthly car allowance thanks to the taxpayers. Hope commissioner De Los Santos will stand up and stop this blunt abuse.

Anonymous said...

El Rata Bernal allows corruption,Bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace..A perfect example is the Brownsville Police Department and the way El Rata Bernal has allowed his lover Felix El Chapo Sauceda-Bernal to allow this inside the Department and just looks the other way if he gets any complaints...Terrible City Manager...

Anonymous said...

Chief of police Sauceda please get with Montoya and find out who the cop is that is writing all the anonymous comments. The comments show he has multiple personalities and is delusional. He thinks people dont know it is the same person putting the same comments over and over and answering to his own comments. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

FORMER Brownsville Police Officer indicated..LMAO Chief Felix "El Chapo" Sauced- Bernal now trying to distance himself from his padrino and compadre Joe Salinas..Make no mistake the guy was employed and was an Officer up until his Arrest.. Felix El Chapo Sauceda is a liar and a huge fake...not to mention a P**y!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another Epic Failure by Chief of Police Felix "El Chapo" Sauceda-Bernal as he attempted to protect his padrino, compadre Joe Salinas then acts as if he use to work at the Police Department by saying Former Officer lmao!!!Then trying to act as if Brownsville Police Department had any involvement with the Investigation!Besides Felix El Chapo attempting to cover up for Officer Salinas and allowing him to continue his Criminal Enterprise on duty while also on the clock for the City of Brownsville and El Rata Bernal fully aware of the Criminal Activities being allowed By Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda..
More indictments coming!!!

Anonymous said...

YES please write a Huge Article on Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda to show how incompetent this guy really is... He is just a self-serving M/F!
