Thursday, June 16, 2022


COMMENTER: "I checked the voter roster for in-person and early voting on the Cameron County Election web site and, unless he registered under a different name, Elon Musk does not even show up on either roster as having voted..."

RRUN-RRUN FACT CHECK: According to the Cameron County Department of Elections and Voter Registration, Musk voted at Precinct 14 (and 4, 60, 82) El Jardin Elementary School, 6911 Boca Chica Blvd., Brownsville. 

Of course, the ballots are cast in secret, so we can only take him at his word and assume Musk is being truthful when he reveals his vote, which he didn't have to.

But then again he's received millions in incentives from the federal government and from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to bring his business to Texas, had the legislature allowing him to close and open access to Boca Chica beach during testing and launches of rockets there, and has received tax abatements and incentives fro Cameron County and even the City of Brownsville. Texas Republicans have been very, very, good to Musk.

In the upcoming general elections for Cameron County Judge, will Republican Carlos Cascos count on
Musk's vote (and financial support) in his race with Democrat Eddie Treviño who has given him everything he asked for?

A quien le dan pan que llore?


Anonymous said...

There is a ground-shaking quake in our politics. And it has little to do with Trump. Musk reflects the New Voter Mentality, one that says, "Fuck it! Let's do something different."

Democrat & Republican, as we used to define the parties, will go the way of the dinosaur.

Expect a blooming of other parties!

Anonymous said...

The rich will always vote their own self-interest and not for the general good. This is just another non-surprising example.

Anonymous said...

So now we know Musk will vote for Cascos after all the favors Little Eddie did for him. It would not shock me to see he donates to Erasmos Castro against Joey Lopez.

Anonymous said...

Ya ganó Erasmo…. With Musk on his side, the moon 🌚 is the limit. Arriba Musk, Ojetes!!!

Anonymous said...

He should vote Republican.

Look what the democrat city leaders did with his donation——
Lights that don’t work
Buildings for elected officials
Buildings for elected leaders groups/friends/organizations
Art work for out of town artists

The acts above is what moved the dems to vote red
They got to go.

Anonymous said...

Erasmo is a republican? thanks for the heads up, please tell us what other Republican candidates we have here in cameron county.

Anonymous said...

June 16, 2022 at 9:33 AM

If donation are involved ALL OF THEM...

Anonymous said...

The check point at sarita is getting pictures of the newly elected officials so that the agents can identify them and not harass them...(to aggressive pressure or intimidat). happy travelin'
i just heard that one just now...

Anonymous said...

So you don't like Musk because he's voting Republican. But you sure like his money, the money your greedy Democratic politicians gladly accepted. Respect the man for his intelligence. Something we know little about in this area. Are you guys seeing the big picture? Brownsville democrats have been catering and will continue to cater to a Republican. I love it!

Anonymous said...

@9:33 AM
If you don't know who's a Republican and who's a Democrat you shouldn't even be voting.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Trevino is changing to Republican too. He follows the money but if the Republicans lose again, he becomes a Democrat again and his reason will be: I didn't get drunk at the mayor's pizza place in downtown Brownsville. Maybe, he lose his mind when he brought all that land to bring the gas line from Edinburg to Brownsville for the Tensika power plant that was never built but where did all that money dissappear into someone pockets.

Anonymous said...

Mezquins need to get their heads out of the sand and smart up. Get real raza! Go Mayra!

Anonymous said...

I love the taste of demorats tears.

Anonymous said...

All the demorats in denial about what a huge win this was for Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Jared having a emergency meeting with local democrats this saturday after Sanchez loses to a trump republican. Wouldn't been better to have the meeting before the election Jared?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FYI, there is a story in MEDIATE about Flores victory in which FOX NEWS is taking a lot of heat for praising her victory but not disclosing her support for QAnon & how she amassed so much financial support. Real interesting story Juan.

Anonymous said...

Hope she does a good job. Seems very humble and level headed.

Anonymous said...

Let's gooooo Cascossss.... I mean Cascos never did crap for anyone specially law enforcement.... hope this time around its different.... bye bye Eddie...

Anonymous said...

Q anon, LoL you dip shit. There is no couch thing as Q whatever. False flag Created by Hillary. All you need to know is Mayra kicked you alls asses and it’s just the beginning!

Anonymous said...

Oye Montoya, now what have you got to post about the WIN? Its pretty damn obvious that intelligent democrats voted their mind after deducting that Washington has failed the Valley. Example being that POS in Filemon Vela who quit before his term expired to go out and make chingos of money being a POS lobbyist. Filemon Vela quitting attitude only proved that he was not a real or loyal democrat. Or maybe, his intelligence finally made him realize that this dumb ass, biden was not pulling it off? Mayra Flores will win in November because that short POS Vicente Gonzalez is not from Cameron County and did nothing along with Vela for Cameron County or much less the Valley.

Anonymous said...

So what's she gonna do now play tiddlywinks, a tic-tac-toe or Chinese checkers?

Anonymous said...

Why should anyone vote for any party that does not have their best interests at heart.
Democrats have no moral high ground to stand on, for that matter neither do Republicans.

But I'll be damned if I give shit about someone who is to fucking lazy to support themselves, fuck that.

Why should I be sympathetic to some dipshit sneaking into the USA and then demanding to be taken care of. If they are to lazy or ignorant to fix their own country then I have absolutely no sympathy.

I care not about anyone from anywhere that does not have my best interest at heart.

No we are not all in this together.
