Friday, June 24, 2022


The House approved the gun-safety measure, 234 to 193, one month to the day after a gunman stormed into an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and used a semiautomatic rifle to kill 19 children and two teachers. Mayra Flores, the newest congresswoman from District 37 in South Texas, voted "No".
Flores – who won the seat in a special election to fill the unexpired term of Filemon Vela who resigned to become a lobbyist last March – faces Democrat Vincente Gonzalez in November's general election in the new congressional district. Gonzalez voted "Yes" with the bipartisan majority to pass the bill.
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Vicente Gonzalez Responds to Mayra Flores’ NO Vote on Bipartisan Bill to Keep Children Safe From Guns

Rio Grande Valley, TX — Today, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez responded to Mayra Flores’ vote against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act on the House Floor.

Congressman Gonzalez joined fellow House Democrats and 14 Republicans to support this bill, drafted in part by Texas Senator John Cornyn.

“Within days of being sworn in as a United States Congresswoman, Mayra Flores voted against a bipartisan bill crafted by our state’s senior senator, John Cornyn,” said Congressman Gonzalez.

“This bill would keep our children safe, provide mental health resources, and keep guns out of the hands of cartels and other dangerous individuals. Given the recent tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, that claimed innocent lives, today’s vote is a betrayal to our American values and families in South Texas.”


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A frequent commentator in Truth Social

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's in matamoros...

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that she is driving you all crazy.

Anonymous said...

Will be voted out in November, just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

God, Family, Country but I got AR 15 style rifle so f*ck them all. This politician is scary. She looks so dedicated in her political poster until you see her picture with a gun. For our sake I hope I am wrong about her. Someone mentioned Matamoros watch her have ties to the cartel.

Anonymous said...

If you have a gun in your house you have a much higher chance to be killed by that same gun…

People die because of domestic violence, suicide and children playing with guns

Bento E. Spinoza

Anonymous said...

You just lost the election.

Anonymous said...

Doing her job already.

Anonymous said...

She's about to get soaked in valley politics. Enjoy your brief time in Congress. Vicente will wipe the floor with this novice.

Anonymous said...

And fuck you too!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon. of June 24, 2022 at 4:24 PM


Anonymous said...

Mayra is a one hit wonder. Democrats stop being lazy and campaign. Sorry Sanchez but you got what you worked for. An election loss. Typical of Cameron County politicians … feeling entitled. Things have changed. Having to work is not a sin.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher on HBO slams Dan Sanchez comments about Democrat party. Stop whining.

Anonymous said...

Los cangrejos del valle!!! Felices qué se queden abajo todos los cangrejitos! Filemon bo les ayudo en NADA!! Solo se va llenar sus bolsillos!

Luis said...

Leave her alone she's a good woman.

Anonymous said...

Somebody tell her what bipartisan stands for!!! Its not bye padrino nor bye democrat pinche pendeja....Oh well she's got to November y ADIOS PADRINA!!!

Anonymous said...

They ran out of jackets when reloading and sent her to get some more. Guess what, she went to Ross!!! Hahahahahahaha jajajajajaja moron...

Anonymous said...

I do not understand. I have seen no outrage by the people over all the AR 15's and killing of children, or the end of abortion. We all know the DemocRATS are just big self-serving individuals and do not give a rats ass about the people. Myra will win because she is not a DemocRAT. No will care about her crazy politics.

Anonymous said...

10:29 p.m. Bill Maher is a blowhard who never ever takes responsibly for how often he is wrong. I will never forget when he called George W. Bush brilliant for wanting to bring democracy to the middle east.

The guy can not go one episode without blaming religion for everything. I guess his regular viewers are too stupid to get it the first time he says it.

A friends will message me every Saturday morning to tell me how brilliant Maher is and I have begged her to stop because I am not reading the message.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that will keep our population safe is the Republican Party who believe in strict laws. Currently, too many wolves are being set free to roam among the sheep. No bill(s) will keep guns out of the hands of Cartels and other dangerous individuals. Have you idiots forgotten you have open borders? Anyone with cash, no age limitations, can sneak a fully automatic weapon through the border. I’m not talking about an AR15. I’m talking about an AK47. One of the deadliest weapons ever built. These guns just happen to be in great supply throughout Central America. And you idiots think a bill(s) will keep the population safe. Democrats, little brains big mouths.

Anonymous said...

Anon of June 24, 2022 at 4:37 PM


Anonymous said...

Anon-June 25, 2022 at 8:13 AM


Anonymous said...

I voted for Mayra because she's MAGA. Plus she drives the liberal sheep crazy. Let's go Brandon!

Anonymous said...

I am happy you don't own a weapon or maybe you do. Again asshole, how many people in Uvalde own guns? Take them away from them and give them to Chicago where blacks kill themselves every weekend for fun. Look at the numbers fool, not voting for you. You have done nothing but blame on Trump theme.

Anonymous said...

She has all you Dem scared shitless. Good for her!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6/25 8:36 a.m.
"No one will care about her crazy politics." Por eso estamos como estamos. DemocRAT or RePUBICan vote your well informed conscious. Most politicians are in it for themselves very few are like the drunkard of Ulysses S. Grant and the peanut farmer Jimmy Carter.

Anonymous said...

Vicente is a Chinese asset. I bet most Democrats posting here can't legally own a firearm anymore.

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2022 at 10:26 AM
reputocans lovin tumputo, puros red-ass racist republicans...

Anonymous said...

Once again, the Democrat run House of Representatives voted down an amendment to their gun control legislation that would have red flagged gang members and prevented them from legally buying a gun. Democrats don't want to take guns away from criminals. Chente Gonzalez is talking out of his Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

Democrats saying she'll be "temporary", they also said inflation would be temporary. They don't learn.

Anonymous said...

the trifecta will caucus in burgos this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I heard none of the trifectas own mirrors. cocos...

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends ... that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them

Poor racist republicans, they can't help it. The were born with silver feet in their mouths.

Conservatives feel they deserve everything they’ve stolen.

When God created Republicans, he gave up on everything else.

Trump is the intellectual of the Republican field the way Moe was the intellectual of the Stooges.

Anonymous said...

La coca sin cola got a call from the speaker of el congal (house) not to routinely go back to mijico to vist on weekends or.....

Its ok to go to canada, england, germany or france but mejico no gueya.

Anonymous said...

Why was there so much non firearms bs in the New Gun Bill? And how do any of the new measures stop mass shootings? Look at New York, Chicago, and California, strict gun laws yet criminals running around shooting each other everyday. Its like criminals don't care about laws.

Red Wave Coming...

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2022 at 5:09 AM

WORMS are red

Anonymous said...

le despeino el chango a esta charra.
